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    Angel Falls

    by , 07-15-2013 at 06:12 PM (1116 Views)
    Angel Falls!! Finally on the scoreboard for Task of the Year!

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #119: Angel Falls

    Wife and I are driving in a car through a field. Somehow, we believe that we're experiencing her brother's future and what will become of his life. The mood is relaxed and exploratory -- we're journeying with of a sense of curiosity rather than concern or foreboding.

    I veer off on a path that goes to the left. "Not that way! The zoo is this way!" Wife grabs the wheel and yanks it back so that we're going straight once more. We follow this dirt path for a while before emerging onto a suburban street.

    Somehow we're now pushing a big lawnmower rather than driving a car. The left side of the street is taken up by an angry-looking giant while the right side is littered with "doggy clean-up bags" that are filled with poop. Wife thinks that we should steer toward the poop bags and I think we should head for the giant because the poop will be too gross on the lawnmower wheels. We're not sure what to do, and as I examine the situation,
    I realize that this has to be a dream.

    I'm slightly unclear on what happens from here, but I know that I was lucid for a good while, flew, found our 4-year-old son "E", and
    lost lucidity. Much later I'm walking through a train station with E when I remember how recently I was dreaming and realize that I still am. "[E]", I say, "I'm dreaming."

    "That's a lucid dream!" he responds, and hops a little bit.

    "That's right, buddy," I tell him. "Come with me outside. Remember that you can do everything that I can do." (I'm speaking to E, but mostly trying to remind myself.) I'm holding E's hand, and together we start flying toward the exit. A few DCs glance at us as we fly, but most ignore us. For no reason in particular, my flight momentum cuts out, but I focus on the street outside, thinking, We're out there now.

    Now we're moving through the air again. I hear a DC shout "No!" and a hand grabs my ankle. For a moment this slows us down, but I think Bullshit, we're flying just fine... and right away we're moving perfectly again.

    We land outside on a peaceful street scene. It's cobblestoned with no cars, just pedestrians. A river runs through the center of the road, running past the obelisk of a town square on our right, flowing toward a bay that's on our left. We follow the river, which grows broader and flows under a bridge before ultimately joining the bay. I decide that this river is perfect. This is the place where Angel Falls will be.

    I turn back toward the distant town square and shout to the crowd: "This is Angel Falls! It's right here at the end of this river." And I unironically add, "Watch meee!"

    From behind me I hear the thundering of a massive waterfall. Now when I look back toward the bay, everything looks strange. The original river is standing still, almost like time has stopped. But now there's a second, wilder river running right beside it. The bay has dropped completely out of sight, like we're at the top of a mesa. E and I fly over the calm river toward this new river and I can see it -- the top of an enormous waterfall! This is it!

    I land close to the waterfall, realize that I'm no longer holding E's hand, and look for him. I want him to come with me, but I won't wait long. I'm too desperate to complete this task! Fortunately he's just behind me. "[E], hurry!" I tell him. "We're going over this waterfall!" He doesn't hesitate, scurrying up to the waterfall and leaping off in a clumsy-looking froggy posture. I plunge over the side, just behind him.

    I'm freefalling now, soaked and yelling with excitement. I'm speeding toward a vast, green valley below me. I make no attempt to control my descent, move, or do anything apart from enjoy the sensation of falling through this curtain of water.

    Suddenly I hit a pool of water below and instantly enter the void. I can still feel water all around me and for a moment I think about trying to reemerge. But no -- I did what I wanted to do. Time to
    wake up.

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    Updated 07-15-2013 at 06:41 PM by 57387

    lucid , memorable , task of the year


    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Man! I can feel your smile from here!

      This is just...AWESOME! Congrats!!!

      Bullshit, we're flying just fine... and right away we're moving perfectly again.
      Great self control here and I am totally impressed with how good you executed the whole thing. This adds further support for my recent thoughts.

      Suddenly I hit a pool of water below and instantly enter the void. I can still feel water all around me and for a moment I think about trying to reemerge. But no -- I did what I wanted to do. Time to wake up.
      Now that you are done with this because I didn't want to influence you, I just want to say that I am slightly worried that I will end up in the void during the freefall if I get there.

      Canis, congrats on the TOTY! I can only imagine how this felt, I'm sure it was an unforgettable moment, and so cool you had E there too. Enjoy the feeling!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Man! I can feel your smile from here!

      This is just...AWESOME! Congrats!!!
      Thanks, Nyx!! Ha ha, you called it right... I've been wearing this ridiculous smile all morning!

      Great self control here and I am totally impressed with how good you executed the whole thing. This adds further support for my recent thoughts.
      I totally agree. I was thinking the same thing when I read your comments earlier this morning on your DJ entry.

      There's so much more to learn, but I feel like we're making so much progress. So much of it's now about forming the right habits and just [i]remembering[]/i] all these things that we've learned. I'm so excited to continue with this process and see where it leads!

      Now that you are done with this because I didn't want to influence you, I just want to say that I am slightly worried that I will end up in the void during the freefall if I get there.

      Canis, congrats on the TOTY! I can only imagine how this felt, I'm sure it was an unforgettable moment, and so cool you had E there too. Enjoy the feeling!
      Ha ha... it was on my mind as well since I'd wound up in the void when I tried to pitch myself backwards over a "waterfall" in one recent attempt. Fortunately, once I saw this waterfall taking shape, it just felt different to me. I believed that this was finally it, and of course because of that belief, it really was.

      And thank you again, Nyx, for your help and support here and in so many other DJ entries. It's impossible to overstate how much my DV friends help with motivation, ideas, and just learning how this whole thing works.
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      YEAH!!!!!! Oh man, congratulations! Reading that dream made my day. My favorite part of the whole thing was you not giving up. Everyone reading this better take a leaf from your book about persistence. Your patience and practice were noteworthy, Jay, and quite inspiring I should add.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks so much, Ophelia! Back when I had delusions of quickly conquering Task of the Year, I never intended to set a world record in Lucid Dream Task Obsessiveness, but here I am anyway.

      And you know what? Six months of trying on something will teach you a lot. The main thing I've learned is that basic stubbornness and showing up and trying can take you a long way.

      Thanks again for the kind words, Teach, and all the many ways you've helped me over the year that I've been here! I'm very grateful.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      There's so much more to learn, but I feel like we're making so much progress. So much of it's now about forming the right habits and just [i]remembering[]/i] all these things that we've learned. I'm so excited to continue with this process and see where it leads!
      Yep, I couldn't have said it better myself. I am also very excited and entries like these keep me going!

      Fortunately, once I saw this waterfall taking shape, it just felt different to me. I believed that this was finally it, and of course because of that belief, it really was.
      It really was, you made it! One can really sense your determination through the entire entry. Great stuff!

      And thank you again, Nyx, for your help and support here and in so many other DJ entries. It's impossible to overstate how much my DV friends help with motivation, ideas, and just learning how this whole thing works.
      I can say the same thing. Dream on!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. JoannaB's Avatar
      That's an awesome dream! Congratulations!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    7. Highlander's Avatar
      CL congratulations on the TOTY!

      You were quite close yesterday too!
      What are you going to do with the other 5 and a half months of this year? Task of the Century?
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @NyxCC - Thanks again! All of these recent discoveries and revelations we've been talking about have got me all pumped to LD again tonight.

      @JoannaB - Thanks!! It was a very fun dream and my pint-sized partner made it extra special.

      @Highlander - Ha ha, thanks! Fortunately, there's one task per continent, so I've... six continents left. I won't elaborate (because it's too painful to do so), but let's just say I need to significantly increase the rate at which I achieve these if I'm going to make it by the end of 2013, heh heh...
      NyxCC and Highlander like this.
    9. Highlander's Avatar
      @ CL. Oh sorry, I didn't realise about the other continents - good luck with those then too!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    10. NyxCC's Avatar
      I just like to add that this mid-year TOTY crisis turned out very well!
      The extra adrenaline comes in quite handy.

      I'm starting my own brainwashing, "Omg, I still have all the TOTYs to do"!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Awesome, it'll be great seeing you tackle the full Task of the Year menu! Since each Task has to be done in one dream, are you going to go for another one of your famous 7-lucid nights and get em all knocked out at once?

      If you feel like you're starting late, don't worry too much! I hadn't finished anything until this entry.
      NyxCC likes this.
    12. NyxCC's Avatar
      That would be great! Well, I think even a more focused approach might work. Have a single task in mind and don't stop Lding till you complete it!

      You actually gave me an idea. I have a flashcard app I use, so I am going to create a flashcard set with all the tasks I want to do and review it during the day and maybe WBTB. Hope that works!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Oh, great idea with the flashcards! Man, talk about back to basics. What could work better for training the memory than flashcards?

      Hmm, too bad that it's probably hard to include pictures.
      NyxCC likes this.
    14. NyxCC's Avatar
      Hmm, too bad that it's probably hard to include pictures
      It is hard, I don't know why they made the app like this, but even reading the tasks over and over will suffice. If it is effective I might expand with another set with tips like "Ignore your problems", "Don't forget to RC when you wake up", etc.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    15. Sibyline's Avatar
      Wow, I'm so glad to see you got this done. I could hear the water roaring while I was reading it, LOL! And little E got to participate too.


      What's next?
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    16. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Sibyline!! For the next one I'm thinking that I'll go for the Colosseum gladiator fight, which is the Europe segment of Task of the Year. Africa (the Pyramid task) also really calls to me. I'm looking forward to all of them, and they should all be a good test for me.

      Hopefully none of them take as long as this first one...
    17. Iokheira's Avatar
      AWESOME! Woohoo! Told you one more would do it :bravo:

      Sounded absolutely beautiful, and you got to do it with your son! I liked his little leap Look forward to reading your next task dream! (Which will be tonight, in case you had any doubts.)
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    18. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, thanks, Art! I'm glad you liked the little leap. I enjoyed that too. It was a pretty good simulation of little kid acrobatics.

      Told you one more would do it
      And as usual you are right about everything.

      Look forward to reading your next task dream! (Which will be tonight, in case you had any doubts.)
      And you're right again! Made a couple of (unsuccessful) attempts at the Colosseum. Pulled you into one of them at the last minute, but we didn't make it there. I need to find time to write these up!
      NewArtemis likes this.
    19. Xanous's Avatar
      I finally got around to reading this. Way to go man. Super cool! :bravo: I knew your were going to nail it sooner or later.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    20. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I finally got around to reading this. Way to go man. Super cool! :bravo: I knew your were going to nail it sooner or later.
      Thanks, dude! You led the way, man, and six months later, I follow. One down, six to go!