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    Burke's Nightly Escapades

    Old Fashioned Televisions, Big Bands, and the TotY

    by , 02-08-2012 at 04:13 AM (899 Views)
    I was sitting on my bed in my room and it was dark outside yet light in my room. I got up and walked out the door into the bathroom. I looked at the clock and it said that it was 6:30AM, right on time that I normally wake up. I turned on the shower and brushed my teeth while waiting for the water to heat up. Once it was warm I got in and went through my usual shower, nothing out of the ordinary. I got out of the shower and when I stepped on the ground I slipped and hit my head right on the ground. I had forgotten to put the mat down . My head didn't hurt at all and I got right up as if nothing had happened. I continued on with my morning as usual. I walked down the stairs and it led right into the gym locker room at out school

    I walked outside the locker room into the gym where my classmates were playing this game called jugball. It's a game in which you have to get a tennis ball to your "goalie" on the opposite side of the gym using milk jugs with the bottom cut off (you can't run). Anyway, when I had walked out I grabbed a jug and got right into the action. I casually walked down to the end of the gym and saw two of my friends just standing there, not doing anything. "Hey guys, having fun?" I asked in a casual, sarcastic way. "Tons," they replied, equally as sarcastic. I turned around to look at the other side of the gym where the ball had gone and saw one of the more sports-oriented kids down there getting the ball. I turned around, looked at me and chucked it as hard as he could
    (this part actually happened a few days ago)

    The ball flew at me and I quickly moved my hand over my stomach to stop the ball and actually ended up catching it!
    (This happened too only it just bounced off my hand, I didn't catch it ) For some reason, this made me start to question whether or not I was awake. I looked around more carefully and didn't see anything wrong with the dream. All my friends looked normal and there were no irregularities. I looked down at my hands and noticed nothing was wrong with them, all 10 fingers and no differences. "Hey, Burke, pass it over here!" One of my friends yelled. I tossed it over and proceeded to do a nose-plug RC. To my surprise, It worked! I was lucid! Quite an interesting way to get lucid .

    I hadn't had a lucid in a while so I didn't want to waste this one. I thought of what to do and decided I would do the TotY. The first one that came to mind was the first television broadcast so I imagined a room back in the ealy 1900s and a small T.V. sitting in the corner. I snapped my fingers and I was brought to a small room where everything was in black and white, except me. The room was completely empty, no doors or anything except for one small end table with a modern-day t.v. on it, only it as really small about 6 inches across. I walked over to it (the room was only like 10' by 10') and there was one knob on the side. I turned it towards the part that said "on" and waited for something to happen.

    I stared at the screen and could see a very static-y screen like when you don't have a signal. I waited for about 10 seconds for something to happen and after nothing did, I looked around the t.v. for an answer to my problems. Coming out of the back of the t.v. was a power cord but it only had one prong, similar to an auxiliary cable. I looked around the room again and tried to find an outlet but there was nothing to be seen. I figured I could just summon one so I turned around and thought to myself, "when I turn around, there will be an outlet for this thing right behind it." When I turned around there was indeed an outlet, but it was a modern day, 3-pronged one. This wouldn't work but I figured I might as well try. I stuck the jack into the round hole where the 3rd prong would normall go.

    It fit right in and there a couple sparks but no flames or anything. I looked at the t.v. screen and it was now a faint blue, almost gray, color. I reached behind the t.v. expecting there to be a remote and there was! Man, I'm really getting the hang of summoning stuff . The remote only had a few buttons: power, channel, and menu. I clicked the channel one and saw the screen change to a faint green and a small number appeared in the corner saying "02." It makes sense since the first one would've been one, and this one was two. I continued to flip through the channels but there was nothing broadcasting, only various colors, some brighter than others while a few were so faded they almost were just a shade.

    Around channel 8 when the t.v. had turned to a faint red, almost pink, color I noticed that the room had changed color too, the same color as the screen. I turned it back to 7, which was a deep purple, and the room changed accordingly. Getting a little frustrated I just yelled at the t.v. "Just show me a damn show!" I waited a second and after a brief moment the screen started to flicker. On the screen a group of people started to form with what looked like big blocks of wood in from of them. After another few seconds I saw that is was a band! A stereotypical big band from the 1920s and 1930s. There was about 20 of them in total and on the front of their music stands I saw a circle with some sort of letters around it and a clarinet lilted to the side in the middle.

    The entire broadcast was in black and white and thus the room changed accordingly. The conductor up in from raised his hands and all the musicians raised their instruments. I started to waive his hands and all the players took a big breath. I could tell they were playing some sort of music but, this being the first t.v, there was no sound. What's the point of a concer on t.v. if there's no sound? I was a little disappointed and wanted to hear what they were saying so I decided to try something new. I walked up to the t.v. and kicked it with my left foot. As I had expected, my leg went right through the screen but it didn't break it, my leg actually went through the screen and into the scene that had been filmed. I squeezed the wrest of my body through and ended up in some sort of concert hall with a large dance floor and tables surrounding it.

    Once there I could hear some music and it seemed very familiar. I looked around and could see a lot of people in the room, some dancing, talking, and others just sitting at the tables eating some food. I walked over to one of them and asked what song this was. They responded in a stereotypical New Yorker accent which I found rather humorous saying, "Eh? Oh yeah, thems guys. They's the Glen Miller Band or sometin' with this new fangled doo-hickey called 'jazz.' It's not too bad. I actually like it, personally and it seems like a lot of others do to. So, whad'ya say? You wanna dance or somethin'?" Wow, he had a really heavy accent but it amused me nonetheless. "No, that's not what I asked. What is the name of this song?" I asked him again. "The song? Uh... I ain't got a clue, but that Firo ova there, he knows what new and fancy and whatnot." He pointed to a younger person, probably about 16 with a brown suit and tan fedora on. "Thanks." I told him.

    I walked over to this kid and tapped him on the shoulder. He immediately spun around and tried to hit me in the face! I quickly ducked down to avoid it. "What the hell'd ya do that for!?" I yelled at him. "You're pretty quick." he said, "I don't see many people with moves like that. What's ya name?" He had a slightly less pronounced accent but it was still noticible. "I'm Burke," I told him. "This man over there said that this guy named Firo knew what this song was called. Is that you? Do you know?" I asked him. "Yea, I'm him, and this song here these guys is playin's called 'In the Mood' or somethin'. It's not bad, I like it." He told me. Ah-ha! That's what it was! We had played this in our local jazz bad a couple years ago. It's actually a pretty good song.

    "Now, since I did somethin' for you, you gotta do somethin' for me." He said suddenly. "What's that you want?" I asked him. He smirked and brought his fist back as if he was about to punch something. "Ye see, I'm kinda a jerk, so I just want one thing. I want you... to wake up!" He quickly brought his fist forward and it slammed right into my face. It pushed me back a few feet and I could feel the dream start to fade, but it didn't immediately wake me up. The dream was very unstable though so I quickly rubbed my hands together and focused on my surroundings. The band had changed songs! I dind't recognize this new song but I wasn't really very curious. "Ya quite the sturdy one," He told me, "But I ain't never not woken someone up before when I say I'm gonna!" In an instant,
    I was lying in my bed, eyes open, completely awake. Damn. Did he really wake me up or was it just time for the dream to end?

    Oh well, I got part of the TotY done and had a dream which had quite a few real-life elements in it. A "sport" we played in gym class, music by a band I knew, and a character from an anime I had recently watched (Firo from Baccano!). Not a bad dream

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