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    Huge house

    by , 05-16-2011 at 01:56 AM (713 Views)
    so i remember going up to this big white colored house i walk in the people there were racist and i was staying there for the night or something everyone there played call of duty black ops and were very competitive my friend matthew was there i remember going in his room and i pissed him off and he got mad and told me to get out so i did i went to the living room where i slept on a pallet on the floor i got in that pallet cryed? and then i saw these two people talking i got up from the pallet and did something... cant remember. the last part i remember is me going around asking people if they wanted something to drink and this brunette woman said "i would like tea please" so i went got tea sat it down sooner or later i realized i was taking long i remember thinking "oh i forgot the ice" and i picked it up ice was in there. so i tasted the tea "seriously i could taste the tea and i dont even like tea but ive tried it before so i knew what it tasted like and i could taste it" then i remember walking towards the patio and i woke up.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
