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    I Am the Wolf

    by , 12-09-2013 at 08:20 PM (2063 Views)
    Major rise in confidence during this dream! Got an animal transformation, Advanced TotM, and was getting there on a Task of the Year, too. Thanks to NewArtemis for the dream control suggestions!

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #171: I Am the Wolf

    I have a false awakening that places me in my bed at home next to Wife. All of the lights are on and she's fiddling around with some papers in bed, something to do with my new business. "Oh good, you're awake," she says. I grumble about how unhappy I am that this is the case.

    "Sorry," she responds, "but we really need to work on this." I whine that it should be able to wait until the morning and that I was trying to have a lucid dream. She turns back to the papers, not bothering me any further. I'm a little worried that I was rude and have maybe pissed her off, but I decide to just take my chance while I can. I roll onto my side and begin my mantra of "The world is yours". I'm shocked to find that almost
    immediately I start a WILD transition. (Obviously just an in-dream WILD, but I didn't realize it at the time.)

    In the transition state, my dream hands are grasping at something rough that's rolling by beneath me. I grasp at it and start clawing my way along. A gravel surface comes into view. It seems like I'm floating while climbing a ladder made out of gravel that's been crudely mortared together. After a bit, the scene solidifies and the gravel becomes a path. There's one more odd little jump as gravity takes hold and now I'm walking along the path in a full-formed scene.

    It's dawn and I'm on a path that cuts through a park, not far from a street. Most of the DCs are dressed like it's chilly but it feels mild to me. I remember my intention to be extra confident in this dream and I start shouting my intentions at the passerby. "I can do anything I want! This is all mine!" I shout, interspersing lots of profanity and generally sounding like a total nutjob.

    I remember Task of the Month to turn into a white wolf, hide in the snow, and hunt down a meal. I still feel all crazy from my mantra and the insane confidence I had at the start of this dream. I shout in a booming voice that's not my own that "I AM THE WOLF!" Immediately my hands curl into white paws. I practice running a bit on all fours and it's not bad! I kind of get the sense that I'm sort of bent over like a loping hunchback / werewolf thing but hey, close enough!

    I go on a brief, profanity-laced tirade about how there's a bunch of snow to my right, and yep there it is. I hop my little wolf-feet into it and crouch down, looking to my left for some prey. Immediately I spy two potential targets: the closest is a large skunk and the other is an orange, semi-spherical alien thing with tentacles. The skunk's closer and the alien makes me a bit nervous, so I pounce on the skunk.

    My teeth rip into him and I tear a big chunk away. Fortunately none of this is bloody but the skunk stares at me in shock. The skunk meat tastes atrocious. It's like chewing on a fart. I can't remember whether I'm supposed to eat the whole animal so I take another bite. This time it's more gummy and tasteless at first but after a bit of chewing, nope, this bite's all farty-tasting too. I hope this is good enough because I've had enough of being a carnivore.

    I allow myself to change back into a human and walk further into the park. I come to three identical stone buildings with opaque green windows, standing side by side. I think of the Colosseum Task of the Year and shout that the building which leads to the Colosseum needs to light up. No immediate result, so another attempt, more yelly and with more profanity does the trick and the middle building's door lights up.

    I move through a series of three automatic glass doors where a steady stream of children is walking in the opposite direction. I say that the kids need to get out of the way and DC parents appear from out of nowhere to pull them to the side as I pass. I emerge in a restaurant area filled with DCs enjoying a meal. An Indian man in his early 40s is playing on a slot machine against the left wall and he turns to look at me with an expression of surprise.

    I push through the back door out into the early morning next to a crumbling sports arena. It's huge and looks a lot like the Colosseum apart from some weird details like the rebar that's sticking out of the top of it. I fly up toward the top and as a gust of wind carries me sideways away from where I want to be, I shout and mutter that "this is my world", and things get back on track.

    I come over the top of the stadium to see that inside it looks like a grassy version of the Circus Maximus! There's even a little chariot racing by itself around the track. I know I can make this work, so I fly down toward the field, shouting that down there will be someone for me to fight. Before I'm even halfway down, though,
    the dream ends.

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    1. Highlander's Avatar
      Congrats on Adv TOTM and the close TOTY attempt too.

      The skunk meat tastes atrocious. It's like chewing on a fart.

      I'm not going to ask!

      Calea Z. should be a walk in the park for you then if you ever decide to try it.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by CL
      I'm shocked to find that almost immediately I start a WILD transition. (Obviously just an in-dream WILD, but I didn't realize it at the time.)
      Wow. So the transition actually occurred within the FA? That's crazy! How did you know later that it was a FA? Did you ask your wife if that convo had actually happened? I think that whole transition is creepy and cool.

      Quote Originally Posted by CL
      I go on a brief, profanity-laced tirade about how there's a bunch of snow to my right,
      Haha so, "there's gonna be some mother fucking snow to my right, goddamnit"? I really want to know the exact phrasing, I don't know why. I guess because it worked, haha.

      Quote Originally Posted by CL
      The skunk meat tastes atrocious. It's like chewing on a fart.
      Now that's unfortunate. Again, you get the trooper award for forcing yourself through that one!!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. bemistaken's Avatar
      Coolest lucid ever!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. Iokheira's Avatar
      Haha this was AWESOME! I'm glad that everything worked so smoothly for you And the wolf! Sweet! Personally I would have gone for the alien. "Chewing on a fart." Nice. Did you consider taking a bite out of the alien just to see what it was like? And I liked all the profanity. I don't know why, but profanity helps everything.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Highlander
      Calea Z. should be a walk in the park for you then if you ever decide to try it
      Thanks for the compliment, Highlander, and I agree with your calea Z-related silver lining. I've now been suitably prepared for the experience.

      Quote Originally Posted by OpheliaBlue
      Wow. So the transition actually occurred within the FA? That's crazy! How did you know later that it was a FA? Did you ask your wife if that convo had actually happened? I think that whole transition is creepy and cool.
      I didn't ask her but in retrospect it was certainly a false awakening. Clue #1 is that when I woke up from the dream it was earlier than the time the FA had occurred (close to 6 AM versus a wake-up time of 5:01 AM if I recall correctly.) But the second big clue is that the scenario of my wife waking up in the middle of the night to work on contracts is pretty much impossible. Once she's out, she is not one to get up to read legal documents (or generally get up at all except with great reluctance.)

      Haha so, "there's gonna be some mother fucking snow to my right, goddamnit"? I really want to know the exact phrasing, I don't know why. I guess because it worked, haha.
      Ha ha, it was a lot like that. Something like "And now there's going to be some fucking snow right over here!" And a lot of punctuating my speech with rude, bombastic stuff like, "You hear me, you motherfuckers? Some fucking snooow!" I never ever ever speak like this, either, except apparently when I'm trying to get myself all jazzed up during a lucid dream.

      Now that's unfortunate. Again, you get the trooper award for forcing yourself through that one!!
      Thanks! I was worried that two bites wasn't enough for the task, but I couldn't remember, and regardless, that was all I had in me. No amount of confidence and profanity was going to get me through finishing that meal.
      OpheliaBlue, Highlander and imazu like this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by bemistaken
      Coolest lucid ever!
      Thanks bemistaken!!

      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis
      Haha this was AWESOME! I'm glad that everything worked so smoothly for you And the wolf! Sweet! Personally I would have gone for the alien. "Chewing on a fart." Nice. Did you consider taking a bite out of the alien just to see what it was like? And I liked all the profanity. I don't know why, but profanity helps everything.
      Thanks, Art, and I really owe you one for the advice! Made a world of difference on dream control reliability. I hope I can remember to be this crazy, insanely confident, and aggressive in my future lucids.

      The alien would have definitely been the better choice all around in retrospect but by the time I had finished with the skunk he/she/it was out of my awareness and didn't seem to be visible and part of the scene anymore. I have to imagine that it couldn't have been worse than what I ended up trying! =D

      Yeah, I have to admit that the profanity really did the trick! I don't use a lot of it IWL so it seems to still carry some serious punch for me in dreams. If it works, I'm using it!
    7. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the lds!

      Man, you always make me laugh with those funny confidence boosting techs, which might be becoming CL's secret trademark.

      As we have ascertained already all this mega confidence and euphoria is super successful and you easily complete your tasks.

      Where did that alien come from? Maybe you should have taken a bite out of it too? Who knows it might have tasted like candy!

      Awesome job on getting the Circus Maximus and that chariot sounds super cool!

      And of course congrats on TOTM and the extremely realistic and disgusting prey tasting experience.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks Nyx!! You're right, psyching myself up by all means necessary seems to be my best bet when I absolutely, positively want to get some stuff done in these dreams.

      With the benefit of hindsight, there is no doubt in my mind that I should have wolf-pounced on that alien! My experiences with lucid food had been overwhelmingly positive up until this point so odds were with me on the alien being at least okay. And as I learned, the skunk-meat just wasn't doing it for me.

      Thanks, yeah the Circus Maximus was quite cool! Time's getting pretty short on TotY, but that doesn't mean I can't still keep trying for my favorites, right?
      NyxCC likes this.
    9. fogelbise's Avatar
      Awesome, awesome!!! Very inspirational CL!!!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    10. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thanks, yeah the Circus Maximus was quite cool! Time's getting pretty short on TotY, but that doesn't mean I can't still keep trying for my favorites, right?
      For sure! They are just too good to let go! You are really close to nailing another one, I know it.

      Edit: Hey, I forgot to say how cool the in-dream wild was!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 12-11-2013 at 01:41 AM by NyxCC
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      For sure! They are just too good to let go! You are really close to nailing another one, I know it.

      Edit: Hey, I forgot to say how cool the in-dream wild was!
      Thank you both! Here's to a strong finish for the year, Nyx!
      NyxCC likes this.
    12. Xanous's Avatar
      I hear fart meat is supposed to be good for you. Nice job on this one!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, thanks! Let's hope this is my all-time worst experience with dream food because it has been awesome up until now!
      Xanous likes this.
    14. Sibyline's Avatar
      That was one hilarious dream account! I probably missed all kinds of great stuff while I was away. As I recall you often take your son with your on your adventures, so he would probably be entertained by your extended LD vocabulary.

      My daughter and I have a lot of Harry Potter related LD challenges, and now I know that there will be skunk and fart flavour in the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans we are going to try. So thanks for that!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Wow, you and your daughter share LD challenges? That is so cool. I'm impressed and envious! You'll have to tell me some time how you got her into it. My son's 4 now so still a little young to get into serious oneironautics. But one day, you never know!

      And thanks, glad you liked the dream. Enjoy the Bertie Bott's Flatus Bean!
      Sibyline and NyxCC like this.
    16. Sibyline's Avatar
      I just gave it to her as a tool a while ago to end bad dreams. It took her a while to get it but now she never has nightmares anymore. But then she was complaining about weird stuff happening as she was falling asleep. This was about a year ago, when she was 7. I explained a bit about HI, sounds and sensations, how it is just her brain getting ready to dream, and I gave her examples of what I see and hear. And recently she has started putting it all together, and now she WILDing and DILDing, sometimes with great dream control. Last night she really knocked it out of the park, which prompted me to begin journaling some of her dreams too. She'll surpass me in skill soon, and then she can teach me.

      Feel free to check it out when you have the time:
      Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Sibyline - DD1's dream journal - Dream Journals
      NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.
    17. NyxCC's Avatar
      Wow! This is simply amazing Sibyline! Great idea to start posting your kids' lds and teaching them about lding.

      What a better way to spread lding than by positive reinforcement by parents from an early age!

      CL, didn't you mention once that one of your boys already has some lds or do I remember incorrectly? So cute...and exciting!
      Sibyline and CanisLucidus like this.
    18. Sibyline's Avatar
      Thanks, NyxCC. I'm just glad they won't have to think something is wrong with them. They can have all the fun they want with LD without the worries that I had because nobody knew what I was talking about. I swear my dad still thinks I'm either sick or lying.

      DD2 just turned 5 and doesn't understand what DD1 and I are talking about. She thinks she knows, but she doesn't. You can tell - once they become aware and start controlling their dreams, you'll know because they will describe things that you recognize but never told them.
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    19. NyxCC's Avatar
      That's nice!

      What you are describing about your dad sounds a lot like bemistaken's story where her relatives would tell her "you must be mistaken" when she had all those experiences. I currently don't recall talking about lding with my parents (when younger), they are very skeptical...
      Sibyline and CanisLucidus like this.
    20. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Sibyline, that is just amazing. She's in such a great position to learn LD with you there to support her and to give her advice and guidance. Plus her age! I don't know when you started your LD career but I didn't have my first until the end of 2012, and I was far, far into adulthood by then.

      You're right, Nyx, my oldest E had a couple of lucids when he was 4 (or at least I think so, hard to say!) He seemed to spend them doing a little bit of floating and messing around with toys or the neighborhood trees. It's been a while since he mentioned one but hopefully he'll have some more as he gets a little older and is better able to understand how to go for them.

      And thanks for the origin story on bemistaken's name!
      NyxCC and Sibyline like this.
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