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    Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions

    Mountain Hiking Conspiracy

    by , 09-07-2018 at 06:28 PM (316 Views)
    I'm with Mom about to go hiking. She's driving and parks in a parking lot in the middle of some beautiful scenery up in the mountains. I get out with the dog that looks like ours and we start walking. Somehow, I realize that Mom may have parked in a no parking zone and I ask her about it. She says hopefully we're back before anyone comes to give out tickets. We start hiking but the dog starts running off farther along the trail and I go after her. Eventually, the trail crosses a road and the dog has already ran across. I call her name to tell her to stop, but instead she runs back towards me. She avoids a car passing by and I grab her collar as soon as she gets close. I see Mom driving her car and pulling up next to me. I put the dog in the back and Mom tells me that she already got one ticket and they were going to give her more if she didn't leave. Later, I find myself framing a murder by cutting significant support off a giant tree. so if anyone goes in to inspect the body laying underneath it, the tree will fall. The ground around the tree is cracked where I had apparently cut some roots as well. I did this all with a small curved knife I'm now carrying. I start to walk away and see a large dodo bird off to one side. It's as tall as I am and just grazing on some plants when it sees me. After I get out ahead of it, it starts to charge me. I raise the curved knife behind me like I'm about to throw it, and the dodo turns around and retreats. I continue walking along a path that leads to what looks like a ski resort. I see the patchy, discolored snow on the slope and realize it's still pretty early in the ski season. However, there are still a significant number of people on the mountain. I pass right under a chairlift and weave through the incoming skiers and boarders headed to the life line. I head farther in to the mountains where I know the trail will take me somewhere.

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