Surviving the Hindenburg, A Massive Fight, and My Possible DG
, 01-07-2012 at 02:26 AM (1438 Views)
Longest. Dream. Ever. So vivid, so much detail, and much more dialogue than I normally have in my dreams. The whole thing must've lasted 10-15 minutes (in dream time)
I was in a very large city, what I assumed was Tokyo at the time on some sort of school trip. I was on a pathway with some friends and we were walking towards a large deck/patio area that was overlooking a river and the city. When we got to the deck I looked up in the sky and saw the moon was much larger than usual. It seemed to be growing too. I squinted a little bit to try and see it better, and I noticed it was hurtling at us! I didn't move (don't know if I couldn't or just didn't) and just stood there. Nobody else seemed to be paying any attention and I didn't say anything, I just started at the moon flying at us. It crashed into the city beyond the river and there was a huge explosion with massive amounts of debris flying everywhere.
The next thing I knew I was standing on the pathway again, like nothing had ever happened. I looked around, and noticed it was just like before. I didn't really think anything of it and continued to walk with my friends towards the deck again. When we got there I asked my friend Tyler about what happened. He said, "What are you talking about? Nothing happened, and the moon difinitely didn't fall out of the sky. Look," he pointed up, "it's right there." I looked up where he was pointing and sure enough there was the moon, siting in the sky, certainly not hurtling towards us. I found this very odd, and started to quesiton things. I figured I might as well to a RC. I plugged my nose, tried to breath in and it worked! I was in a dream, the third one in a row
I imediately felt the dream start to fade and quickly started to rub my hands together to no success. I decided to try spinning to prolong the dream and kept spinning around and around. I didn't want to open my eyes, thinking that I would wake up, but after I had spun for about 30 seconds and wasn't lying down, I figured I could stop and I would be alright. I opened my eyes and I was still on the deck, but nobody was there. I thought of what to do, and I immediately thought of the TotY. The first one that came to mind was the first camera, but I didn't really feel like doing that one for some reason. Instead, I decided to survive the hindenburg disaster.
I pictured the large baloon floating over an airfield (like I remember seeing in old videos) and snapped my fingers, thinking to myself, "take me there." In a flash I was inside a small room, what looked like a cockpit. There were two people in the room with me and I noticed they had modern pilot uniforms on. I didn't think much of it and leaned over them to look out the window. I proceeded to accidently knock over one of their coffees, "Hey! Watch it!" he yelled. I back away quickly, surprised at his sudden activity. I noticed that the cup was full, and it had gotten all over the controls. A few sparks appeared and I started to get nervous, as did the pilots.
I rubbed my hands some more, making sure I had a good hold on the dream. I had a feeling this would be the cause of the crash, and I was right. The blimp immediately started diving forward, and the pilots pulled back on the controls as hard as they could, trying to get the blimp to rise. I could hear passengers screaming in the back when a flight attendant came in. "What's going on!? Why are we falling out of the sky!?" She sounded surprisingly calm for being in an aircraft that was about to crash. "This dumbass spilled coffee all over the controls!" One of them yelled. I backed away a little bit and put my arms up like I was innocent, "It was an accident! I didn't mean to!" I claimed.
Then, one of the pilots must've had a light bulb go off over his head, because in an instant, he shouted, "Wait! I have an idea!" He then took his coffee, and poured it all over the controls! "What the hell are you doing!?" I demanded. "Just wait," he replied. After only a few seconds, we levelled out, and were at a safe trajectory again. "What the... how did you know that would work?" I asked. "We are in a dream, you know." He replied, quite sarcastically. I shrugged it off and walked back into the main room where all the passengers were. Then I noticed a guy with a cigarette in his mouth and some matches in his hand. "NO!! Don't do that!" I yelled, but it was too late. He struck the match and the entire vessel instantly burst into flames.
There was tons of flames in the passenger area and I ran back into the cockpit where there wasn't any fire yet. "What the hell was that!?" One of the pilots demanded. "Some idiot just lit a match and now the entire things burst into flames!" I replied. "Then light another match! You know, dreams?" It did make sense, given that he fixed the earlier problem by pouring more coffee onto it. I went back into the other room with the other passengers who were all freaking out. This time it was actually very hot and I started to sweat. I felt like I just ran a marathon and got thrown into a sauna, minus the steam. I pulled a matchbook out of my back pocket (no idea how they got there). To my dismay, as I opened them they immediately burst into flames from the already roaring fire. I guess that plan's out.
I went back into the cockpit where it was starting to get warm, but there still weren't flames. "So? Did it work?" The same pilot asked. "Not exactly..." I replied, "they burst into flames before I could light them." "Damn," he said, obviously discouraged, "that was our only plan. Well, I guess there's nothing left to do but sit back and enjoy death." Jeez, that seemed a little dark. "Doesn't really matter to me," I said calmly, "I just need to ride this out so I can finish the TotY." It was true after all, if I had saved the blimp then I would've failed my task. "That is such a dreamer's additude." The other pilot added in. "How do you know I'm dreaming?" I asked. "Duh," he said sarcastically, "I'm part of your subconscious. You know, your brain? I know everything you know, and things you don't know you know."
"Like what?" I asked, equally sarcastic. "Now then," he said, "this is no place to have an intelectual discussion. We're all-most of us are going to die here." Damn... I actually felt like a douche, but he was right, we're about to crash. "Can you just answer me one quesiton?" I asked. "Yes. There, I answered your quesiton, now shut up so I can enjoy my death." He replied. Jeez, my subconscious is even more sarcastic than I am. "Thats not what I meant. I want to ask you where my dream guide is. I've always wondered who/what it is but never found him/her/it." It was true, I was very curious about who my DG was. "Don't you see? It's right in front of you, it's-"
At this point the blimp finally crashed into the ground. The force threw me forward into the windshield, but it didn't break. Ow... The cockpit I was in finally caught on fire, and it was even hotter than the other room. I could feel my skin starting to melt, but it didn't hurt, just uncomfortable, like when you get a moderate cramp, only it was all over my body. I wanted to get out. Now. I pushed my way through the burning wreckage and punched out the window. I could barely squeeze through but there was a small openeing right on the ground about 2 feet high. I crawled out and walked into the bright sun. I turned around at the hindenburg and it was only a shell of what was once the greatest airship ever. I must've been the only one out.
It wasn't until a few seconds later when a man ran over to me with a fire extinguisher in his hands that I noticed I was still on fire. I told him to back off because i wanted to try something. I did another small energy burst (See two dreams ago) and the fire pretty much evaporated. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine, but do you know if the pilot made it out?" I wanted to know what he was about to say and if he was really going to tell me who my DG was. "You're the only one who I've seen come out. Come on, you look terrible." I looked down into a puddle of water and noticed that all my hair had been singed off and my skin was black aroudn my face. I looked down and my arms and noticed my shirt was gone, but my pants were still there (thank god).
I walked over to the bleachers where the crowd had been watching the blimp fly around and sat down on the first one. I looked back at the blimp again and noticed that it was just a pile of charred rubble. Then, I noticed a figure walking away. It was the pilot! Unfortunately, it wasn't the one who I had been talking to, but the other one who had just sat there silent the entire time. I ran up to him and noticed he had a disappointed look on his face, almost angry. Right as I got close to him he spun around and kicked me right in the side of my head! It was a damn hard hit and pushed me about 20 feet off to the side but I managed to stay on my feet. "What the hell was that for!?" I yelled at him.
"Thats what you get for being yet another arrogant son of a bitch to come into this dream." Wow, he was angry! "What the hell do you mean?" I demanded. I was seriously confused. Was I really being that much of a jerk? "Back there, in the blimp, when you said 'Doesn't really matter to me, I just need to ride this out so I can finish the TotY.'" In a mocking tone like you would when you repeat what someone says to point out the obvious. "That is one of the cockiest things I've ever heard." (Looking back, he did kind of have a point) "What are you talking about? It's my dream, and besides, you're just a figment of my imagination. A projection of my subconscious to simulate the waking world."
"Oh, but I'm much more than that. Yes, I am a projection of your-" he cleared his throat, "-our subconscious, but that doesn't mean I'm not real. In here, what you see is all real. What was that one thing you always said? 'Perception is reality?' Well, you were right. And, even though you may think you perceive thise to be just a dream, to me, to your subconscious, we perceive this as complete reality." Wow, this is getting really serious! This stuff is insane. "That may be," I said, slowly, "but you're still a part of me, and if I perceive this to be a dream, then it is a dream."
"You're right," he said. He actually sounded like he just thought realized something. "This is a dream, but who's to say dream aren't reality? This is all real. Right now, your brain is still sending signals to your body and itself. Your heart is beating in here, as well as in your physical body, lying in your bed. What you're seeing, hearing, feeling. What you're smelling and even tasting, is all going into your memory. Saying this dream isn't real is like saying memories aren't real. You remember going snowboarding last night, right?" (I did go snowboarding last night) "That was real, wasn't it? But all it is now is just a memory, and soon, this will just be a memory. Saying this dream isn't real is like saying everything that has ever happened isn't real, and who are you to say what is and isn't reality?" (I maye have left some parts out, but this is about 95% accurate)
"And now..." He said, "I think it's time I put you in your place." He charged at me, incredibly fast. "Wait wait wait, hold on a sec-" *SMACK!* I felt a huge sharp pain in my ribs. Everything started to go blurry, and I struggled to raise my hands together. I started to rub them and focus on the warmth and feeling, "Uh-uh," he yelled, "You're not stabalizing that easily! I'll make you wake yourself up!" At this point i was on my knees, trying to regain my breath, when suddenly my neck snapped back. He had kicked me square in the jaw. But then it hit me: it's not about rubbing your hands together, it's about focusing on your senses and how it feels to do so. "No, you're the one who's wrong," I squeezed out. "You see, the more you hit me, the more pain I feel, and the more senses I have to anchor myself to this "alternate reality" you say we are in."
I focused on my chest, on my jaw, neck, and even the burns from the crash. The more I thought about it, the more it hurt, but the more vivid the dream became. "Ah, but I can see it on your face," he snickered. "The more you focus on the pain, the stronger it becomes." Spot on, he hit the nail on the head. "But you forget," I told him, "I have nearly mastered dream control, and any pain I feel I can easily change. You know, the mind interprets pain and sex in the same area of itself. If sexual thoughts can be used to diminish pain in waking life, then why could it not work in the dream world? After all, it's all in your head."
At this point I was back on my feet, and pictured the pain in my chest and jaw to pleasure in my "private area." It worked better than I thought. So well in fact I nearly ejaculated and could feel the dream fade just a tiny bit. I imagined a bit of the new pleasure as pain to even it out, and it worked perfectly. I had some minor discomfort in my chest, and some moderate pleasure "down there."
"I see," he replied, "it looks as if it has worked. Well then, let the realy fire start!" I immediately yelled back, "You asked for it!" I flexed all the muscles in my right hands and formed a fireball about the size of a medicine ball. I lurched back and flew forward in an all out sprint. At this point time seemed to slow down 10 fold, so that one normal second took a good 10 seconds to happen. We were only about 50 feet away and I halved that distance in the blink of an eye, or about 3 seconds of slow-motion. I swung my arm around as hard as I could (8 years of baseball finally paying off) and aimed right for his head. Right as it left my hand he leaned to the left and I flew past him. I spun around so that my back was facing the ground and I could see his knee about to come up, going straight for my back.
I arched my back as hard as I could and turned it into a back handspring. "Not bad," he said, "for a dreamer." For some reason, that pissed me off. I'm normally a very cool headed guy. In fact, whenever I play video games with friends they will always get pissed off and I'll have to tell them to calm down, while they're all screaming their heads off. But not this time. Without thinking, I formed another fireball and went after him again. This time though, I threw the fireball at him earlier, and followed through on the throw to turn it into a side flip, and rotated that into a chartweel type move, and pushed yet another fireball off each of my feet, on either side of him, so no matter which way he moved, he would get hit. However, he jumped straight into the air, about 100 feet, avoiding all three fireballs.
"Quite the moves you got there," he said, "but you'll have to do better than that to beat me!" He dove down head first straight at the ground, fast enough to cause him to burst into flames like a meteor. Having just recovered from my little stunt, I saw him out of the corner of my eye smash into the ground. A huge crater formed and I was pushed back several hundred feet. He walked casually out of his crater and moved so fast he just appeared next to me in the blink of an eye. "Now, like I said before, It's time you learn your place!" I felt a massive force on the back of my head and I'm pretty sure I was forced into the ground. The force was so great that I woke up in my bead, heart going crazy, sweating like hell and completely disoriented. Wow. Now that was a dream. I'm starting to wonder whether or not that was my DG, and if what he said was really true. I quickly wrote down all the main points as well as the majority of the dialogue, but I had school again that morning and I had little time to actually get into detail.
Nevertheless, I got part of the TotY done, had en epic fight, and possibly met my DG.