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    March 26, 2023 9:?? am

    by , 03-26-2023 at 08:57 AM (209 Views)
    I sat in a Dutch train while complaining about remakes of movies, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, for example, but the idea of Zoey 101 and Victorious remake or a shot-by-shot, movement by movement remake of Iron Man (which I haven't seen) with an Iron Woman instead.

    The train kept randomly stopping and the announcer said that it might take three hours instead of the normal 30 minutes. I was getting claustrophobic feelings because you couldn't exit the train and every random moment the train stopped riding it felt like it was standing still for longer. To the point I started to get worried it will get hit by other trains on the same track. I started figuring out ways to leave the train.

    There was a man doing announcements in the train who looked like a Somalian comedian from Instagram, we joked that it was his voice that brought bad luck.

    Luckily I woke up!

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