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    The World Is Yours

    by , 06-02-2013 at 01:09 PM (2122 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #100: The World Is Yours

    I'm flying high in the sky around what looks to be a computer-generated globe that's populated with little dots. I feel like I'm on a plane with Wife but I don't see a plane. It's just me and my floating perspective as we circle slowly and gracefully around this globe.

    I tell Wife, "This is a music video for a Phil Collins' song called 'Julia' from 1980."
    (Not true.) The song immediately starts playing. In it, Collins sings of how this globe is "not CGI" and that the dots represent people around the world. He sings that the dot he remembers best ("the one I best recall") was one of him over the ocean, flying on a plane to be reunited with his beloved Julia.

    As the song ends, I suddenly find myself falling downward out of the sky. I hope that this is a dream, I think, and
    of course it is.

    I immediately halt my fall and find myself hovering over a huge, vivid cityscape -- highways, skyscrapers, cranes, bridges, traffic jams, all arrayed for me down below. I want to fly around and explore this city, but when I attempt to fly, I'm unable to move. For some reason, I feel totally confident that I'll come unstuck. Stop asking, I think.

    I ignore what the dream is telling me and I imagine that I'm already flying Iron Man-style around the city. A second later, I'm flying effortlessly, cruising anywhere I like. I get briefly stuck a time or two, but I just ignore it, imagine that I'm succeeding, and immediately start flying again. Eventually, the little glitches stop.

    I see a tower that I remember from waking life -- it's one that I pass during my commute. I fly up to the top and circle around it. I glide low over roadways and high above a cluster of skyscrapers, then descend back to one of the bridges that spans a piece of some unfamiliar bay.

    My confidence is soaring, and I decide try some large-scale dream control. I put my hands out in front of me and then bring them apart like I'm performing the breaststroke. As I do, I rake cars off of the bridge in either direction and dozens of them go plummeting toward the water. I bring my hands back together and I watch as time rewinds and they return to the bridge, unharmed. I fly back toward the skyscrapers, select a pair of them, and then begin moving them up and down, one for my left hand and one for my right.

    I look to my left and see an enormous fire ogre (a la "Orcs Must Die") stomping toward me down one of the city streets. He towers over most of the nearby buildings, at least 100 feet tall. I wonder whether maybe I'll be fighting him later. I feel no fear at all. I reflect for a moment about what it would be like to have this much control and confidence in every LD. Nothing could stop me. What sort of things would I do if I had years of this kind of power?

    Leaving the fire ogre behind for now, I fly over my city for a while and just let my dreaming brain show me what it can do. I look out at the waters of the nearby bay and think about using all of this overflowing confidence for some Task of the Month parasailing, but
    the dream soon ends.

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    1. dolphin's Avatar
      Congradulations on #100!

      That's great that you got rid of the glitches by imagining you're succeeding. I could use that little trick myself! Imagining success seems to be very powerful and something I should do more.

      Here's to hundreds of more lucids for you!
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Many thanks, Shawn! I'm delighted to finally be joining you in the triple digits club!

      Yeah, I was impressed by how well it worked to simply ignore and signs of failure and just pretend like crazy that everything was already working. It seems to prevent your mind from pouring any further energy into your doubts and then... things just work. The hard part will probably be remembering to do it.

      And thanks -- have a great time with the hundreds of LDs still ahead of you as well!
      ~Dreamer~ and TwilightShawn like this.
    3. Sibyline's Avatar
      Congratulations on the big 1-0-0! And what a wonderful dream it must have been. It had the three C's: confidence, control, and great hair.

      Keep going, and just do more of what you did in this dream. Except lying about Phil Collins to impress your woman, because that's just geeky.
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      I knew some hardcore comeback was due! Well, congrats on the LDs and the 100th! And it is so cool that you had a very pleasant atmosphere in both Lds too!

      I have no idea what stuck during flying means, the issues I have experienced are more about the initial take off. Anyways, great job dealing with those!
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Sibyline
      Congratulations on the big 1-0-0! And what a wonderful dream it must have been. It had the three C's: confidence, control, and great hair.
      Thanks, Sibyline!! And although of course all of my dreams have great hair, the other two I've found much, much harder to come by.

      Quote Originally Posted by Sibyline
      Keep going, and just do more of what you did in this dream. Except lying about Phil Collins to impress your woman, because that's just geeky.
      Ha! I still have no idea where that Phil Collins original composition came from. It's amazing what the dreaming mind will throw together with incredible speed for absolutely no reason. It's weird to me because it would probably take me days to really compose any kind of song but a dream can crank out a pretty convincing one more or less in real time.

      I don't know what to make of that, but it's certainly cool.
      ~Dreamer~ and Sibyline like this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      I knew some hardcore comeback was due! Well, congrats on the LDs and the 100th! And it is so cool that you had a very pleasant atmosphere in both Lds too!

      I have no idea what stuck during flying means, the issues I have experienced are more about the initial take off. Anyways, great job dealing with those!
      Thanks, NyxCC, I appreciate it! I was reeeeeally ready for a good LD so last night's session was pretty awesome.

      Yeah, in this case what happened for me is that I was in the air and simply stopped moving, as if whatever propulsion mechanism I'm using to fly has cut out. I guess it's down to a sudden collapse of confidence that I'll keep moving for some reason. I think there are these moments where I stop doing and start thinking. That's where it seems to fail.

      Oddly, this used to come in the form of unfriendly gusts of wind but sometimes I just kind of stop, stuck floating in the air. But from this dream it seems that if the dreamer can just remember to ignore these hiccups and pretend it's all still working... it will!

      Hopefully I'll remember this lesson when I need it!
      ~Dreamer~, PennyRoyal and NyxCC like this.
    7. PennyRoyal's Avatar
      Woot! #100. Congrats CL!

      Awesome control man, good job not letting 'getting stuck' suck you in. Here's to the next 100 being as good as this one!
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by PennyRoyal
      Woot! #100. Congrats CL!

      Awesome control man, good job not letting 'getting stuck' suck you in. Here's to the next 100 being as good as this one!
      Thanks, PennyRoyal! I'm stoked!

      I appreciate the kind words on control. I was blessed with an extra shot of confidence for this one that helped me from getting into that self-confidence downward spiral that will sometimes flush my dream control down the commode. If I can just remember it, I think that this is the soul of dream control... believing in the present tense that what you're trying is working. Because it is and it will! Now to just internalize that...

      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    9. PostScript99's Avatar
      Wow CL, 100 lucids! That's quite a milestone!

      I always thought emotion in dreams was independent of events, so maybe you should try to control your feelings in the dream, so your dream control is always this good.

      Well, congrats and we'll all be here to congratulate you when you hit 1000.
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    10. Xanous's Avatar
      Congrats dude. What a super way to hit #100! Awesome!
      ~Dreamer~ and CanisLucidus like this.
    11. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by PostScript99
      Wow CL, 100 lucids! That's quite a milestone!

      I always thought emotion in dreams was independent of events, so maybe you should try to control your feelings in the dream, so your dream control is always this good.
      Thanks very much, PostScript! I think you are exactly right... emotional control in lucid dreams (especially control of fear and paranoia) has been a huge issue for me. It really throws up huge obstacles to dream control, and as you said, it's striking how much is possible when those emotions are kept under control.

      The dreaming brain (for me) can be a highly emotional beast. I can be far, far angrier and much more fearful in a dream than I ever am in real life. The feelings can be very exaggerated and it's something I'm still learning to bring under my control. On the plus side, strong emotions make for a great dreamsign. =)

      Quote Originally Posted by PostScript99
      Well, congrats and we'll all be here to congratulate you when you hit 1000.
      That's a very nice thing to say... I'm looking forward to seeing what we're all capable of when we hit 4-digit LD counts!
      ~Dreamer~ and Sibyline like this.
    12. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Congrats dude. What a super way to hit #100! Awesome!
      Thanks, man, that's much appreciated! This was a big one for me... hopefully I'll take the lessons from this one to heart.

      Thank you for all of your help on my way here. You're the man.
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    13. Iokheira's Avatar
      Congrats on #100! HUGE milestone and an epic dream to match! Glad you didn't let the glitches get you down. And to think, you really can do this in every lucid, and you really do have years and years left to have them
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by NewArtemis
      Congrats on #100! HUGE milestone and an epic dream to match! Glad you didn't let the glitches get you down. And to think, you really can do this in every lucid, and you really do have years and years left to have them
      Thanks so much!! And yeah, I really hope so... forget hoping anything, I know you're right. Just gotta believe!

      The very idea makes me feel like this guy:

      If I can hang onto these newfound powers, I need to use them for good. In this case "good" would be actually showing up at the Alamo.
      NewArtemis and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    15. Highlander's Avatar
      Congrats CL on reaching your Ld Century!
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    16. NyxCC's Avatar
      Ah, I see, that is interesting. Well, you can always blame it on the wind. I also think that is best to pretend that whatever is not working is actually working, though that can be hard at times. Good job succeeding with that!

      I was thinking that having a number of lds in a single night can be a challenge for recall. Did you actually have those two one after the other and then dream journal? I usually face the decision whether to continue sleeping and forget the ld, or wake up, journal and try to go to bed, which usually results in lots of insomnia.
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    17. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by Highlander
      Congrats CL on reaching your Ld Century!
      An LD century... I like that, thanks! Many more lucid centuries ahead for both of us! Gonna be fun!

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Ah, I see, that is interesting. Well, you can always blame it on the wind. I also think that is best to pretend that whatever is not working is actually working, though that can be hard at times. Good job succeeding with that!

      I was thinking that having a number of lds in a single night can be a challenge for recall. Did you actually have those two one after the other and then dream journal? I usually face the decision whether to continue sleeping and forget the ld, or wake up, journal and try to go to bed, which usually results in lots of insomnia.
      Thanks! Yeah, I agree on the recall challenges with multiple LDs. I chose to get out of bed after the nature trail dream and note down everything that I could remember. That nature trail dream contained lots of dialogue so I was scared not to go over it pretty hardcore in my head AND write it down. The process must have taken 20 minutes at least, even for rough notes, and it became something like a 2nd WBTB. Luckily, I did manage to get back to sleep.

      Getting out of bed and journaling definitely put me at risk of insomnia but even if it had ruined the rest of my sleep it would have been worth it. I really believe that much of the dialogue would have gotten scrambled if I hadn't been as conscientious with my note-taking right after waking up.
    18. NyxCC's Avatar
      Wow! Being able to recall the dialogue in such a great detail (a feat) AND being able to fall asleep after that in spite of all the euphoria (another feat) AND having another LD - absolutely amazing! What a better 100th gift. And such an inspiration to all of us! Wish you lots LDs like this.
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I can't tell you how much I appreciate you saying all of that, NyxCC! Thank you.

      Also, I actually tried to go back to sleep after this lucid as well. (In all honesty, this was about greedily going for another LD than about catching up on sleep. ) But there was noooo chance. I was filled with so much excitement and confidence that I felt like I could do anything... anything except fall asleep, that is!
      ~Dreamer~ and NyxCC like this.
    20. NyxCC's Avatar
      You are welcome! I must as well thank you for all that lucid encouragement CL!

      Oh, and I know that greedy for more LDs feeling.
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
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