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    That Sexy Corner

    by , 08-22-2015 at 03:27 PM (1235 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #2??: That Sexy Corner

    I think that I'm still waiting to fall asleep, but I start to get that funny dream feeling and realize that I may have blanked out for a bit. I nose pinch and blow right through, becoming lucid!

    I will my legs to ooze to the floor, then I'm up and out in an OBE-style lucid. It feels dark and a bit faint, so I rub my hands together and say, "I'm out of bodyyyyyyyy!! Oh yeah, out of body!"

    My perspective switches to looking up at the corner where the ceiling meets the walls. This is unexpected, but I just pretend this is what I wanted to look at all along. "Oh yeahh!!" I say. "That sexy corner!"

    This seems to give me my control back, and I walk out into hall, vaulting over the railing and walk downstairs. The dream is much better lit now, and I walk over to the front door to look outside. Wife is standing there and I get the sense that she's going to ask me to take care of some chore, and I mentally remind myself not to get caught up in any distracting pseudo-waking life tasks.

    This loss of concentration somehow snaps me back to lying in bed. I ooze out onto the floor again, and I mutter something about having to go all the way back down now. My grumpiness seems to take me out of the proper mood and
    the dream ends.

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    Tags: corner, house, obe, wife


    1. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      LOL, "that sexy corner!" I wonder where that came from, that is hilarious! And our favourite emoticon!
      The oozing sounds really cool, I'm not sure if I've done that to get out of bed. Definitely something I'd like to try now.
      I'm glad you didn't get distracted by WL chores - dreams are self-cleaning, after all! You can make as much mess as you want and they always reset.
      Congrats on the LD, I look forward to catching up on your others too when you post them!
    2. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld and on avoiding any chores (at least for a while)!

      Lol about the title and your reference to the corner. I have to admit that for a moment I thought this was going to evolve into the next step of Xanous' famous stabilization tech.
      Xanous, ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      Lol about the title and your reference to the corner. I have to admit that for a moment I thought this was going to evolve into the next step of Xanous' famous stabilization tech.
      ~Dreamer~, NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      LOL, "that sexy corner!" I wonder where that came from, that is hilarious! And our favourite emoticon!
      @Dreamer - Ha ha, and I was totally congratulating myself on that "elegant" dream control in the moment! I'm always pleased when these ridiculous improvised tricks work, because yeah, I too have no idea where they come from.

      Yes, it is a wonderful emoticon! No other emoticon embodies such raw sexiness.

      Basically if you're making a numbered list of sexy things, it would go:
      1. Numbered lists
      2. This emoticon
      3. Everything else

      The oozing sounds really cool, I'm not sure if I've done that to get out of bed. Definitely something I'd like to try now.
      I think that I started doing this after reading Xanous start an OBE by imagining his legs or feet on the floor. Ever since then, I've done this just about as often as the traditional "roll out of body". It's definitely unusual to just kind of slide/slither out of bed like that but it has worked quite well for me!

      I'm glad you didn't get distracted by WL chores - dreams are self-cleaning, after all! You can make as much mess as you want and they always reset.
      Congrats on the LD, I look forward to catching up on your others too when you post them!
      Thanks! I do very much need to attack my backlog!

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Lol about the title and your reference to the corner. I have to admit that for a moment I thought this was going to evolve into the next step of Xanous' famous stabilization tech.
      @NyxCC - LOL. Now that's funny! Now that you've pointed it out, this 100% sounds like a Xanous stabilization title.

      - Ha ha, nice! Your stabilization legacy shall endure forever. =)
      NyxCC likes this.