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    Burke's Nightly Escapades

    5 DEILDs and Several TotYs

    by , 08-20-2011 at 05:11 PM (981 Views)
    Yep, this morning was epic. I got 3 TotYs done, got a new record in DEILD chains, and a sex LD at the and for a reward

    The dream began with me snowboarding, which was wierd because it's August, but i didn't think anything of it. All I remember is going off a cliff and falling several hundred feet. At first I thought I was going to die, and i didn't really panic that much, for some reason, but the second though that popped into my head was that this can't be real, it must be a dream! So I decided to wait for a DIELD instead of trying to save this mess. I instantly started spinning but by this time i was already below the tree line. I never actually hit the ground but instead i just woke up.

    I didn't move, didn't open my eyes, and relaxed, remember spinning in my last dream and imagined me in my room, which is normally where i go after DEILDs, and after only a few seconds I was standing in my room, looking out the window into my neighborhood. It worked! i was lucid! I rubbed my hands together, focused on everything around me, and just stood there for a good 15 seconds, I didn't want to waste this one. The first thing that popped into my head was a sex LD, but i did that the other night, so I decided i would try to do a TotY. The first one that popped into my head was the 300 Spartans, a pretty cool one so i walked over to my door and though, "Behind this door is the battle of Thermopoly.

    It worked and I was standing behind a bunch of guys who i assumed were romans, all in bronze and armed with shields and spears, and they were standing in the formation they were in the movie. Across the pass I could see tons and tons of persians, in their all black suits from the movie. I spawned a shield and spear, but after a second, i figured since i was in a dream i could do better than just mimicing the spartans. Instead I got two machete type blades and was ready to kick ass. Right as i picked up my weapons, the persians started to charge.

    I thought about how i should make this epic, so I yelled out, "Epic music please!" and, surprisingly, it worked! There was some sort of battle music going on, which I've been searching youtube for and have yet to find anything Still, there was an epic battle going on in front of me, and i jumped into it. The moves seem to flow out of me, without any effort at all. I was out in front surrounded by persians, I felt invincible. At one point a dozen persians charged me at once, I jumped up, and decided to try something new, telekenesis. I waved my hand in a motion so that they would fall into the sea, but it didn't work (I should work on that). Instead i used something i already knew, fire. I burned a whole group of them and used the fire to push them into the sea. A little different but it worked . Finally, i decided to just wreck the persians. I tol all the spartans to stand back, which they reluctantly did, and i conjured up an absolutely MASSIVE fire wave! And when I say massive, I mean the width of the entire pass, and probably a mile tall. It took a lot of energy and was hard to hold up, but I just pushed it out towards the persians.

    The fire was somewhat translucent so you could see them all run away as the wall roared toward them. They tried to run away as fast as they could, and some even jumped in the water, but they were eventually encased in the fire wall, and all the spartans cheered. I felt like such a badass. I don't normally fight a lot in LDs, just do TotYs/TotMs and the IOSDP. (sorry guys, forgot it started friday night ) I should do this more often! After the fire wall dispersed I started to walk toward the charred bodies but i started to feel the dream fading. I rubbed my hands together to try and save it, but it didn't seem to be working. Maybe a giant fire wall wasn't the best choice for stability. Nevertheless,
    I woke up.

    I found the song that was playing! It truly is awesome music: Youtube.com - Future World Music - Dream Chasers

    As you can tell from the title though, I still had 4 more LDs that morning. I patiently sat there and did the same thing as last time, and once again I was standing in my room in another LD. I figured i could knock out 2 TotYs in one go, so i figured i would do Jaws next, since that seems like a fun one. I walked through my door again thinking that i will be on a boat in the middle of the ocean fighting jaws, and it worked! I came out of the hull of the ship (whatever the little room is inside) and was on a ship with one other person. He said that a "whale be after me booty." I told him it wasn't a whale, it was Jaws, a giant shark. The only annoying thing about this is that he had a really thick french accent, but tried to speek like a pirate. Oh god it was annoying! I told him he wasn't french and that he wasn't a pirate, so he stopped talking like a pirate, but not a frenchman. He said, "Im from Canada, not France." A little better but i would've prefered someone else.

    At the moment he spoke the ship started to rock violently, as if a shark had hit it! I figured i would just get this done with quickly, since my DEILDs don't normally last as long as that last one, and as i chain them they get progressively shorter and shorter. I saw the sharks fin in the distance and grabbed a shotgun i found laying on the deck. I shot at the shark but it didn't seem to do anything... just like in the movie. I figured that since bullets didn't affect him, and the only other person on the boat was an obsessive animal killer, just like in the movie, so i figured i would kill it with a scuba tank, like they did in the movie.

    I taunted the shark to come up on the boat, and even tried to give it a treat like it was a dog, but it just stayed in the water, circling the boat. I decided i would use the canadian, who was just sitting on top of the boat yelling at the thing, as bait to get the shark up here. I grabbed him and put him on the back side of the boat and yelled at the shark again, sayinf i have a better treat now. The shark seemed to like it so he hopped up on the boat and tried to catche the guy. He ran away though and just hit inside the boat for the rest of it. I grabbed a scuba tank that was lying on the back of the boat and threw it at the shark. I wanted to hurry it up since i could feel the dream fading. "Not now, I'm almost done!" I yelled. I grabbed the gun and shot the scuba tank. It didn't blow up. I was pissed, and just decided to explode the shark. The dream was almost completely gone but i was still there, and I just yelled at the shark, "Blow up you bastard!" And he did! The shark disappeared and i could finally sigh a sigh of relief knowing that i didn't waste the dream.

    Once again, i was laying in my bed and decided to try for yet another DIELD. I just layed there, didn't do anything and resisted the urge to swallow which had suddenly come up. I was persistant and manage to get back into another LD. I wasn't in my room this time. Instead i was at my cousin's house, which was actually pretty nice. Nobody else was home, which was kind of wierd, but i didn't really care. I decided that I could get away with yet enother TotY, this time, The Godfather. It was a short, simple task that I could get done quickly and wouldn't risk another dream cut short. I decided to try just snapping to the scene this time instead of using a door, which I do sometimes. I thought to myself, "To the Godfather's daughter's wedding," and snapped my fingers.

    I ended up in a chair of sorts and there were a bunch of people around me. I was at a wedding! There were two people getting married who I assumed were the godfather's daughter and her fiance, but I had never seen the movie . I walked into the house behind everybody and noticed a large line of people. I figured they were in line to ask the godfather for something, so i just followed it, cutting everyone in line (getting in front of them, not literal cutting ) and making some people angry . I finally made it to a room where a large italian person was sitting there, talking to somebody. I assumed he was the godfather, but wasn't 100% sure. I walked up to him once he was done talking to the other guy, and thought about what i was going to ask. I decided, longer LDs! I talked to him, saying, "Hey, godfather, you give favors on your daughter's wedding day, right?" to which he replied, "of course, haven't you seen my movie?" I shook my head a little bit, but he didn't seem to care.

    "Well then," I said, "Can you grant me longer lucids? You know, so I don't wake up early like i almost did last dream." I could see him start to crack a smile, and eventually a grin, and then start to laugh. I was confused, so i asked him what was so funny. He told me, "You imbicile, this is not the day of my daughter's wedding, but the day of my son's wedding!" "Wait," i said, "then you don't grant favors?"

    "No, no," he said, "I ask others for favors on my sons wedding." I was surprised. So that was his son getting married, not his daughter. I turned to him and said, "So, umm... what do you want me to do?" I was a little worried, i had no idea what he would say, so i was kind of surprised when he said, "All I want is for you to wake up, and get the hell out of my dream!" WTF! His guards he had right next to his door turned at me and shot me! Like, 50 times! Of course, after this I
    woke up. Come on though, that's the second TotY that has caused me to wake up because of something in the dream!

    I did yet another DEILD and decided I did enough TotYs for one day, and i had a sex LD, to celebrate that and breaking my previous DEILD chain record. However, in it i change dit up, and had sex as a chick instead of a guy. It was really different, but felt really good. I don't know which i like better

    After that DEILD i decided to se ehow far i could go. I continued to lay still, and did yet another DEILD. I was standing in my room, again! It was my 5th LD that morning, all of which were DIELDs, and i felt like a king . Unfortunately, before i could even do anything, I woke up due to my mom coming in and making me wake up. I looked at the clock and it turned out that all these dream occurred over the course of about 15 minutes. The dreams combined would have added to about 30 minutes total. That kind of interested me, but I wasn't surprised. Still, I got 5 LDs in one day, and 3 task of the years. All in all, my best yet

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    Updated 08-20-2011 at 05:24 PM by 31951

    lucid , memorable , task of the year
