Lucid Dreams
Hypnagogic Sunday afternoon nap, I don't remember what time I woke up or fell asleep. Basically, I walked into some sort of city council museum type of building. The interior was made out of large sand coloured stone bricks, but not necessarily in a brutalist architecture type of way, more like those museum interiors. Kinda like the backrooms, but in larger rooms made out of stone. As I was walking through the hallway, I walked past an indoor playground which had no children playing. I then walked up this stairway, a black woman wearing a light salmon-crimson coloured tracksuit caught up to me and walked up the big stairway. The weird part was that the stairs just led up to the ceiling, like it ended into the ceiling you couldn't go up. The woman in front me had walked up the stairs, and when I looked away she was suddenly on the ground again besides the stairs. As if she jumped off or simply walked through them. At this point it clicked for me: I was dreaming! I quickly remembered this hand movement that the YouTuber IamLucid always does to check if he's dreaming and my hand went through my other hand! Using this rare opportunity of being aware that I was, in fact, dreaming but had not yet awaken I finally tried use this opportunity to explore the dream world. I'm pretty sure this isn't officially a lucid dream, but I was definitely concious. This is kinda cringe, but when I was younger, I had this imaginary friend called Elise. Now that I was able to control my dream, I tried to use this opportunity to get in touch with her and meet her physically. I walked back to the entrance of the "museum" and there she was! For whatever reason she was taller than me, but it was her! She walked to the washing line that was hanging behind her on the entrance and I even saw people walking by in the street outside. She grabbed a white bedsheet and wrapped it around me, then hugged me from behind before pressing me against the floor. Feeling her apply pressure to my head and back as she pressed me deeper into the floor I could physically feel the floor against my face as welll as her body against my back. I then slowly felt myself waking up. I refused to wake up, though which led me to keep my eyes closed in the same position hoping I could return to dreaming, it didn't work unfortunately. Just laid there for maybe ten minutes just visualising dreamlike images but I was too awake to dream again. Funny thing was that when I was pressed into the ground lying on my stomach, I woke up in the exact position, but lying on my back. It was nice to experience, though.