The graveyard...
, 08-04-2014 at 04:12 PM (594 Views)
Non-lucid, Lucid
.../The further memory I have, I'm in an abandoned farm where its owner is a little nasty guy who didn't take a shower for months, he looks dirty and covered in sweat. His partner gets in place and takes off a sort of leather necklace he's wearing. It's like he hasn't take that thing off for months. I don't like what I see. He goes out where all the vegetation has grown without control. I remember it used to be a beautiful place, I'm sort of disappointed. There are three big dogs out there, when I see a lion hunting down one of them. It takes the dog from the neck and takes it away. I follow the lion until my hand becomes its mouth and now I'm holding the dying dog. I let it on the floor, but it's too late. I put it where the cubs can start to eat it/...
.../Now I'm in a car, with a friend of mine who recently I got to know he loved a Japanese TV series form the early 80's named Sankuokai. He's obsessed with the series and pretends this car is a space ship, although he's driving it backwards. I get concerned we can have an accident because of he's driving too fast. Finally I got to turn the car by changing the position I'm sitting on it. It's better to see things the right way. We get to the end of the road. We get out the car and see some hills in front of us. I remember this city was build upon what was going to be a huge burial ground in ancient times. I tell him, this place is a huge burial ground. Then I turn and see a known cemetery from WL which uses to be in my dreams. I point it and tell him that some disgusting things use to happen in that place when I'm dreaming it. It hits my head all of the sudden, what about if it's actually one of those dreams!? I look at my hand and I confirm it. I tell him laughing, actually it's a god damn dream. He doesn't seem to care. Another pal gets in, and they both start talking. I leave them and go to the cemetery, thinking about my sex drive that uses to screw things up. I walk next to the main gate, when it turns into a window and I see a couple sitting on a table. They don't look interesting, although I think perhaps I should force them to have sex in front of me, I'm sick of my sex drive. I ask them to do it, they don't seem to react. I take their clothes off and put the woman on the man. They start doing something although it's not enough. I'm starting to find the scene more disgusting than exiting. Another woman gets into the room. She looks like she has some sort of skin infection. It's getting worse, but I don't care. I want them to play dirty things in front of me. I lift her skirt, and the spectacle is too disgusting, because she seems to have a serious STI. I give up, I cannot see more of it. I go to the next room. There's a couple of friends from school times, they look better, at least they were the classic lovely picture. I'm not excited at all, I just one to fulfill what I wanted to do at the beginning, so I command them again to have sex in front of me. I help them to take their clothes off, it gets better although I don't feel excited, it's just fun to see that I can control it. I leave them in their game when an ex girlfriend, who appeared somewhere in a previous dream, gets into the scene. She start doing her hotter stuff, but what she says is disturbing me. I try to stop her but she's in ecstasy covered with slobber on a table next to a window. I'm surprised I didn't wake up with all the sex stuff happening around. I'm pleased I didn't wake up trying to control the dream, although I'm disturbed with all the disgusting stuff/...
* Woke up before the alarm clock went off. And couldn't go back to sleep.