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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. weird dream

      by , 10-03-2024 at 07:34 PM
      Well, I just found this page by watching a youtube video that talked about Timeicos dreams and I realized that one of my dreams has several characteristics of that kind of dreams, I saw that someone had made a thread with similar dreams but I have not found it, however I want to tell you about this weird dream I had.

      I was around 4 or 5 years old, I don't remember being sick or taking any medication, so I had this dream on a random night. The dream was about a black space, as if all the light had been absorbed, however I felt no fear, there was my 5 year old self in that space and on my sides were both my parents and my maternal and paternal grandparents, divided, but all whispering to me to pick up a crumb, I listened to them, I lifted the crumb and immediately the crumb became too big, it was too big, I thought it would crush me but immediately my arm began to swell and enlarge just as it did with the crumb, my whole body became huge, the vision was a bit grotesque and disconcerting. But that's not the end of the dream, the whole scenario was erased, it was like a change of camera because the dream stopped focusing on me, now it focused on a brick wall, I do not remember if it had color or was black and white, and out of nowhere came a sphere, it looked like a wrecking ball but it looked too spherical and without the chain that holds it, it seemed to hang by a thread, it moved slowly but it hit the small brick wall too hard collapsing it.
      I don't remember the exact order of the dream, if it was the crumb or the wrecking ball first, but I remember it was like floating in the nothingness but at the same time stepping on solid ground, it was so strange, there was no light but I could see, there was no music, no sounds, only those strange whispers, I don't remember what I did when I woke up, but I remember dreaming more times about that dream, during I was 8-10 years old too, when I was 13 years old, the memory of that dream stopped being in my subconscious and passed to be in my conscious, from that moment I have had the knowledge and memories of that dream