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    4th DJ-Attempt

    08.06.23 early in the morning - SC2023 Fragments

    by , 06-08-2023 at 06:36 PM (201 Views)
    This time a ensured to have the voice recorder set to start using it with one touch right after waking up. I woke up minutes before the alarms. Had some struggle setting them off before they start and lost most of the dream. Although I was able to recall the last fragments of it.

    First recalled fragment:

    …/I see two tanks maneuvering on a cross street. One of them belongs to A. who passed away last year. I see his tank turning on the street/…

    Second recalled fragment: (happened early in the same dream)

    …/I see the field as an 80’s arcade game of war from above. I’m shooting bombs wherever I see barricades with enemy soldiers. They look like a video game I played sometimes during high school/…

    While closing my eyes trying to remember the dream, some HA start to form but cannot go on because of had to get out of bed

    …/I see a train station on the distance/…
    Meiseki and Harlequin like this.

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