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    White Crustaceans & Lobsterpocalypse

    by , 12-31-2021 at 06:31 PM (670 Views)
    2 minute 28 second read.

    White Crustaceans

    From Friday, 31 December 2021

    Dream #: 20,101-04 (Last dream of last morning of 2021)

    In an unknown location, I climb the side of a mountain in daylight with little effort. The view is beautiful as I see valleys and gorges under a blue sky.

    After ascending a slope (and “walking with intent”), I arrive on flat ground and see small white crabs walking several inches apart in a line (as if marching with a human-like essence). I am unwary as the scene begins to seem silly.

    A former Nazi concentration camp appears in an illogical elevated location on the other side of a barbed-wire fence. It seems abandoned. Areas between the groups of equidistant buildings are illogically too narrow.

    Lobsterpocalypse (Re-titled)

    From Friday, 3 November 1972

    Dream #: 2,146-09

    Small white lobsters threaten human civilization, but my dream mainly implies people have to secure their homes and not go outside for a year or two. The area is undefined except for an unfamiliar library, a vacant field, a deep narrow gorge, and distant mountains.

    The library is the only building in the narrative. I do not otherwise see evidence of a town. My dream self perceives the location as being in Florida, even though Florida does not have such landmarks as high mountains and deep gorges.

    I explore the vacant field. Here and there, I see circular holes in the ground as if made for a barbecue. Piles of small white lobsters fill most of the shallow recesses. I am uncertain if they are alive. Someone might have cooked them. There is a vague feeling of nausea, but not predominant.

    Tina L_____ (a girl from my school about my age) is at the unrecognized public library where I am. There is an implied fear at times, but it feels like we are pretending as I also perceive my dream’s narrative as a movie in progress. She pretends to have an Australian or British accent at times.

    A few small white lobsters emerge from between books on the shelves. Most are at about chest level.

    We need to leave the library and escape from the region because more will supposedly arrive. No one expresses any concern. They remain seated at tables or look for books on the shelves.

    We will be “safer than anyone else” by taking a particular route. However, as we quickly walk easterly over the vacant field, our progress is halted by a deep narrow gorge. I see a raging river far below, but only barely visible because of the depth. Concern fades at this point as I choose to wake myself.

    My dream narratives primarily develop from familiar physiological causality but often include choices on what my dreaming experience will feature, with or without what people claim is “lucidity.”

    Crabs and lobsters typically imply associations with my somatosensory phasing response to REM atonia when navigating the illusions of dreaming. The circumstances vary, from intuitively knowing I cannot maneuver my fingers (or toes) while sleeping (associations with a crustacean claw) to anticipated sensations relating to my hands. Coins occur far more often during this process (as I often intuitively summon them to vivify and sustain a dream), but an animal nibbling my fingers may also occur when protoconsciousness is predominant.

    Vestibular-motor sensations are the predominant factor of causality, including flying (every sleep cycle since before I could read or write), slope navigation, navigating elevated spaces - and seeing a gorge or illogically low-set feature (such as a street far below a curb).

    Both REM atonia (natural paralysis while sleeping), “drop anticipation” (with or without REM myoclonus), and the feeling my dream is ending influence narratives and outcomes.

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    Updated 05-25-2022 at 10:25 AM by 1390 (Enhancements and grammar)

    lucid , memorable
