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    Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions

    Dang Bees

    by , 09-04-2018 at 08:35 PM (319 Views)
    I'm visiting a building that appears to be a furniture store. All of the furniture on display, however, is torn up and ragged looking. The employees still try to sell it as if it's new which gives me a bad first impression of them. I get on a roller coaster that moves through the whole building. The rails and car I'm sitting in are all invisible so it's just me flying through the air. Eventually, it drops me off and I walk outside. Very soon after I'm outside the building, a bee begins to bother me. I try to ignore it, but it suddenly lands on me and stings me. I feel the sharp pain in my leg, but it doesn't feel very bad. Nevertheless, I overreact and start limping around calling out for help. Someone comes up and helps me pull the stinger out. I can see it under my skin and looks to be an inch long. It comes out with the same feeling as a splinter would. It turns out that there's two of them with the second one being just as long as the first one.

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