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    8/10/14 - 8/12/14 road to lucid dreaming

    by , 08-12-2014 at 03:40 PM (409 Views)
    Key= Light Blue: Non-Lucid Dark Blue: Lucid Real Life:BOLD
    Me, my friend Adnan as Well one of my Old friends Sinai were going for a walk in Streets, Freeways, a Forest. At that point Sinai turned back saying "We will be truent, I forgot to talk to Kasie today." I nodded at this. We then walked through a Jungle and a Savvanah we met many dangers that we ran from like Wolves, Elephants, Lions, and I remember it was really hot. Eventually we turned around going back to our High School. I suposse Me, Sinai, and Adnan we were 9th Graders. School ended 30 Minutes later then the orignal time and some people were mad some people were happy for me and Adnan. I thought 'Hmm maybe Adnan can walk to my House and I can walk to his?' I then thought 'What the Heck how could that walk be 7 Hours? Am I Dreaming?' I thought. My vision became blurry and I woke up.
    Anyways after that I remembered Lucid Dreaming I started to do Reality checks often...I notice my dreams start to become clearier. On my hand I wrote Awake :3 and Reality Check? I got really Interested in lucid dreaming, again. I almost did Lucid Dreaming 8-11-14 but my dad Woke me up....I could start to feel my lower body become Parylized. I almost fell asleep I hope I can accomplish it tonight. I use Light Switches, Hands, Mirror, Reading, Plug nose and shut mouth to see if you can breathe good and, another method which is writing. In the Comments below help me with my Journey of epicness and lucidness.
    BTW for future Dream Posts there will be different Color keys.

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    lucid , non-lucid , side notes
