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    Vivid Dreams but not Lucid + Apple Juice

    by , 08-21-2014 at 09:57 PM (391 Views)
    I had a Vivid Dream but not Lucid.
    I took a Lucid Dream pill or I listened to some audio and I passed out in the dream.' (IT FELT REALLY LIKE I PASSED OUT)
    I woke up and I was at some computer and it was giving me a Tutorial to Lucid dream It told me to reality check "right now" at that moment I was paying attention to everything else the tutorial didn't mention WILD or any ILD's I didn't reality check though.
    _Apple Juice_
    I heard If you drink apple juice your Vivid-ness gets better and you may have lucid dreams.
    As long as it doesn't have sugar than I'm in for it. I think I'm getting closer to lucid dream

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    non-lucid , memorable
