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    Burke's Nightly Escapades

    Badass, Mid-flight Fight

    by , 06-25-2012 at 12:28 AM (1277 Views)
    Yay for MILD epicness! Finally ended my dry spell that I'd been having for some time

    I was sitting in my living room watching some t.v. I looked out the back door and saw my dad mowing the lawn on the riding mower. I decided to go outside with the push mower and help him by trimming up around the fence/areas where the other mower can't reach. I started going around the fence and then went back behind the shed. I noticed some people hanging outside the back of my neighbor's house having what seemed like a party. As I came around our shed they all looked over at me then turned towards the driveway when they heard a loud thump. I did the same. I saw somebody in the car turning it on. The other guys started freaking out yelling, "He's stealing my car, yo! Stop him!" I reached into my pocket and grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911 while pulling it out. When I looked up I saw the person behind the wheel had a gun out and pointed it at me. He just shook his head.

    He then drove away quickly and the other guys chased after him. Once he had looked away I continued on with the 911 call saying "Someone just stole my neighbor's car, I need a cop and an ambulance (lol?)." They didn't reply and I just hung up the phone. I started talking to the other guys and they told me their names. A couple of them sounded famous, I think rappers. I can't remember their names but for some reason I knew they were well known. I asked him a few questions about the car and was able to figure out that it was most likely a black Jeep Grand Cherokee.

    The next thing I knew we were in my living room and they were all sitting on the couch (there were 3 of them in total). The one on the left was just staring out the window at a car parked in the street. The one in the middle was looking over at the third guy who was calling someone on his phone and seemed really stressed out. I was sitting in the family room along with my dad, I was on the couch and he was in the armchair. I looked out the window to see who the one guy was looking at and noticed a large black SUV, I think it was a jeep. It didn't occur to me that this could be the guy's stolen car so I just continued staring at it for some reason.

    After a couple seconds I noticed a girl get out of the car. She looked very professional but had a very short miniskirt on. She came up to the door and rang the doorbell. I got up to get it and when I opened the door I acted as if I knew her. "The 911 response?" I asked her. "You got it." She replied. I let her in and we walked through the living room and into the dining room. Once we were in there I started asking her about the car. I can't remember the conversation up until a point where she said "It's warm in here, let's make it hotter." She tried to make a move on me! Luckily I realized that this was unusual and did a RC while she was kissing me (lol). I looked over at the clock and it said 7:84. Okay, most likely a dream, but to be sure I looked away then looked back. The second time it said "Dream bro, lawl" That settles it, this was a dream.
    Best way to get lucid ever.

    Now knowing that it was just a dream I pushed the girl away. "Sorry, I don't want to do this right now." She showed no emotion and just walked away. I started to think about what it was I wanted to do and nearly forgot to stabilize. My vision started getting a bit fuzzy so I quickly rubbed my hands. I focused on all my surroundings from the color of the walls to the smell of the room in general. Smelled like a bunch of food. I remember that while falling asleep I had been doing a MILD which basically consisted of me telling myself to LD and to use wings (I had been watching a lot of videos in which people have wings and it made me want to try it). I decided to try having a mid air fight while still controlling myself using wings instead of just levitating/using nothing but dream powers.

    I told the guys on the couch "You're car's out in the street" and they all ran out there relieved to find that their car was sitting right there. I didn't even think about the car just being there I just said it. For all I know they were just acting xD. I walked out the back door and rolled my shoulders forward focusing on wings sprouting from my back. I didn't feel anything in my back but I did feel my shirt get tight and then it seemed like the back of it ripped. I looked to my sides and noticed two wings each about 7 or 8 feet long (so a 14-16ft wingspan) and they were a dark orange and red color. I actually reminded me of my avatar on DV.

    I tried moving them and it somehow came very natural to me. It was almost as if I was moving my shoulders forward and backward but my shoulders were staying perfectly still, it was the wings that were moving. I knelt down a little bit to get a good take off angle and started flapping them. I didn't do it very hard at all and I quickly shot up into the air about 100 feet. The feeling was awesome, just hovering there. It was almost like hanging from a harness but without any weight on your chest, just a dangling feeling. I soared off towards the woods behind my house and tried seeing how fast I could go. It seemed as though I had no speed limit and could go as fast as I wanted. I tried to various aerial maneuvers like spinning and diving. Diving was the greatest experience ever. I would go up to about what seemed like a few miles, above the clouds that were around me, and just stopped flapping all together and looked straight down.

    Once I was about 500 feet from the ground I extended my wings and angled them to make me flatten out. I thought it would be a lot of pressure/stress on my back but it wasn't, surprisingly. It felt as if somebody was giving you a back message in terms of pressure, it didn't really feel good but it didn't hurt either. I thought it was about time I tried doing what I actually had decided to do, and that was to fight. I started going in one direction and imagined somebody behind me, a character from an anime I had recently been watching. I quickly changed the direction I was facing which was a little sketchy given that I continued to go in the same direction for a few seconds only backwards.

    When I turned around I saw him floating there with his own wings, more black and thin than mine which were feathery and orange/red. His looked more like bat wings (will post a picture of him) and he was dressed in an all black suit. I yelled at him, "Come on, let's see what you've got!" At this point we were about 300 feet apart and I could see him snicker. He shot straight at me and tried to cut me with some sort of shadowy blade, only it wasn't solid. It was as if he formed it out of the shadows themselves. I pitched right and dodged his attack by a fair margin but it was still a little close for comfort. He was flying very quickly and closed that 300 feet distance in about 2 seconds.

    I spun around to face him again and saw him circling back for another move. I waited for him to get close and tried to counter his attack. At this point it seemed like time slowed down (a common occurrence in my fight scenes) and I moved to the left of his attack while at the same time slamming my elbow down on his back right between his wings. He dropped down about 20 feet but quickly regained equilibrium. Before he could completely compose himself I dove down from where I was and grabbed him by the neck. I put him in a choke hold which cause him to be unable to flap his wings/fly. I found out that it's not easy to hold up two people while trying to fly.

    He was trying his hardest to get out of the choke hold and I was managing to keep him in it, but he was starting to loosen my grip. I decided to dive straight down from where we were (about 250 feet) right towards a pool. Right as we got close to the pool I tried to pull up from the dive. I extended my wings as much as I could trying to get some lift. We were about 10 feet above the pool and time started to slow again. I decided to just let go of him and tried to just save myself. I was still going down at about a 20 degree angle so I was unable to save myself completely but I managed to spin around so that I was facing the pool. I was able to see him crash into the water but only a split second afterwards I hit some sort of building. Despite the fact that I hit it with my legs I was still going very fast (not sure how fast but the dive only took a second or two) and the force of the impact unfortunately caused me to
    wake up.

    Pretty epic way to end a dry spell if you ask me

    Spoiler for Onyx:

    Spoiler for How My Wings Looked:
    Astrosomnia likes this.

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    Updated 06-25-2012 at 12:38 AM by 31951

    lucid , memorable


    1. Thena's Avatar
      Congratulations on breaking the dry spell! Sounds like it was an awesome dream.
      Burke likes this.