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    Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions

    Expectations Theater

    by , 09-12-2018 at 06:43 PM (356 Views)
    I'm walking back into the water park I was at previously. I want to go into a VIP pool area so I head that way. A lady checks my wristband first to make sure I have access and lets me though. Once inside, I see a girl and some other people that I know already in the pool talking to each other. I get a running start and flop into the pool right next to the girl. She's very irritated at me and holds me underwater until I can move away. Once I surface, she yells at me that she was having a serious conversation and that I ruined it. I feel like an outcast and simply say "okay" before walking off and away from the pool. I dry off quickly and put some fancy clothes on for whatever reason and head out to explore. I'm walking through a large room with tiered floors and rooms off to each side. I peek into one room and find that it's like a dorm room. I realize the whole place I'm walking through is just a strangely laid out dorm. I stop exploring further because I realize I'm wearing a green shirt with blue pants and it looks ridiculous. I have to go and change somewhere. Later, I'm walking into a huge theater room with people walking around and looking at me funny. The whole setup is supposed to be a trick on me for some reason, but I go with it anyway. The building really is enormous, and I'm staring at everything in awe. A girl sitting near where I'm walking comes up and takes my hand and leads me around the theater area. Behind the theater seats is a large shopping area and we walk up some stairs to get there. We pass a jewelry store before going back down some more stairs and arriving at a bar that overlooks the theater.

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