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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Lucidity...?

      by , 08-22-2012 at 09:44 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Apparently I got lucid last night but all I wrote down was this:

      Lucid in old burned down basement. Keep having to lick walls to stay lucid. Trying to solve why it's burned down. Have a FA, mess around with powers and focus.

      Too bad I don't remember the dream nor writing that down. It doesn't sound too awesome though
    2. Hotel Fights, School Killings, and the TotY

      by , 02-10-2012 at 06:33 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was standing in some type of room next to a table holding my new ipod (nano). I was just flicking through it looking at stuff when a large crack suddenly appeared. I tried to slide the page again despite the crack but the glass of the cover just brushed off in a hundred little pieces. Beneath the screen was just a dull gray square

      Dream 2: I also remember a dream in which people were telling me that I have nice teeth

      Dream 3: I was in some sort of hotel room which was very small while half-lucid (aware but not in control) There was a small closet to the right of the door, a large air matress for a bed, and a small desk in the corner with a computer on it. I just sat on the air matress over the cuvers and leaned my back up against the wall. Suddenly, there was a loud commotion outside the door and about a half doezen people burst into my room. I knew some of them but there were 3 I didn't recognize. The few I knew waved at me in a "join us" motion as if they wanted me to help. Then, everybody just burst into a fight.

      I jumped right up just as one of them tackled me. We were fighting without any weapons and unfortunately I couldn't remember much of the details. At one point he had gotten behind me and I snapped my fingers/teleported behind him and kicked him in the back. The next thing I knew we were on the ground and I had a hammer in my hand trying to hit him on the head. He had his back up against the wall and fell down to a sitting position. I slowly moved towards him and he put his hand behind his back, pulling out a machine gun! It looked like a tommy gun but I'm not completely sure. He told me to get back and drop the hammer. I took a few steps back but I refused to let go of the hammer.

      Then, one of my friends lept behind him and tackled him to the ground, knocking the gun out of his hand. I jumped at him, swinging the hammer down right on his face. Right as I was about to hit him I was teleported into my school band room somehow.
      I had no memory of what had happened, I believe I lost lucidity. I was sitting in a seat with a bunch of other kids with me. Then, somebody game in through the back doors with a large metal object, what looked like supports. He set them down right next to the podium and went back outside. He made several more trips and kept bringing in more stuff. After a couple minutes he had everything inside and assembled it.

      When it was finally built it looked like some sort of cannon. The top part started rotating back and forth and the person who had built it was just standing there laughing. Suddenly, the cannon fired and a massive metal ball flew out and hit one of the kids, killing him instantly. Nobody else seemed to notice and just carried on with their individual conversations. The cannon continued to fire and kids were falling left and right. Suddenly,
      I became lucid but I did not have very much control, similar to the first part of the dream but I did have some. For some reason this scene really freaked me out and I tried to wake myself up. I closed my eyes tight and opened them as hard and fast as I could but I was still in the dream. I then tried imagining my self falling back into my bed. I closed my eyes and pushed myself back and could feel myself falling though it was very slow, like sinking into water with some weights.

      After a few seconds of this wierd sensation I had a false awakening into another dream,
      but I wasn't lucid. This time, I was still in the band room and there was still a bunch of people, but there was no cannon. A different person came in through the back doors carrying a large rope and made a couple more trips just like the person before him. He assembled it in only a few seconds and this one ended up being a guilotine! He took out a remote and pressed a button on it. The guilloting, which was really just a large axe hanging from the ceiling, sung back and then sped forward. It hit a person only 2 seats to the right of me and sliced right through his head. His head just sort of peeled open very slowly and it looked like a red glob inside.

      This bumped me into another semi-lucid state and I, for some reason, only wanted to wake up. I shut my eyes as tight as I could and opened them with as much force as I could imagining myself waking up. This time it worked the first time and I woke up, but it was yet another false awakening. It was just like last time onlt this time I didn't lose lucidity and I had complete control now. Another person walked in through the door and I decided to wait and see what this person would do. He pulled out a small note book and wrote a couple words down in it, but I couldn't see it. I got up from my seat and walked towards the back room right where this new person was standing.

      As I walked past him I looked closer at his note book. I realized that he was using the note book from the anime "Death Note" and had written somebody's name in it. I didn't recognize the name and when I looked up at this person he gave me a puzzled look like he didn't know my name. Lucky me . Finally and idea popped into my head for the TotY. I had two left, the Titanic and Sputnik. I decided to save the Titanic for last since I figured that would be an interesting way to finish this. I walked towards one of the back rooms and thought to myself, "When I walk through this door I will be at Sputnik." I opened the door and could see the base of a rocket shit of sorts but it looked a little wierd. I didn't think much of it and just thought it was because it was russian.

      I stepped through the door and walked towards the space shuttle. I could hear a voice off in the distance coming from a loudspeaker talking in what I presume was russian, or at least what my mind though russian sounded like. He said a new word about every second so I figured it was the countdown for launch. I ran up to the shuttle and jumped up as high as I could which was perfect for getting on the sattelite. There was a little outcrop on the shuttle right beneath sputnik itself so I landed on that. I stood on this little ledge until the countdown had stopped and the bottom of the rockets ignited. The shuttle slowly lifted up into the air and it gained more and more speed. Unlike in my last space dream there was no force in this one pulling me down from the acceleration.

      I just stood on this ledge holding on to the sattelite while we flew up into space. After a minute or so the main body of the shuttle had fallen off and it was now just me and sputnik. Suddenly, my feet started to float up off this ledge I was on and I figured I was in space. Sweet, got one down and now there just one left, the Titanic. I looked around and could see the earth right below me, not nearly as small as it was from the moon, but still not that large. I looked up and could see countless stars and various planets and also an asteroid. The asteroid gave me the idea of dive-bombing to the earth into the ocean to finish the last task.

      And took a small step back and rubbed my hands together for a little extra stability. I took one step forward and just leaped off the edge. For some reason, at this moment gravity kicked back in and I started to fall down to the earth. I always wanted to go sky diving so I figured this would be pretty close. I dove straight down, head first, and tried to go as fast as possible. Man this was a hell of a lot of fun! After about 30 seconds my head started to get a little warm. I looked up (or down, in this case) and everything had a reddish tint to it; I figured I must be on fire! I must look awesome doing this . I put my head back down and just tried to go as fast as possible. After only about 10 more seconds I looked up and could see North America. I tried to picture it in the 1910's for the task and looked in the north atlantic where the titanic had hit the iceberg.

      I was probably about 20 miles above the surface now and could easily make out cape cod and long island. I looked just north of there to where I remembered the ship had sunk. It only took about 5 seconds for me to get a mile or two above the ground and I opened myself up trying to slow down. I kept thinking "brake, brake, brake!" to slow myself down. I could see a large ship on the water which I assumed was the titanic. I was slowing down a little bit but not enough. Only a few seconds after I had tried to slow down I smashed into the water going extremely fast. I pretty much did the biggest belly-flop ever. The force was so great that I
      woke up. Damn, I wanted to get two done in one night. I looked over at my clock and could see that it was 5:09, I still had a little over an hour.

      Unfortunately I didn't remember anymore dreams that night
    3. Mount St. Helens Erupting, Taking Pictures and a False False Awakening?

      by , 01-18-2012 at 03:32 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was upstairs in my house in my parents' room. I was sitting on the bed watching T.V. when I looked over into my sister's room. I notices that she had a friend over, one who I hadn't seen in like 10 years. I got up and walked over and saw that my sister was sitting at her desk and her friend was sitting on the ground, both of them looking at a computer screen. They were looking at some sort of video. I stepped a little closer to my sister and just stood there for a second. Nobody said anything. Then I left and headed into my room.

      I sat down on my bed for a quick second and did a random RC. I plugged my nose and nothing happenes, I couldn't breathe. Disappointed with the result I checked my hands, all 10 fingers, none missing and no extras. Then, since I really wanted it to be a dream I plugged my nose again and tried to breathe in.
      It slightly worked, and I thought I was in some sort of dream but didn't know for sure. I kept plugging my nose, trying to breathe in, and, eventually, it worked great! I was fully lucid

      I immediately thought of the TotY and, once again, couldn't decide on which one to do. I summoned yet another dart board with all the dates on it I hadn't done yet. I summon a dart, closed my eyes and threw it. It landed on the '80s. Awesome, Mt. St. Helens, this should be fun! I walked over to my door, closed it, and thought to myself, "Mt. St. Helens is on the other side of this door," and when I opened it, I was a couple miles from the base of the volcano. I walked over to a log cabin I saw and knocked on the door. A rather "woodsy" looking man, with beard and everything, opened the door. "Yes? Who are you and what are you doing at my cabin?" He asked. He seemed a little irritated but not enough to make someone angry. "I was wondering if you could tell me when that volcano erupts," I told him.

      "What volcano? You mean ol' St. Helens over there? She ain't no volcano, just another pile of dirt and rocks." He told me. "But there has been some low rumblin' goin' on late at night in case you were wondering." Just then, there was a very loud, low rumbling noise. "Alright, thanks. See ya, gotta go!" I quickly flew up to the peak of the mountain and got ready for the eruption. Wanting to make it fun, I summoned a sled, like you would use on snow. I sat down and said, "Whenever you're ready!" At that moment, the entire ground beneath me started to move. I slowly started to slide down when I saw gysers of rock and dust popping up all over the place in front of me.

      I leaned back and forth, left and right avoiding these mini eruptions. I was about halfway down the mountain and suddenly I was pushed up straight into the air, about 50 feet. A hole had opened up right below me! I started falling to the ground when I pulled up on the tip of the sled, trying to make it fly. I leaned back, trying to lift up, and when I was about 10 feet off the ground it finally started to rise. At this point I just made a B-line for the bottom hovering several feet above the ground, still trying to avoid the gysers. It was much easer in the air, slicing through air instead of dirt and rocks. It took me a minute, but I finally made it to the bottom.

      I didn't want to miss the show so I dropped the sled and flew up to about 200 feet and just hovered there, watching the eruption. A huge chunk of the side of the mountain was missing and massive amounts of ash and soot were pouring out of the hole. The cloud was enormous, thousands of feet high, maybe even miles. It stretched well into the clouds. I looked down at the ground behind me and saw a pyrocalstic flow blowing through the forest. It was heading right towards the cabin I had stopped at! Not wanting to let the guy die, I headed down there to try and help. I had actually started to like him . I thought as hard as I could and snapped my fingers. In an instant, the cabin was gone. I hoped it had worked and it was someplace where the eruption wasn't.

      Well, that task was done, and I figured it would be in my best interest to try and do another one. I decided I would to the brownie camera and take a picture, since that one seemed more simple. I snapped my fingers imagining myself in an old house and a camera on an end table. In the blink of an eye, I was in an old house, but there was no camera. I searched for it a little bit and headed into a room next to the one I was in. I saw somebody holding up a camera and one of those bulbs or whatever they used for a flash. I then saw a family standing in front of a white wall. I ran into the family and photo bombed it . I was an ass, but I didn't really care, it was a dream

      The flash happened right as I got into the group, and I was eager to see what the picture looked like. Obviously annoyed, the person whom I assume was the father of the family stepped over to me. "Hey, what the devil do you think you're doing? This is meant to be a nice family photograph. Not many people get these you know!" He seemed really angry. "Hey calm down pops. Would you like me to take another one?" I figured I might as well, since I couldn't remember whether I had to be in one or take one. "Why yes, that would be alright." He replied.

      I got behind the camera where the photographer had been. I asked him to move out of my way so I could take a picture and he reluctantly agreed. "Okay, now how do you work this thing?" I asked him. There was no obvious "picture" button, and I had to cause the flash manually, I believe. "Well, first of all you have to hold this contraption here to created enough light for the photo. You pour the powder in here," he said, as he did it for me, "and then press this button to make it go off. Then, right as you create the flash you hold this button here," he pointed to a large button on the side of the camera, "and count to 10. Once you're done, you pull this lever and the photo comes out here," he said, pointing to a large slot on the front of the camera.

      "Okay, I think I got it," I told him. "Smile!" I told the family. They didn't make any facial expression, and I pressed the button for the flash while also pressing the large button on the camera. I counted in my head, "1, 2, 3..." and when I got to 10 I let go. "Okay, now I pull this lever?" I asked the man. He nodded and I pushed down on the lever. A small piece of paper came out with a faded image on it. "How do I get the picture to look clearer?" I asked the man. "Oh, you have to soak it in a special solution, here, give it to me." I handed it over to him and he placed it in a small pool of an orange liquid. The family whom I had just taken a picture of leaned over my shoulder as I leaned over the photographers, trying to see what he was doing. After about 12 seconds he took the picture out and placed it in a towel.

      He rubbed off all the excess residue and handed me the photo. I looked at it, and could see it clear as day. It looked just like the family, only as clear as a modern digital picture. It was still in black and white, however. "Oh, how lovely," the woman said. I assume she was the mother. "Here," I said, giving it to them. "I hope this makes up for the other one." I told them. "Oh, it certainly does," said the woman. "Hey, if you don't mind could I see the other one?" I asked the photographer. "Sure, let me just wash this one as well," he said, as he took the other piece of paper and placed it in the solution. After a bit he took it out and cleaned it off. "Hmm, that's odd," he said, rather concerned which made me very intrigued. "Can I take a look?" I asked. He handed me the picture and I studied it. I could see the family just fine, and saw that they were surprised, looking at me jumping in front of them, but I wasn't there. I found this extremely strange but, before I could think any more about it,
      I woke up.

      Woo! I got two done in one dream! This is awesome The photo one still makes me think, but hey, I got the task finished and that's all that matters in the end

      Second dream: I was having some sort of sexual encounter, though I can't comepletely recall it. All I remember is feeling as if I was achieving orgasm and ejaculation, but at the same time I woke up. It felt almost exactly as if I had a wet dream, only it had actually happened after I woke up. I slowly got up, not wanting to make any more of a mess than was already there, and headed into the bathroom to clean up. Before I left my room I checked the clock. Only 2:00? I had only been asleep for about 2 1/2 hours. Just as a quick RC I looked away then looked back, still 2:00. Alright, not a FA. I walked into the bathroom and checked my underwear, but it was completely dry. No jizz or anything. I did 2 more RCs, checking my hands and plugging my nose, but they both failed, I was still awake.

      I didn't want to lose any more sleep since I had school in the morning so I went straight back to bed.

      (There were two more fragments but they were just remembering a certain place/a person, no specific information)
    4. Dreaming of Writing Down My Dreams While Semi-Lucid

      by , 01-19-2011 at 03:06 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Since my normal dreams are in red and my lucids are in blue, lets have semi lucids be in purple!

      I just had a FA from a previous lucid dream i had, but at that time i didn't know it was still a dream. I rolled over in my bed to face my dresser and noticed my DJ wasn't there. I snapped my fingers and said for a pen to be there, and it was! Howeverr, this only got me semi-lucid. I could still use all my powers, but i couldn't control anything. Now that i had my pen, i said out loud, "Notebook!" and one appeared. However, when i opened it up it was already full! I had summoned a filled notebook, great. I said out loud again, "No, Notebook!" and another one appeard, this time a bit smaller and not as rigid, and seems like it was held together by tape. I opened it up and noticed that this time, there wasn't as much writing, but it was still used. It looked like notes of a scientist or something, lot's of jumbled up texts with a mix of funny symbols. I repeated one more time, "No! BLANK NOTEBOOK!" and so it appeared yet again. This time, i eagerly went through it and finally, it was comepletely blank. Nothing written in it. I smiled a little and started to write down key words about each part of the lucid. Here's where the sucky part comes in. I CAN'T REMEMBER WHAT I WROTE DOWN!!! This pissed me off too, because i could tell that it was a really long and epic dream. Infact, the only thing i remember from the lucid itself was thinking of how awesome it was and how i couldn't wait to write it down!
    5. Grease Lightning and a Little Car

      by , 01-18-2011 at 04:26 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I had just awoken from another dream which i could barely remember. I think it was something about a video game, but wasn't completely sure. I had plugged my nose and tried to breathe, as i usually do when I wake up, and good thing, it had worked and I became lucid! The dream was a little "iffy" and felt really strange. I figured that it was starting to fade, so i rubbed my hands. I focused on the warmth and feeling of the hands, thinking the dream was going to fade away, but it didn't. Instead, it became one of the most vivid and real dreams i had ever had.

      I contemplated what to do, and, like usual, the TotY popped into my head. I thought about what to do. It was a choice between racing grease lightning and casablanca. Having never seen Casablanca, i decided to try grease lightning. I wanted to try out my new way of changing the scenery, by just snapping my fingers and not even closing my eyes. I thought, "drainage pipe, classic cars," and when i snapped my fingers, the scene instantly changed and i was in the large drainage type thing where there were a bunch of people dressed like in the movie talking and fighiting.

      I walked up to who i thought was grease lightning and told him that i would whoop his butt in a race. He laughed and scoffed at me. I took it that he gladly accepted my challenge. I nearly started crying... He had one of those little plastic electric cars that you see little kids driving around with. I looked over and summoned a Lambo, birhgt red and ready to race. I hopped in and started it up. It was awesome. Never being in a lambo before, i was eager to see how it preformed. I drove over to him and told him, "Hey! Nice car!" He just laughed again and said, "watch this." He suddenly reved the engine and it sounded just like mine. WTF!? The little plastic toy was going to compete with a lamborghini!?

      We both pulled up to a crack in the pipe and all his friends drove up along side me. They were in their normal '50s cars, like they should've been in. One guy stood there with a checkered flag. He yelled, "Ready, set! GO!" And we took off. I was way ahead and noticed that the other's hadn't even moved. I was nearing the end of the pipe and saw the others already there! WTF again!?!? They were cheating! I quickly turned aroudn the pipe and could hear them finally driving. I floored it. The others had caught up to me and were on the side. I have to admit, it was kind of funny seeing a little plastic car going over 200 mph, but I was starting to lose focus. There were passing me! I imagined a nitro button right next to the shifter and, of course, it appeared.

      I quickly pressed it and was launched back into my seat. I saw the speedometer quickly rising. 300, 350, 400, 450. The finish line seemed to move further and further away the faster i went. I was still catching up on the others though. I decided, "the heck with this." And i teleported myself to the fnish line. The guy was still there and waved the flag again. I won! or so i thought... I looked around and noticed the other people were sitting there drinking and laughing. I had lost! The guys started to walk over to me, but i could feel the dream fading. I jumped out of the car and tried to spin to stay in the dream, but it was too late.
      I woke up in my bed, a little disappointed that i didn't get to stay in the dream.
    6. Indiana Jones and the TotY

      by , 01-10-2011 at 11:10 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Hooray! I got another part done! Did Indiana Jones this time

      We were driving home form my grandmother and I fell asleep in the car. I had woke up to a light which my mom had apparently turned on and was a little dazed. I had looked out the window and couldn't see anything. It was snowing really hard and was a complete whiteout. I looked over and noticed my mom was now in the back with me (She was sitting in the front, but i didn't notice anything strange.) I looked down and she was reading a book. The letters were all kind of jumbled and didn't seem to make any sense. It was like they were in Arabic or something. This made me confused and i decided to preform a reality check just to be sure I wasn't dreaming, since i thought I wasn't.

      It turns out i really was! I got so excited that I started to feel the dream fade, though it might've been a bump from the real world. I had realized that i was still asleep in the car and that the dream may start to shake every once in a while. I rubbed my hands together and focused on the heat. My hands started to get really hot and then caught on fire! I quickly blew them out and noticed my hands were kind of charred. Oh well, maybe it'll go away later. I thought to myself of what to do, and remembered the task of the year. I decided to do the indiana jones one since I had never seen the movie and wanted to see where my mind thought it took place. I closed my eyes and told my dad, who was driving, to take me to indiana jones and the ark of the covenant. He said okay and i felt the car start to go really fast.

      I opened my eyes and noticed we were now in the desert, somewhere in egypt. I also saw pyramids in the distance. I figured that this was where my mind thought the ark of the covenant would be for some reason. It made no sense to me at the time but whatever, I didn't "consciously" pick it. My dad stopped the car in front of a pyramid. I got out and noticed it was very cold for being mid-day in the desert. It felt like it was only 50 degrees out and i was glad i had a sweatshirt on. I walked toward the pyramit and noticed a little indent in the wall and figured that this was where the entrance was. I pushed some bricks in and the whole wall started to slowly move. Then, the whole side of the pyramid just collapsed and i was buried in a pile of rocks and dust. I quickly dugged my way out and noticed some people running out of the pyramid, being chased by zombie pharohs! I was a little confused, but hey, they weren't chasing me!

      I walked in a small corridor that the zombies had come out of and found torches on the side. I thought to myself, "How cliche... toches?" I grabbed one and started walking. I suddenely fell down this huge shaft and landed in a bunch of gold and artifacts. I climbed my way out and saw a large golden box with two angel figures on each side. I figured that this was the ark of the covenant, so i started to walk towards it. I thought to myself, "Wait... these things are always booby trapped." Bad idea! I was about halfway to the box and heard a quiet click. Acting quickly, I paused time, something I had perfected in another LD, and looked around. There were arrows coming at me from the sides! I walked over to them and lit them on fire with the torch. But when i un-freezed time, the arrows didn't keep flying. They just dropped out of the air.

      I decided that i had enough with things falling on me, falling on things, and setting off booby traps, and just jumped over to the ark. A pretty fun experience since the ark was like 30 feet away. I pushed the huge top over and peered inside. It was hard to see, but i could make out a rectangular shape. I grabbed it and it was a thick book, about the width of a christian bible. I opened it up and just saw a bunch of nonsense. It was like a mix of all the languages. I saw some fmailiar japanese shaped, some things that looked like arabic, latin, and russian. I waved my hand over it and said out lout, "In english, please!" And so, it changed to english. I can't remember quite what it said (sucks, right?) But it was something like, "Religion is a hoax, the truth is yet to be revealed" or something like that. I didn't think much of it and decided to try and do another task, but I fast the whole world bump, and thought that the car was getting off the highway. I could feel the dream fading, and spun to try and keep it. Unfortunately, it didn't work this time and I
      just woke up in the car. Turns out we were home already! The car ride was supposed to be a few hours, but whatever, i did part of the task!
    7. Dorothy's Slippers Are Evil!

      by , 01-08-2011 at 04:09 AM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Woo! Completed part of the task of the year

      I was lying in my bed in my room trying to DEILD and was trying to lay still. I had woken up several times after falling back asleep. I finally said screw it and just did a random RC. It worked! I couild breathe through my nose and was lucid! I though of what to do for a minute and remembered some of the task of the year things. I decided to do the one where tou tap Dorothy's slippers and see what happens. I got up and thought to myself that when i wlak through the door i will be in the Wizard of Oz movie. I walked through and i was in the wizards castle!

      Dorothy and all the other characters (lion, tin man, and scarecrow) had just walked in and were being scammed by the "wizard" I walked up to them and told them what was going on, and they all started crying for some reason. I guess they were sad . I walked over and just picked up Dorothy's shoes and put them on. They were tiny though and my feet could barely fit in them. I started to tap them and on the third time
      I woke up... WTH! Damn slippers....

      Oh well, got part of it done
    8. Couple of Frags

      by , 06-26-2010 at 04:21 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was in my bedroom and had what I think was an FA. I woke up and started to clean a bunch of bugs that had all congregated on my window. I grabbed a sock out of my droor and started brushing them off, hoping none would land on me or my bed. (my bed is directly inderneath my window)

      I was in my living room watching T.V. even though it was off. There wasn't any picture showing, just a black screen. My sister was sitting on the floor to my side and started throwing Legos at me. I grabbed them and threw them back. This went back and forth for a little while until I woke up.