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    Burke's Nightly Escapades

    Grease Lightning and a Little Car

    by , 01-18-2011 at 04:26 AM (894 Views)
    I had just awoken from another dream which i could barely remember. I think it was something about a video game, but wasn't completely sure. I had plugged my nose and tried to breathe, as i usually do when I wake up, and good thing, it had worked and I became lucid! The dream was a little "iffy" and felt really strange. I figured that it was starting to fade, so i rubbed my hands. I focused on the warmth and feeling of the hands, thinking the dream was going to fade away, but it didn't. Instead, it became one of the most vivid and real dreams i had ever had.

    I contemplated what to do, and, like usual, the TotY popped into my head. I thought about what to do. It was a choice between racing grease lightning and casablanca. Having never seen Casablanca, i decided to try grease lightning. I wanted to try out my new way of changing the scenery, by just snapping my fingers and not even closing my eyes. I thought, "drainage pipe, classic cars," and when i snapped my fingers, the scene instantly changed and i was in the large drainage type thing where there were a bunch of people dressed like in the movie talking and fighiting.

    I walked up to who i thought was grease lightning and told him that i would whoop his butt in a race. He laughed and scoffed at me. I took it that he gladly accepted my challenge. I nearly started crying... He had one of those little plastic electric cars that you see little kids driving around with. I looked over and summoned a Lambo, birhgt red and ready to race. I hopped in and started it up. It was awesome. Never being in a lambo before, i was eager to see how it preformed. I drove over to him and told him, "Hey! Nice car!" He just laughed again and said, "watch this." He suddenly reved the engine and it sounded just like mine. WTF!? The little plastic toy was going to compete with a lamborghini!?

    We both pulled up to a crack in the pipe and all his friends drove up along side me. They were in their normal '50s cars, like they should've been in. One guy stood there with a checkered flag. He yelled, "Ready, set! GO!" And we took off. I was way ahead and noticed that the other's hadn't even moved. I was nearing the end of the pipe and saw the others already there! WTF again!?!? They were cheating! I quickly turned aroudn the pipe and could hear them finally driving. I floored it. The others had caught up to me and were on the side. I have to admit, it was kind of funny seeing a little plastic car going over 200 mph, but I was starting to lose focus. There were passing me! I imagined a nitro button right next to the shifter and, of course, it appeared.

    I quickly pressed it and was launched back into my seat. I saw the speedometer quickly rising. 300, 350, 400, 450. The finish line seemed to move further and further away the faster i went. I was still catching up on the others though. I decided, "the heck with this." And i teleported myself to the fnish line. The guy was still there and waved the flag again. I won! or so i thought... I looked around and noticed the other people were sitting there drinking and laughing. I had lost! The guys started to walk over to me, but i could feel the dream fading. I jumped out of the car and tried to spin to stay in the dream, but it was too late.
    I woke up in my bed, a little disappointed that i didn't get to stay in the dream.

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    1. insideout's Avatar
      Haha, awesome dream.