Club Trips and Going Into Space
, 01-24-2012 at 04:18 AM (860 Views)
I was on some sort of trip with my school and it was filled with people from our ski club, so I assume it was a ski club trip. We arrived at some sort of field and pulled over on the left side of the road for some reason (in America, mind you). Then, suddenly, my mom pulls up in our car alongside the bus as we're all getting out and tells me I can take it if I want. Not being one to pass up a good offer I accepted. I took the car and drove a short distance through a casual neighborhood with a few friends accompanying me. We got the house, got out of the car and brought our stuff inside. The dream then skipped to an upstairs bedroom with a lot of electronics and stuff sprawled out on the floor. I was sitting on the floor using my laptop when somebody came in and asked me if I wanted to go to the store with them. I agreed, got up and went outside.
Once there I could see a large group of about a dozen people. We were all going to go together. I decided to take the car but for some reason I drove very slowly and with the window down so I could listen/talk with them. I drove along a back road with everybody else walking in the middle of the road making conversation. Then, we got to a corner with a stop sign. I stopped, looked both ways and saw a car coming from the left. I started to pull out a bit but stopped thinking I wouldn't have any time. Then, realizing that I had just enough, I pulled out as fast as I could. The other car proceeded to turn down the road I had just pulled away from ...
We got to the store which was just a small convenient store on the corner, similar to a 7-11 or something of the type. Once we got there I got out of the car and everybody else that had been walking along side me had caught up. One of them said, "Hey, smooth move back there. You almodt killed yourself." in a rather sarcastic tone. "Hey, I had plenty of time," I told him. "Oh well, doesn't really matter since you're asleep." He replied. "Wait, what? Are you serious?" I asked him, skeptical at first. "Oh yeah, its like 5:00 AM, go ahead, do a RC." I plugged my nose and tried to breathe in and I could! Awesome! A DC made me get lucid!
"Well what do ya know, you're right! Thanks, man." I told him. "No problem, just don't waste it." He replied. Not wanting to waste it myself I rubbed my hands a little bit and focused on my surroundings. I thought of the TotY and the first one that came to mind was the hubble telescope. Alright, I have to fix it, I think. "To Cape Canavaral (or however its spelt)" I said as I snapped my fingers, picturing the space shuttle launch station. In an instant I was standing in front of a space shuttle and there was some odd looking thing on the tip of it, what I presumed was the telescope. I jumped up to the top and sat down right on the tip. The mirror was a perfect seat
"Launch it!" I yelled. After a short moment I falt a large shaking and could hear a low rumbling. I looked down and saw fire and smoke coming from beneath the space shuttle. I sat back, relaxed and got ready for a ride. I could feel a slight force pushing me down towards the ground that slowly grew as it flew higher and higher. After about 10 seconds the force got to the point where it was hard for me to move. I leaned back, tried to relax and waited for the shuttle to get into space. After about 25 seconds the force was completely gone and I felt what I think was weightlessness and started to float up a little bit.
Once we had gotten into space completely and started to orbit I got up and started to look around the telescope. The bottom part of the space shuttle which had contained all the fuel had fallen off by now and it was just the telescope. I couldn't see anything wrong with it and had forgotten which part was broken in reality. I pulled out a walkie-talkie from my back pocket (no idea how it got there) and radioed down to earth, "Hey, uh, guys? Isn't there supposed to be something wrong with this thing?" I asked. Aftera few seconds I got a reply, "Uh, well, by the look of the take-off I would say you're damn right there's something wrong. The mirror is all fucked up!" It said. "Okay, where?" I asked. "Well wouldn't you like to know, you're the one who sat on it and bent it all out of shape you fatass." Hey, I'm not fat
"Okay, well... how do I fix it?" I asked them. "All you have to do is bend it back! I should look almost flat but a tiny bit concave." The voice said. I looked at the mirrors again and noticed that one of them was bent way out of shape, the opposite way they were supposed to be shaped. I floated over to it and pushed down on the mirror. Forgetting I was in space I just pushed it without anchoring myself to it at all. I ended up just floating back a bit and the telescope didn't move, at least from my perspective. I floated back to the telescope to give it another try. Floating in space was a lot like flying in a dream in general. I just thought of where I wanted to go and I went there.
This time I put both my hands around the edge of the mirror and used my knees to push the glass. I started off gently, not wanting to break it, and then pushed harder and harder as it refused to move. I had to push extremely hard just to get it to bend. I'm glad we didn't have to break it. I looked over at the other mirror and tried to match its angle. Once I thought I had gotten it right I radioed back down to earth, "There, is that better?" I asked. "One second, we're taking a picture of the moon." They said. After a few seconds I got a reply, "Alright, it looks good. Good job fixing your own mistake." Jeez, they're mean
I had figured that, since I had already gotten one of them, why not go for another? I got it the last time so I could this time as well. The first one to come to my mind was the titanic one. I have to survive the sinking, got it. This should be easy. I decided to have a little fun with this one and, instead of teleporting back down to earth, I dove down, head first, like a meteor. I could tell that I had entered earth's atmosphere by the time I was on fire. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, just warm, like being in the bright sun. It took about 5 seconds but when I felt like I was getting closer to the surface I looked up, or down in this case, and saw all blue, what I assume was the ocean.
It came up extremely fast and before I knew it I was underwater. I must've gone down about 200 feet. I suddenly felt very heavy, as if I had weights on myself. No matter what I did I couldn't get up to the surface. I tried snapping my fingers to simply teleport to the surface, but nothing as happening. I tried the same technique I use to fly but this wasn't working either. Freaking out, I closed my eyes and pictured being on the deck of the Titanic. I snapped my fingers and, when I opened my eyes, I was awake in my bed, slightly out of breath. Looking back on it I should've stayed in the dream, given that you can never not breathe in a dream, hence the nose plug RC. If I had just relaxed maybe I could've stayed in the dream and done more. Oh well, I still got another one of them done. 7 down, 3 to go.![]()