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    1. 21/07/15 - LD 38: Lucid dreaming on acid

      by , 07-15-2021 at 08:35 PM
      To preface this, I have to admit that I didn't really lucid dream on acid. This would probably be even more fascinating, if it wasn't for the inability to sleep while under the influence of such substances. Sorry for the clickbait-ish title - I just had to call it this.

      Anyway, it all started with a long non-lucid dream with the usual mess of changing people, places and storylines. At some point I ended up observing a plot in which a teenage girl dosed her unprepared friend with LSD, who was then having a difficult time... The story ended and it turned out that I had been watching a video on youtube. I proceeded to some music when I suddenly saw myself in a reflecting surface and noticed my own huge pupils. This made me "remember" that I (too?) was on acid (yeah, that's obviously how this usually works *facepalm). I just laid back and enjoyed the effects which mainly consisted of some strange visual phenomena and a pleasurably relaxed, slightly confused headspace.

      At some point I "woke up" and wondered how I could have fallen asleep in the first place and that it was too early to wake up, that I should still be tripping. Nonetheless, I went into the living-room where I found my niece. This seemed even weirder as I knew she was away for holiday. While hugging her I pinched my nose...and could still breath. Now, this seemed to clear things up for me. Gravity disappeared and we both started floating upwards, until we went straight through the ceiling. Suddenly, I was alone again, now floating in a gray mist. I wondered what to do now... While I was perfectly aware of my current dream state, I still took the previous events as waking reality. And so I ended up believing that I was indeed lucid dreaming on acid...

      Under these circumstances I thought that I'd be able to conjure up almost anything - which I normally fail to do. So, I just asked my subconscious to take me to a beautiful place. At first, everything turned dark but I waited patiently (despite questioning if this would work). Then, an intense sensation of being accelerated built up throughout my body. I felt like being shot out of a canon, flying through darkness. Slowly surroundings began to form again. I was flying at breakneck speed along a street with forest on both sides. When I was nearing a bend, I slowed down and finally came to a halt. There it was: A mountain lake shimmering in the sunlight, surrounded by trees of the darkest green and huge mountains to either side. I was in complete awe, both by the sight and that this all was even possible.

      Then, I was accelerated again and taken to another mountain road with a picturesque hotel. The surroundings reminded me of a real place with a huge volcanic crater nearby through which I always wanted to fly in a lucid dream. So, I just went into that direction. When I crossed the ridge, my wish was fulfilled and I could indeed fly through this amazing landscape that almost looked like a canyon. With an euphoric feeling of freedom I navigated through the changing scenery.

      When I came closer to the other end, I started waking up...and slowly realized that it all - also the first part - had been a dream. The whole story made me laugh quite a bit.
      My two take-away messages are: Even if one is lucid enough to be aware of the own dream state, memory and rational thinking can stil be heavily impaired. And, the limitations that I experience in lucid dreaming (and analogous in waking reality) are ultimately only self-imposed.
    2. 21/07/11 - ld 37

      by , 07-11-2021 at 08:37 PM
      Random lucid after unintentional WBTB. Slept ~6.5 hours, awake for an hour, then fell back asleep...

      The dream started non-lucid, with me walking around some village by the sea. Somehow my awareness was increasing throughout, and at some point rational thought caught up with the knowledge of being in a dream that I already had for some time at this point. I kinda awoke into the dream, now with my waking-life-like consciousness present, inside the brightness of the dream surroundings. The whole scene seemed strangely permeable, I could have just chosen to wake up but I wanted to try and stay. To stabilize I kneed down and engaged my senses. To my right there were people walking along the promenade, in front of me there was something like a sandbox. I let my hands run through the sand and once again, I was astonished how real this mind-made representation can feel. Using my hands as a shovel I picked up some sand and closely examined it. I could see every miniscule stone; most of them being of a white color but some also dark. While I was focused on this stuff immediate in front of me, I realized that the world around me was quite unstable and seemed to change shape all the time. I clenched my left hand and let the sand run down slowly. It seemed that I could feel every single grain of sand leave my hand. By now, the dream was very stable and I was fully aware.

      I went along the promenade and towards the sea. There sat a friend of mine with her son (who seemed to have some kind of disability) playing at the beach. Somehow I, too, had acquired a small child on the way (which I didn't really question - despite my lucidity). I considered what to do now and found that I'd like to go swimming. Though I knew this to be a dream I still felt somewhat responsible for the child and so I asked my friend to keep an eye on him. She agreed and I dove into the water straight away. Reminding myself that this is a dream I continued to swim and breath underwater. It was pretty difficult though because some kind of force was pulling me up and also holding me back. I struggled against it and finally freed myself somewhat. I kept swimming further but at some point the surroundings dissolved and I woke up.
      side notes , lucid
    3. 21/06/09 - ld 36

      by , 06-09-2021 at 07:24 PM
      First entry this year - first proper lucid dream in the last 6 months (well, there also was one last week I may or may not write about later as it was so confusing).

      Slept for about 4 hours, woke up and couldn't fall back asleep for a long time. Set some intention to lucid dream during this as I knew it would increase my chances. When I finally got to sleep again, a confusing mess of dreams ensued...One was a false awakening I didn't recognize. I got up feeling extremely groggy with a very limited control over my actions and emotions. I tried to communicate my strange state to the dream characters a.k.a. my family but words were just as hard to use.
      At some point I woke up again, now with a far clearer head. Everything seemed normal and I was certain of being awake now, but with the memory of the false awakening that just occured I wanted to make absolutely sure with a reality check. So I pinched my nose and took a breath. Wait a moment, this is not how this should work. This means....I'm dreaming still!
      Almost immediately all perceived gravity vanished and I began floating around the house. There were again some family members there but they didn't seem to care about my new form of moving around. Instead they were talking loudly about every-day stuff. I ignored them.
      When I got to a window I simply floated through it. But when I wanted to fly higher there again was the ceiling above me and I was back inside. At first I wanted to leave through the roof now but didn't feel quite sure about that so I chose to use the window again. Suddenly I was back outside. The dream environment was certainly somewhat unstable.
      Anyway, I didn't have a particular plan for this lucid dream and so I just kept flying (far better than walking in my opinion ;) ) to see where it would take me. I made my way through the well-known neighborhood, once again admiring the detail of my mind's creation, also looking for differences to waking reality. Of course there were some, but while in the dream I was quite oblivious to these.
      Then, I got to a forest and reassessed what I wanted to do. I found a path getting narrower in the distance and a thought crossed my mind: If I follow this path to its end I'll meet my embodied subconscious there.
      Before I could even set out though, the dream just fell apart and left me wide awake.
    4. 20/11/10 - ld 34

      by , 11-10-2020 at 04:41 PM
      First true LD in over two months. No techniques used, no intention set, completely random.

      In an ordinary non-lucid dream I somehow gained some awareness of my dream state but couldn't hold onto it. I faded in and out of lucidity and dreaming several times until I laid down and kinda WILDed in the dream - this has worked for me before.
      A brief falling sensation and I 'awoke' on the sofa in my parents' living-room. Instead of doing a physical reality check I reminded myself that I wasn't sleeping in this place. It was pitch black and the dream rather unstable so I kneed down and touched my surroundings. As always, everything felt hyper-realistic but I still couldn't see a thing, so I crawled across the room towards the door.
      Suddenly my parents' cat appeared in the dark (well, for her it wasn't dark...) and attacked my bare arms. I set the rebellious cat aside and finally left through the front door. Outside, it wasn't any brighter, so I went on feeling my way forward.

      As I reached the street suddenly my vision got unlocked and I was standing in bright daylight with detailed surroundings. I wondered what I should do with my lucidity now...and longed for something intense. Flying? Nope, not stable enough. Then I knew...I had to kill my self here (*).
      At the end of the road a woman started her car on the driveway and to the right there was a strange kind of agricultural vehicle with lots of sharp blades. I walked towards the car, staring fearlessly at the woman, wondering if she would fulfil my unspoken wish.
      She looked confused and increasingly insecure, and I understood that I had to take things in my own hands. Without hestitating I ran the last meters and jumped straight into the machine's razor-sharp front.
      No pain but a rush of adrenaline through my body... and I was awake.

      (*) Note for anyone reading: This should be taken metaphorically; I'm not suicidal. Currently going through a major transformation process due to some other experiences so I'm getting quite a few metaphors about dying at the moment.
    5. 20/09/05 - ld 33

      by , 09-05-2020 at 06:23 PM
      Again, only unintentional WBTB and intention to lucid dream.

      In the following sleep cycle I first got into a non-lucid dream but with ever-increasing awareness. When I reached lucidity I seemingly woke up but immediately recognized the false awakening. Getting up and moving was a little difficult, though also incredibly realistic. I was at my parents' house and slowly walked through the dark deserted rooms. At the front door I used the key to open the door though I'd normally just walk through it - the dream was so vivid and yet unstable that I wasn't sure about passing though objects.
      Outside it was a bright, warm summer day. The trees on the left were incredibly coloful with red and purple fruits, swinging in a gentle breeze. The wind also blew my long hair into my face which had - surprisingly - a dark-red color. I decided to go into the garden because I expected it to differ from reality - which it then did of course. It resembled the gardens of a palace with lots of water areas and a fountain in the middle.
      I thought it would be interesting to drink from the fountain and tried to make a glass appear - didn't work, but whatever. To get to the fountain, I needed to balance on a swimming log. This again felt so incredibly real that I got lost in thoughts about it - and woke up.

      I was still close to dreaming, maybe even in sleep paralysis, and so I just let myself sink back in. Some dreamlets washed over me without letting me enter until one of them opened wider and wider. I got to observe a scene where a black car was chased by the police, driving on a bridge high above the sea. In the car there was a dream character that was me, and a partner. They came to a stop, having trouble with their car. Another police car arrived and barred the way. I was still observing, though maybe influencing the plot, when the 'me' in the car decided to take the only way out - to jump with the car from the bridge.
      I saw the car falling down and into the water. Reminding me that this was just a dream, I took my place down there. Now, I was suddenly swimming underwater. Of course I knew that I could still breath and I did - but every breath was difficult as it was accompanied by a sting of fear.
      In large circles I was diving deeper and deeper until suddenly all water was gone. Otherwise, the surroundings were still the same - now looking like a vast hall. The floor was cluttered with balls and balloons of different colors and sizes. One of them was special: it was filled with what looked like confetti. My partner who had come there with me was trying to cut it open but the material seemed very firm. Someone else told us that there would be knowledge about the universe and about the future in there (okay?!). I took it and pulled (with some difficulty) the plug. Without the chance to do anything else, I woke up.

      This was another good example of the sheer weirdness of dreams and also my first time dreaming lucid in third person perspective, interesting!
    6. 20/08/26 - ld 32

      by , 08-26-2020 at 06:41 PM
      No techniques used. Only lay awake for some time and set an intention to do the TOTM in the middle of the night.

      At first I got lucid at my parents' house but didn't get anywhere before waking up. A non-lucid dream about being at a scientific congress followed. In a break I went outside and got lucid again, immediately remembering my intention to ask a DC about the dream's origins. I felt the dream slipping and focused on my surroundings, touching the ground and everything nearby. Like this, I was walking down a rain-soaked street with a lot of trees. The dream stabilized and I saw every branch in great detail and in amazing colors. Noone else was around. Typical, if one wants to find a DC, not one is here.
      I left the street and started walking down a slope leading to some gardens. Still no DCs. I pushed myself off the ground and glided down, looking around.

      Finally, I got to a path leading somewhere else and found a young boy, maybe 10, walking there. "Hey", I shouted. He turned and waited for me. I got closer, as if I didn't want anyone around hearing us and asked "Whose dream is this?" "His", he said without hestitation with a matter-of-fact tone, pointing to the left. I followed his gesture and found... A small bird. A blueish canary sitting on a fence.
      ?What? I was completely taken aback. I looked back at the boy, puzzled. He was grinning slightly.
      Behind him I noticed a plump woman, about my age, with dark hair. Maybe she can tell me more. I walked towards her as she looked at me openly. We got close together and looked straight into each others eyes. Somehow, I was overcome with compassion towards her. I felt the urge to hug her but it felt out of place. I had so many questions running through my mind. Yet, I didn't know where to start.
      "Don't worry. You've got strength in your head and in your legs.", she said, smiling.
      This confused me even more. The three of us started walking along the path. Suddenly, I understood. "If you say that I've got strength, you mean you've got strength, too, right?" She considered this for a moment, and nodded.
      They are all me, everything here is. It's all one. It's the bird's dream as it is my own.
      We continued walking until the other two left me at something that looked like their camp. The woman looked back at me, inquiring, then smiling broadly and said "Princess Leah will be pleased!" [no, not Leia ]
      Slowly, I walked away, feeling utterly content and warm after this encounter.

      Next, I got to a strange structure with a high bar and a trampoline. I jumped on there, doing somersaults and whatever I could imagine in mid-air. It got totally euphoric until I was crying out of joy.
      Then, I wandered around again, now through an amusement park, admiring the incredibly vivid surroundings and enjoying the hustle around me until I woke up.
    7. 20/07/31 - ld 31

      by , 08-01-2020 at 06:46 PM
      Had a couple of dreams with some lucidity and one true lucid this night despite not using any techniques. My mind was pretty busy due to lots of things to consider, so that's probably the cause...

      In a non-lucid dream I was walking along a street with some family members. For some reason I can't remember we (or mostly the others) got into a heated and pointless argument. I got increasingly annoyed and saddened by their behavior but at the same time I also gained more and more lucidity. When I finally reached complete awareness the dream got as immersive and vivid as usual. The emotional aspect of the dream was still there, as unpleasantly intense as before. Now, I realized though that I could indeed change the whole situation. I was overcome by a feeling of almighty power - that I had complete control over every single detail in this moment. I spread my arms to both sides and produced a feeling of peace and love that permeated all of the dream world. It physically manifested as a strong wind that suddenly blew along the street up to the mountains in the distance. As soon as it swept over my family they immediately stopped the bickering and got perfectly calm.

      The wind continued to blow and almost made me take off into the air by itself. So, I just spread my arms further and let it lift me up. I admired the city and the surrounding landscape as I flew higher and felt the familiar rush of excitement. Then, I remembered my promise to taste the clouds for my niece, so I went even higher. Things got quite unstable now but I made it to the layer of clouds that is always present when I'm flying lucidly. I used my hands to shove a bit of the light gray mass around me into my mouth. This was easier said than done because the material was pretty elusive and not solid at all. Just in time before waking up I got it to work: the clouds tasted a little bit sweet and also like this artificial fog produced by a fog machine.
      lucid , side notes
    8. 20/07/24 - ld 30

      by , 07-28-2020 at 01:44 PM
      No techniques used, completely random lucid after ~6 hours of sleep.

      Had a long non-lucid dream about wandering around town while being late for work. In the end I ended up on a beach and because I felt extremely tired I laid down on the sand. Immediately, I felt a sinking sensation which I associated with WILD so I got somewhat aware already. I relaxed completely and 'awoke' in my bed the next moment. Being pretty sure of having a false awakening I got up and looked around. My surroundings were more vivid than ever; for further testing I precisely inspected some furniture nearby. I couldn't believe how real everthing felt and looked and RCed to confirm my dream state.

      Walking over to the window I now saw differences to reality. There was a large window facade and I looked down into a sort of foyer with another wall consisting of glass. Down there was a DC with a bike trying to leave the building through the glass wall but couldn't get through. Thinking to myself that I'll succeed where he failed I passed through the windows (though they seemed solid at first) and slowly floated down. I tried to remember what I had planned to do next in a lucid dream but my memory was largely inaccessible. Only some tasks of the year came to my mind, so I proceeded to fly away from here. Outside I somehow found myself in my parents' garden - but a version from more than ten years ago. Suddenly, flying felt physically exhausting (what kind of nonsense in a dream...) and I woke up.
    9. 20/07/16 - ld 29

      by , 07-16-2020 at 05:12 PM
      No techniques used, just had some intention and slept an hour longer than usual.

      In a normal dream some seven hours after first going to bed I slowly realized that I was dreaming and that I could take control. When I was fully lucid I "woke up" in my bed though, but by RCing I caught the false awakening. Trying to get up I noticed that I could barely move. So, I carefully rolled to the side and put my feet on the floor. I still couldn't stand up and so I let myself slide to the floor next to the bed. I hoped to gain more control over my dream body when getting further away, so I crawled through the room. This felt kinda strange because I could move through the furniture to some extent. Somehow I came to imagine being in a transparent sphere which I could roll by pushing the sides. Like this, I moved around a bit until I awoke again in the bed.

      I RCed again just to be sure and surprisingly I was still dreaming (I could have guessed because I heard someone snoring in the other room - with nobody there). Realizing I was still too groggy to go anywhere I sat up and simply meditated. Everything got completely still immediately. Then, I woke up for real.
    10. 20/07/09 - ld 28

      by , 07-09-2020 at 05:30 PM
      Woke up after ~4 hours of sleep and decided to give WILD another go. Included some SSILD because it makes transitioning easier (or possible?) for me.

      Everything went well with me waiting in a deeply relaxed state until I felt REM setting in after some time. Then, a familiar feeling of being pulled in started but I got distracted by someone coming in my room and talking to me. I wasn't sure if this was real, though I should have known better by now...

      After a short non-lucid dream I started another try. This was almost the same as before except I was prepared now and didn't care for any hallucinations. When I felt the transition was over I slowly got up - my whole body was extremely heavy and I could barely move. So, I focused on the feeling of gravity (or the lack thereof) which immediately improved things. I walked through the house and left straight through the door (only a slight pressure while passing through). Outside I started hovering in the air but suddenly there was a glitch in the dream and I was back inside, in front of the door again. This time I floated through the window and then examined my surroudings outside. Looking around, I once again could barely believe the detail and vividness of the dream. I flew around a bit and got to a small beautiful cottage. For some reason I suddenly felt sexually aroused and wasn't too surprised when I found a DC sitting in a hanging chair in front of the cottage. But first I went around the garden and - wondering if I have ever smelled something in a dream - stuck my nose in flowers etc. There were some strange yellow-purple bananas and large pink flowers - the latter had indeed an intense, pleasant scent to them. Afterwards I went back to the DC and had sex with him which was a quite short but rather enjoyable and interesting experience. Then I woke up and went back to normal sleep.
      lucid , side notes
    11. 20/06/20 - ld 27

      by , 06-20-2020 at 06:42 PM
      Woke up after 6 hours of sleep, short WBTB, some SSILD but wasn't fully focused and fell back asleep. Had a long, vivid non-lucid dream in which I was travelling along a deserted dust road when I suddenly went lucid without any obvious reason. It felt as if I decided to not follow the predefined dream plot passively anymore - a sudden feeling of freedom overcame me. I got up and walked to one side of the road, being strangely aware of my whole body and its movements. I took a moment to simply marvel at my surroundings which included some houses with neat front gardens on this side of the road.

      Then, I remembered my plan to shapeshift into a bird and I began to flap my arms as if they were wings. At first, I was somewhat sceptical if this will work because normally I initiate flying in a different way. But then I felt myself leaving the ground and flying high into the air - with the typical rush of excitement. Looking down I had a clear view of the landscape, and I noticed my shadow on the ground - which had indeed the form of a large bird of prey! I realized that I didn't have legs anymore, instead I could somehow influence my flight with my ... tail (was probably not very realistic but whatever). Excited I looked down to see if I had indeed wings now, only to find my seemingly normal arms still in place. I concentrated on my arms/wings and found them changing form and place all the time. This was a little confusing and with me being distracted my surroundings decayed into gray nothingness. Can't remember what happened afterwards, I guess I lost the dream to a false awakening.
    12. 20/06/09 - ld 26

      by , 06-09-2020 at 02:52 PM
      No techniques used. Woke up one hour before having to get up but went straight back to sleeping (with the slightest thought of LDing). I was dreaming a lot and quite intensely the whole morning.

      When I was just following a person into a dark tunnel, I suddenly thought: "When I know this is a dream, I can as well go lucid" (great logic, I know) - and well, I did. I opened a heavy steel door and crawled on my hands and knees into the tunnel. It was pitch black in there and (not surprisingly) I 'woke up'. After confirming the false awakening I crossed my bedroom to leave through the window. I jumped outside but awoke once again in my bed. This time I wasn't sure of being still in a dream but I went to the window again and put my head against it. It dissolved right in front of me, so I could get outside through what felt like viscous air.

      Almost automatically I started floating some feet above the ground. I thought of flying high into the sky but decided to first look around. All around me there were fields of strange crops. This made me think of the TotM (Eat an alien mushroom...) and I looked in more detail. On the right there were large bundles of green plants; on the left glass covers with small light and dark brown pebbles(?) stacked beneath them. Everthing was nicely arranged with hedges etc. I moved on, looking for something mushroom-like. I came to a large shelf with precious looking objects in it. Being sure to find what I'm searching for in there, I soon spotted something looking like a small alien's head. Almost laughing I realized that my subconscious obviously interpreted the word 'alien' a bit too literally in the meaning it is used in my native language - for extraterrestial creatures. I took the 'alien mushroom', broke off small pieces and tasted them: They weren't delicious, rather stodgy and dry. Then, I paused a moment to see if something weird would happen: Nothing extreme so far, but everthing was vibrating slightly. I proceeded to eat some more but unfortunately my alarm clock went off and I lost the dream.
    13. 20/05/29 - ld 25

      by , 05-29-2020 at 01:39 PM
      Being stuck at home so much at the moment is really messing with my lucidity (or maybe my intention to lucid dream). But I'm slowly getting back into it; some short (semi-)lucid experiences and one incomplete WILD in the last few days. Now, the first full lucid dream in more than a month - even if it was very short.

      Woke up after only 3 hours of sleep and didn't feel sleepy at all. Took this as an opportunity to experiment once again, and put myself into a state of deep hypnosis. Used this to work through some things and progressively got more relaxed, after some time I fell back asleep. Next thing I remember is waking up again and thinking: "There'll probably be false awakenings....Like this?!"
      I tried to RC but everything was already so strange that the dream state was obvious: Looking around my field of view appeared somewhat limited and the whole room was tilted by 45°. Nevertheless, I got up and walked towards the door. This was quite difficult because I felt very groggy. I noticed my mother sitting on my bed and asking if I wasn't able to sleep (again...).
      Next, I felt pretty lightweight and so I started floating through the house. Once again I was astonished how realistic everthing can seem, e.g. when I slightly pinched my fingers in a door. Then, I got to the entrance and - without hestitation - proceeded to jump straight through the door. Interestingly, some part of me was surprised and got really scared by this action. I heard myself utter a fearful sound but didn't produce this neither in the dream nor in reality - as I woke up right away.
    14. 20/04/19 - ld 24

      by , 04-19-2020 at 11:27 AM
      Woke up after ~6 hours of sleep. Started to do some SSILD but fell back asleep after the first cycle. Nevertheless, I went lucid later on.
      In the dream I was just trying to take a shower but I was stuck taking off my clothes - they kept reappearing. After a while I realized that I was dreaming and left the bathroom. Immediately I got to a beach which wasn't that surprising as it was where I intended to go. There were some people around, children playing at the edge of the water etc. Without thinking twice I went on towards the sea. I could feel the ground beneath my naked feet, mostly sand mixed with some stones and dry seaweed. Though I could feel the sharp-pointed stones it wasn't uncomfortable to walk on them.
      The sea was quite rough but I was still surprised about the waves' power when I got into the water. They kept pushing me back towards the beach or pulling me further away. I recognized that it would be dangerous to go swimming in these circumstances but as I knew it to be a dream I didn't care and swam towards the open sea. I remembered that I was able to dive down and breath underwater. Suddenly a man swimming submerged crossed my way. I wondered what would happen if we crashed into another and kept swimming. Time got a bit strange here and he passed right before me. Before I could do anything else, I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    15. 20/03/16 - ld 22 + 23

      by , 03-16-2020 at 09:48 PM
      Chaos. Memorable moments. Lots of false awakenings, 3 LDs. No techniques used, just enough sleep after a short night before.

      In the fourth sleep cycle (probably) I had a long dream of some action movie stuff. It wasn't lucid but there was an ever increasing underlying knowledge of being in a dream. When I was driving in a car in an obviously unrealistic setting (jumping across a large gap) it suddenly clicked and I felt lucidity setting in. I remembered to try rubbing my hands together to stabilize the dream and did so. Everything I was looking at got crystal clear and I got even more conscious, too. Maybe I was too aware because the dream ended shortly after. It was so short I'll not even count this as full lucid dream.

      In the next sleep cycle I had another long non-lucid dream where I was at my old school. After some time I realized that it wasn't normal for cars driving around the school office and down the stairs (btw, what's going on with cars this night?!). I wasn't fully lucid up to now but as I went down the corridor my awareness increased. I went towards my former classroom and greeted some classmates on the way. All of them were very friendly which is rather rare amongst my DCs (when I'm lucid). In the classroom there were lots of people, a wild mix from different times of school, university and work. Most of them were no close friends or I didn't remember their names at all, so I looked out for more familiar faces. Turning around I found an old friend I've lost contact to since then. I went towards her and hugged her; she wouldn't let go for quite some time.
      Then, I remembered that I planned to have some deeper conversations with DCs and - in this setting - I thought it would be a good idea to have a philosophy lesson next. The dream obeyed: one of my former philosophy teachers walked through the door (not the one I had expected but still). Sadly I never got to discuss anything there as I woke up.

      I'm not sure how much time passed but eventually I found myself back in bed apparently awake but suspecting a false awakening. I did the nose pinch RC repeatedly but the results weren't clear, breathing was quite difficult. Then I noticed my mother standing in the room talking to me which was rather unlikely but no clear indication either. I needed to prove my dream state somehow and swung my arms forwards - they went right through her body. Now I could be sure and she disappeared.
      I was walking towards my computer when everything changed all of a sudden. It's somewhat hard to describe but it felt as if I went through different dream settings one after the other at light speed. I couldn't notice any details as it changed too fast; they were just like three dimensional pictures raining on me or maybe I was travelling through these 'rooms'. Perhaps this is similar to what people experience when they talk about seeing their life flash before their eyes, I can't tell.
      Anyway, I knew this would be a chance to dive deeper into my subconscious. After some moments my travel came to an end and I found myself standing on a deserted street. A female soldier was walking towards me in a resolute manner, holding something in her hand. I somehow knew what had to be done to go deeper: I had to die.
      She got closer and I tried to remain as calm as possible as she stabbed me with the dagger in her hand. There was no pain, I simply sank to the ground. Suddenly I was back at my computer and it felt as if I was only playing a video game. But here I too got down onto the floor and died.
      Then, I was back in bed. I RCed again, this time clearly indicating the false awakening, though moving my arm felt far too real. I was in a weird state of consciousness and so it was easy to let go and continue on my previous path. The surroundings changed and I was standing on top of a skyscraper. Once again I knew what to do: this time I had to jump down.
      But I never got to do it as something else got in the way. With every step I took towards the abyss I felt more and more (sexually?) aroused. This has never happened before in a LD. It was an utterly primal feeling and in the end it got almost too intense. I woke up with my whole body tingling.
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