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    An Old Classmate is Speaking

    by , 06-30-2015 at 09:09 PM (519 Views)
    Morning of June 30, 2015. Tuesday.

    This is one of those odd but generic dreams with mostly only louder audio over a seemingly long time period, though I do have my eyes open at some points in both my main dream and in my false awakenings. It has several false awakenings as well as real partial awakenings where I hear my wife’s breathing (which seems to somehow be creating the other voice at times), though it is only barely audible. Although I would classify it as a typical environmentally-influenced dream, the change in sound in-dream in contrast to the actual audio (as well as its volume) is rather bizarre. This has also sometimes happened when I fell asleep during a television broadcast (as well as with music) and, although the sound sometimes sounded the same in-dream, it sometimes changed in dramatic ways. (Similar to having one-second dreams every few minutes while in semi-sleep while watching television, sometimes which are mostly like the real image, sometimes which are completely different, often having a grid or thin lines or even briefly glowing “asterisks” in some parts).

    In my dream, I continuously hear an old classmate (Bobby S) speaking to me (which is strange, as I have not heard his voice since 1976). I am not sure if it is by telephone or directly near me, but I do not see him, so I assume we are having a long telephone conversation. (Unlike similar dreams of this nature, the sound comes from the environment rather than the ear that is on my pillow.) He does say “good morning” at first. I do not recall most of what else was said or spoken about and he does most of the talking (sometimes even seeming to answer me when I do not perceive myself as speaking). Though we were not that friendly in reality (even having a brief fist fight in high school), he sounds very friendly in my dream. Every now and then, either a false awakening or a temporary partial awakening comes about randomly. I do not seem to be cognizant of sleep paralysis - which I assume (only in conscious afterthought) that I must be in to be so “grounded” in my actual bed next to Zsuzsanna as a continuous (and undistorted) setting. However, there are none of the pleasant feelings and augmented “conscious-self-as-dream-maker” awareness as with sleep paralysis.

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    Tags: speaking, talking
    false awakening
