Wrong Route
, 01-24-2015 at 05:27 PM (510 Views)
I'm on the Bus and, something is off and can't put a finger on it. I notice all the trees are different colors and houses it doesn't seem right but that's not it.
This is a different Bus Route huh?
I look at my hands I count 6 on each and stick one of my fingers into my left hand it feels squishy. I'm dreaming huh?
It's a little over 12:00 PM all of the sudden but I shrug that and go on Dreamviews to write my lucid dream.
I wake up, it's 7:30 AM-ish I go back to sleep
I'm dreaming again, Look at my hands notice that it's 6 fingers again like last time. I look around the bus there's my one friend he plays his 3DS on the bus and he's doing that, I notice my Brother and some other people I saw on the bus but don't talk to. And...I think about Waking Life. I know I am awake now, I don't open my eyes. Just try to goto sleep. (Wanted to sleep in today)
Same Dream again, but we stop at a bus stop, a stop I'm not fimilar with. I get off the stop and Yell Quietly "Clarity!" The dream's Quality went up from a 4-ish to a 8. I manage to stay in the dream for a few more minutes.
Awaken, I open my eyes look at the clock its 9:30 AM. I get out of bed now.
(Its 10:27 AM When I wrote this.)