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    BloodSand's Dream Journal


    by , 11-15-2017 at 12:34 AM (680 Views)
    I'm at a school, probably a high school. Some guy sticks a firecracker in some girls sandals and she is really hurt. I try to find the guy to kick his ass but I didn't see where he went. Some of the girls seem to be tending to there hurt friend and another guy seems to think he saw where the kid with the firecrackers went. We together chase after him.

    We never do find him. At some point I forget about this earlier part of the dream. At the cafeteria I notice that with all the food there is about one bites worth of what looks like chocolate cake. It's always on top of the other foods, only one bites worth, but no one seems to notice these pieces of cake even though they aren't likely to taste good with a lot of the things they are on. At some point I learn this is part of some mind control.

    Having learned about the cake I find that four entities are after me, 3 angels and a demon working together. Somehow I get hold of a demonic blade and I defend myself from the demons attack, when I block his blade with mine he see's the blade and withdraws back to the other 3. One of the angels now attacks I counter in the same way and the angel drops it's blade and I pick it up, now wielding a demon's blade in my right hand and an angel's blade in my left I see above people strings coming down from the sky to the bodies of most every person like marionettes.

    I test the strings by using the angel's blade to cut off an old woman's strings of about 70-80 years old . She acts erratic and without reason without her strings. Myself and the others that knew of the cake don't seem to have any strings though we act fairly reasonably.

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    Updated 03-22-2019 at 06:36 PM by 14374

