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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. All I could remember

      by , 09-04-2014 at 12:55 PM
      Some friend probally a DC I never knew told me that their is a new Free Game with Gold on Xbox will come out.
      Feelings: Happy, Suprised, Worried
      Location: My House
      Objects: The Phone
      People: Me, DC Friend
      dream fragment
    2. 12/23/2013 Dreams

      by , 12-23-2013 at 09:49 PM
      Dream 1:Small Fry
      I wake up and, everything is normal or so it seems I'm walking down my hallway. I notice everything is big. I'm like "Wow isn't that neat." I get to the kitchen what seems like a Half-Hour Later. And, I realize I'm lucid dreaming. I facepalm. -Dream Ends at that Point-
      Dream 2:Time Travel
      I wake up when I was a Baby. I freak out like anyone would. So, I realize its a Lucid Dream. I Imajine Chuckie and Tommy from Rugrats are here. And, we play. -Can't Remember anything else....-
      lucid , dream fragment