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    Vegeta and the Sonic adventure

    by , 09-28-2014 at 08:10 PM (599 Views)
    Vegeta and the Sonic adventure:
    Vegeta and, the Z-Fighters are told by Sonic that they have to go somewhere.
    Vegeta goes into the place, Shadow and Cream and the others are there.
    It turns out Sonic was evil and Captures Vegeta.
    Vegeta is captured and, he doesn't know why the others are rescuing him...

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    1. PercyLucid's Avatar
      I had a dream with vegeta long time ago, but I might have not tagged the dream because I can't find it. I was either vegeta or I was helping him.
    2. blazingnyancat's Avatar
      Is it Dinner with Vegeta?