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    Walking the Path

    by , 06-02-2013 at 12:24 PM (871 Views)
    Although this wasn't the right location, I did at least successfully find/conjure/whatever NewArtemis. Forgot all about swapping gestures and keywords, but it's all good... dry spell broken!

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #99: Walking the Path

    I'm walking a beautiful nature trail. I sense that this is a place of peace and sanctuary outside of a hospital. I remind myself that I need to be sure that I'm not dreaming and I quickly realize that this is a dream.

    I hear two female voices from the trail up ahead and somehow I know that this is NewArtemis and her cousin.
    (No clue whether she even has a cousin IWL.) Art's cousin appears first, with Art trailing maybe 15 feet behind. "Come on!" calls Cousin. "You were right! It worked!"

    Cousin walks right past me, saying, "Hey! I'm [NewArtemis]'s cousin. She was so nervous this wouldn't work. She's been spinning her ring nonstop. That's what she does when she's nervous." With that, Cousin disappears from the scene, never to return.

    "Hey, [NewArtemis]!" I say, giving her a hug. "Good to finally see you!"
    ("Finally see you" is a little weird since I've encountered Art's DC a bunch of times -- was I implying this was "the real her" for the first time? Or just flapping my gums?)

    "Did you just break your dry spell, CL?"

    "I did!" We continue walking in the direction Art and Cousin were going, which has me doubling back toward wherever I came from. "Dude, I'm trying so hard to remember what I was supposed to do when we met up. I remember parasailing but I don't think that's right."

    She rubs her forehead or kind of scratches her head. "I don't remember anything either. Definitely not that we're supposed to go parasailing."
    (Art called this one right -- the parasailing thing was Task of the Month, not anything we'd talked about.)

    I hear road noise from nearby and I make some kind of comment about wondering where it's coming from. The scene shifts to where we're walking through the corridor of a hospital. I remember something I wanted to ask. "Hey, is it true what your cousin said? That you spin your ring when you're nervous?"

    She shakes her head. "No, that's total bullshit. My ring is kind of loose in the winter though." On the nature trail it felt like spring to me, and I'm able to remember that IWL it's summer.

    Art holds up her hands to demonstrate and I see that she's wearing rings on four or five of her fingers. Then she kind of wiggles her hands and now she has even more rings, including a thumb ring. She does this ring reconfiguration trick a few more times and I think it looks super cool. I wonder whether she's got the right number of fingers but she's moving around too much for me to count.

    We come to a T-junction where another hall comes from the left to meet the one that we're walking. I see my two boys E and R running off down the hall to make mischief. Art asks why we wound up here of all places rather than the Alamo. I say that I don't know.
    The dream ends.

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    Updated 06-03-2013 at 03:48 AM by 57387



    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Great dream! Perhaps what strikes me the most is how realistic it all sounds!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Great dream! Perhaps what strikes me the most is how realistic it all sounds!
      Thanks! It was nice and peaceful, which helped keep me from getting too agitated about not being able to really remember what I was supposed to be doing.

      And yeah, it did feel realistic! Especially the part where most of the time I can't remember what it was I was supposed to be doing. So lifelike!
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      What gets me in this one is how life like the conversation is and how well you remember it! It doesn't seem like you had any strange gibberish or nonsensical comments. And the dry spell is a thing of the past!
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      What gets me in this one is how life like the conversation is and how well you remember it! It doesn't seem like you had any strange gibberish or nonsensical comments. And the dry spell is a thing of the past!
      Yes, very lifelike! Sometimes you get those DCs that just say random stuff or make buzzing noises or otherwise freak out. But a good percentage of the time for me, DCs of friends and loved ones will behave in a really lifelike fashion. They will only occasionally glitch out. (Your DC and Art's DC both went through at least a dream or two where they glitched out and acted robotic or catatonic.) It seems like the more you expect that you're talking to an entity that is like a particular person, the more the mind tends to fill in the blank spaces in convincing ways.

      How the dreaming mind can mimic the behavior of a person, build a vivid landscape, or compose music so effortlessly is one of those mysteries that will always fascinate me.

      Memory was very strong, although I almost forgot the part at the end where Art asked me why we hadn't wound up at the Alamo. Also, I think that there was more to the part where we discussed the road noise, including maybe some speculation as to where it was coming from...? I'm not sure, though. That part didn't stick quite well enough.
      NewArtemis and NyxCC like this.
    5. RavenOfShadow's Avatar
      Dry spell broken! Great job Canis!

      Did you do anything differently? What technique did you use? But great dream...

      I can tell that you and Art must chat a lot in real life, you seem very at ease with her as your DC partner. Have you seen her in real life?

      Anyway, awesome job... I'm hoping to break my 3 day dry spell...

      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. Iokheira's Avatar
      Nice and good job breaking the dry spell! What did my cousin look like? Can't say I wear that many rings IWL, but I do have the tendency to twist my ring around whenever I'm uncomfortable. I'll add that to the notes!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by RavenOfShadow
      Dry spell broken! Great job Canis!

      Did you do anything differently? What technique did you use? But great dream...
      Yeah, what a relief that was, Raven, believe me... and thanks! =)

      The technique that I used for this dream was MILD. I did two things differently on this WBTB. First, I didn't read during WBTB and instead spent the time quietly meditating and trying to get myself pumped up to LD. I really focused on trying to get the Alamo meeting Art and I are going for lodged in my brain. Second, I took 350mg N-acetyl tyrosine, which was my first time trying the acetylized version of tyrosine.

      Quote Originally Posted by RavenOfShadow
      I can tell that you and Art must chat a lot in real life, you seem very at ease with her as your DC partner. Have you seen her in real life?

      Anyway, awesome job... I'm hoping to break my 3 day dry spell...
      Art and I are good friends and game together pretty regularly but we've not met in real life. We have very similarly-miswired brains, though, so we clicked right away.

      Good luck with the dry spell, but don't be nervous. Sometimes these things just follow a little downcycle, but you'll find that you usually come roaring back stronger than ever.
      RavenOfShadow and NewArtemis like this.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis
      Nice and good job breaking the dry spell! What did my cousin look like? Can't say I wear that many rings IWL, but I do have the tendency to twist my ring around whenever I'm uncomfortable. I'll add that to the notes!
      Thanks, Art! =) I'm sad and a little surprised that Cousin didn't imprint more strongly on my memory. I want to say brown, straight hair to mid-neck, rather smiley persona, but I'm surprised by how little of her I can bring back. She kind of just charged forward, slowing down enough to just facilitate the beginning of the dream, and then she was outta there quick.

      Cool tidbit on the ring twisting! Really cool, actually. Yeah, that kind of thing is perfect for the notes. That makes me wonder whether it's something you ever mentioned in your DJ at some point and I'm unearthing some subconscious nugget or if this came out of the blue? Very fun stuff either way!
      NewArtemis likes this.
    9. Iokheira's Avatar
      I want to say brown, straight hair to mid-neck, rather smiley persona, but I'm surprised by how little of her I can bring back.
      Lol, that narrows it down to one side of the family I have about five million cousins so... yup. That mystery shall remain a mystery.

      Cool tidbit on the ring twisting! Really cool, actually. Yeah, that kind of thing is perfect for the notes. That makes me wonder whether it's something you ever mentioned in your DJ at some point and I'm unearthing some subconscious nugget or if this came out of the blue? Very fun stuff either way!
      For sure! I love stuff like this either way. I know in my DJ I do mention some of my nervous habits, like running my hand through my hair, but I can't recall writing about ring-twisting. It seems familiar though. From writing or doing I couldn't say - when I feel like reading through my old dreams I'll look for that.

      Shoot, I need to get on this meeting stuff! Once my sleep schedule gets regular you can expect to see me at the Alamo killing orcs whilst I wait for you.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis
      Lol, that narrows it down to one side of the family I have about five million cousins so... yup. That mystery shall remain a mystery.
      And she was female. This much I think you gathered. =) Part of me wonders whether "cousin" was some kind of subconscious cop-out. I mean, everybody's got a nameless cousin. If we're gonna pull off an impressive "shared dreaming" style stunt, I've gotta have you accompanying a DC that boldly announces herself to be someone specific, like your "great aunt Matilda from Oklahoma".

      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis
      For sure! I love stuff like this either way. I know in my DJ I do mention some of my nervous habits, like running my hand through my hair, but I can't recall writing about ring-twisting. It seems familiar though. From writing or doing I couldn't say - when I feel like reading through my old dreams I'll look for that.

      Shoot, I need to get on this meeting stuff! Once my sleep schedule gets regular you can expect to see me at the Alamo killing orcs whilst I wait for you.
      Yeah, I love that kind of stuff too! So much fun when interesting little coincidences astral mind-melds like this show up. I think it's especially entertaining because neither of us are particularly tied to any one narrative about the mechanisms behind this stuff. Allows us to just enjoy the process without having to force anything or be concerned about what does/doesn't work.

      Ha ha, awesome! In a dream you'll never be short of entertainment while you wait around for me to get my act together. Time passes quickly while you're killing orcs in front of the Alamo! In waking life you'd be stuck with more modest fare like Plants vs Zombies.

      Catch you again soon!
      NewArtemis likes this.