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    The (Headless) Man in the Mirror

    by , 10-04-2012 at 04:05 PM (1148 Views)
    This was a Task of the Month attempt and my first lucid in several days. This was a fun dream and it was exciting to be back in the saddle.

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #19: The (Headless) Man in the Mirror

    I'm in an office kitchen and I happen to run into L, an old friend from high school that I barely ever see. I ask how married life has been and whether anything exciting is going on with her. She reveals that she's expecting and is "3 weeks along". I remark that I couldn't tell (duh) but she doesn't respond.

    Assuming she didn't hear me, I repeat what I just said, only to realize that she has vanished. A young woman taps me on the shoulder and says, "Are you okay? You look like you're talking to someone but there's nobody there."
    Immediately lucid, I nod to her. "Thanks. Everything's fine. I'm dreaming." She seems to accept this, walking away. My mind is immediately on the Task of the Month and I walk through the nearest doorway.

    I wind up in a large classroom that looks like it might be for first- or second-graders. Daylight streams in from a large window on the far side of the room. I'm the only person in the room and there's a pumpkin in the middle of every short little table. Yes, conditions are perfect for removing my own head.

    I walk around the room, thinking of mirrors, expecting to see one around every corner. Finally one of those odd, distorting fish-eye mirrors appears but I figure it'll be fine. I check my reflection and I'm wearing extremely thick black glasses and a purple tank top. My hair looks all 90s and hair-sprayed. I decide not to get too attached to this new look as I shall be ridding myself of this head shortly.

    I begin to think about how all my life I have had the head of a Lego man, attached to my neck by nothing but a short knob. I place both hands under my jaw. Even though I can feel my hands on my face, my reflection's hands are a few inches away. I go ahead anyway, smoothly pushing up, and my head pops right off, just like a Lego piece. There's no blood and no pain. All of this feels perfectly natural.

    I need to find a pumpkin now so I unceremoniously chuck my head onto the floor. It makes a sound like a softball as it lands. I grab a nearby pumpkin and see that it's already carved like a jack-o-lantern. I wonder whether this is a violation of the rules that I'm supposed to carve it. I decide that once I put it on I'll add features. (Maybe a mustache?) I return to the mirror to complete the procedure but find that my original head has grown back. I feel a flash of surprise and the mirror disappears.

    I start looking around the class for more mirrors. One pops up but vanishes as soon as I try to look into it. I grumble about this and my voice suddenly sounds like the growl of an old man. I find a third mirror. When I look into it, Walter White from "Breaking Bad" is staring back at me. He (is this me or someone else??) is wearing the trademark Heisenberg pork pie hat and dark glasses. The dream fades
    and I'm awake.

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    Updated 10-04-2012 at 05:03 PM by 57387

    lucid , task of the month


    1. Chimpertainment's Avatar
      That is pretty awesome! this dream is epic :)
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I'm the only person in the room and there's a pumpkin in the middle of every short little table. Yes, conditions are perfect for removing my own head.
      You know, taken out of context, that's pretty damn funny

      But seriously, it's extraordinarily boss that you removed your head. Well done!!
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, chimpertainment!! It was a really fun one.

      @Ophelia: LOL. Yes, context is everything, especially with these October TotMs!

      As you can tell, I totally raided your mirror ideas after you gave me the rundown of how well they work for you. I'm really starting to love em too.

      I'm glad that I've been able to latch on to a lot of what you've been preaching about positive expectations. What's really been blowing my mind lately is that adding lots of little detail and texture to your positive expectations seems to crowd out potential negative thoughts. It's like if you're spending mental energy recalling your false childhood as a little Lego-headed boy, you just don't have the spare mental capacity to conjure up any self-doubt.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      Very cool CL but I think I'm going for the gore when I do mine. BTW did your perspective change when you took off your head or was it more like it was just happening in the mirror visually speaking?

      Leave it OB to point that out LOL. Gutter head.
      CanisLucidus and OpheliaBlue like this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      That's right, you tell her, Xanous! OpheliaBlue, let's have some decorum! I am trying to behead myself and replace it with that of a pumpkin! Let's treat this subject matter with the seriousness and dignity that it deserves.

      Dude, totally go for the gore! Go where I was too much of a sissy-boy to go.

      As for perspective, my "internal camera" did not move. Even though my head was moving up (and then getting tossed onto the floor), my view remained at the usual spot. (I was kind of glad about this as I thought I'd get too confused otherwise.)
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    6. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Yes sirs

      As for perspective, my "internal camera" did not move. Even though my head was moving up (and then getting tossed onto the floor), my view remained at the usual spot. (I was kind of glad about this as I thought I'd get too confused otherwise.)
      Yeah I was wondering if it would be like this. Kinda like you have invisible eyes in your neck somewhere. Or maybe even like, your perspective doesn't change, you're just beheading the reflection? Or it sorta happens in 3rd person. In a way, that's what a reflection is in a dream. I guess that's better than having your perspective still in the head when you threw it on the floor. Haha, then you'd have to watch from floor level, as your stumbling, headless body tries to find the pumpkin. Wouldn't it be cool if you could switch your perspective back and forth? Haha, your head could call out to your body "Ok go left, no no right.. warmer, warmer, GOOD now pick up the pumpkin." Man, this task is ending up having more facets to it than I originally thought!
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Right! These are all the thoughts that were going through my head as well. I didn't really know what was going to happen. In fact, this was yet another reason (out of many) I'd planned to use a mirror. I hoped that if my eyes were fixed on the reflection my vision would stay in the usual spot.

      The perspective-switching thing would be so cool. I would totally try that once I successfully finished the task. I also wanted to see if I could somehow get a lit candle into the jack-o-lantern so I was not only completely frightening to look at but also a traveling light source. So much to try.

      Sometimes I feel like the few LDers in the world have found the biggest, most amazing amusement park on the planet and practically nobody else has bothered to show up.

      BTW, this quote, Ophelia:
      I'm the only person in the room and there's a pumpkin in the middle of every short little table. Yes, conditions are perfect for removing my own head.
      Still has me cracking up like two hours later. Could I possibly sound like more of a pumpkin-humper? LOL
    8. Xanous's Avatar
      I meant to encourage you Ophelia. lol. so totally what I was already thinking anyway.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    9. Chimpertainment's Avatar
      I like how everyone is thinking the same things :)

      When I read the dream I was thinking, I wonder where the perspective would go?
      Great minds :-)
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha, that's great! I love that.

      That's another thing that I really love about the Task of the Month. It offers an almost collaborative element that you don't get just LD'ing on your own. Seeing what everyone comes up with on the TotM is like watching the way that different smart people w/ different strengths and abilities solve a puzzle. I was impressed almost to the point of intimidation by all the ideas for September's tasks that showed up in DJ entries and the podcast minisode.