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    4,039 Words - Selected parts in bold

    by , 06-12-2018 at 04:45 PM (389 Views)
    Wow! I had lots and lots of dreams last night. I was so surprised to see the clock when I got up, and it was only 6:39 A M! I thought it was like 10 A M. I had 2 lucid dreams and some other interesting ones.

    It took me 30 minutes just to write the short form of my dream journal entry. I will work on typing it in full in 30 minute increments because otherwise it will be too over whelming.

    I had a different routine before bed. Instead of going on forums for 2 hours from like 5 to 7 I just relaxed and stared at my ceiling. Just let myself unwind and be under-stimulated for a change. I wonder if this helped me sleep and dream better.


    The first time through the night that I woke up, I did have some dreams in mind. I didn't open my computer to type them, and just laid back down instead. There were only a few details and I was really tired still.

    I tried to do a mental acronym of "g.p." to help bring them back to mind later, but it didn't bring the memory back later. Oh well. I actually recalled round 2 of dreams for a change, so I guess it worked out just fine.


    Round 2 of dreams. The first part I remember is being with my friend C L up in the room he lived in with some other people.

    The next thing I remember is being at a food store. Like the big store in G C. I was doing a friend a favor by picking up their groceries. When I went to check out the groceries, my card didn't work. I had to put it in the chip reader thing. There were a bunch of strings of letters that I had to match. Eventually there was a screen with streaks of colors like red and blue swirling around. It showed the words anger and rage being transformed into something to do with achieving goals.

    I remember a scene where I was going to go to the beach. I had one wet towel which I wanted to hang up in the sun to dry when I got there. And another towel to lay on. When I got there I found that there were 2 to 3 sections of the beach. One with docks, for boats. One for swimmers. And maybe a third. I was in the one for boats and had to go to the one for swimmers.

    Eventually, I was in the beach water, swimming. It was sunny out. The water was dark green blue like beach water. Something's tail suddenly bumped into me! I saw that it was a black or dark green tail. It had some kinds of bands around it. I will try to draw them. I touched the tail, and it was slimy.

    'Is that an alligator?' I thought. I rushed to swim to shore, but careful not to draw its attention and make it chase me. Once I got a little closer in to shore, it swam under me again. Then its head poked up from the water to my left. My friend said it was a Tyrannosaurus something. I was feeling such tremendous amounts of fear this whole time. Its head was almost rectangular but had sharp T Rex teeth. I put my hand on its head to try to keep it from biting me. It was really scary!!!

    Then my friend and I were walking on land. I think we talked about it a little but eventually moved on from the fear.

    I think we were arguing with people around us. Eventually we came to an orange and purple building. It was orange with purple squares where the windows would be. My friend said he would climb it but he was afraid of the torque at the top. When we got to the top, there did seem to be a feeling of torque. Pulling us down.

    When we got to the ground, W G was there. We were talking about moving to a new place. W G was in a bed. I told him as soon as we moved, I'd get to working towards my goals right away. I told him my goal.

    Eventually, we got to the new place. I remember starting out in the library. But I wanted to attend 2 A C A meetings that morning to ensure that I would be in a good mind state for the coming day. I also resolved not to try meeting any new women at first because I wouldn't want to make anything awkward.

    I remember walking around in the middle of this quad housing complex. There was a woman there who I was going to meet. Her parents made some kind of diagram appear that showed where we both were so we could find each other. I remember the diagram actually was skewed and made it more difficult so I was kind of angry at the parents. I wanted to tell them it didn't work. I remember a picture of a dog on it. The dog had a speech bubble saying "Hi".

    I woke up from those and recalled them. I let myself RBFA, confident that I would re-remember them later. And I did!


    I had one sleep cycle i woke from and couldn't remember any dreams. Also I got up to use rest room and laid back down. And thought about cross talk rule for a few minutes without realizing it was time to try to recall that dream. By the time I realized it, it was too late. But I was just thinking of how my need to cross talk is magically reduced.


    Here was round 4 of dreams. I had an interesting lucid part at the end which I woke up directly from and tried to re-enter. Because of that, I neglected to recall the earlier parts of the dream. I'm sure that if I would have tried sooner, I'd have remembered more of the earlier parts. So by the time I realized there had been earlier parts to this dream it was almost too late. I only got a few things.

    I forgot a lot of the earliest parts.

    Then I was on a message board using chrome without images. All the images were not showing but I wondered how because last I checked that setting was turned off.

    In the thread I clicked on, I saw that the woman had posted several grey bird type Pokemon evolution things by her avatar and more in her signature. Some of them looked more like bugs. I wondered if they could possibly be from the same evolutionary chain.

    I forgot these middle parts.

    Then I remember being in a big dining hall with just myself and C R. We both had some steaks to microwave. Some only had a little left on the bone and some were big pieces. I remember mine were on a napkin so some of the grease was removed. C R didn't want to sit near me. I was thinking of the other side of trait 12 and how he pushed people away before really becoming good friends. I accepted that he just wanted space, and sat far away with my food to work on something.

    Then two people came in. "Mike" and "Tim". (No waking life correspondence.) But I said that the managers of my restaurant were also named "Mike" and "Tim". They wanted to check the kitchen so I went in there with them. There were shelves above the stainless steel counter tops.

    I don't remember anything in the middle here but I know there was stuff.

    I had a lucid part at the end which was interesting.

    I let myself fall back asleep after recalling these in my mind. I also checked to see if round 2 was still in the "storage bank" and it was. I eventually fell asleep while thinking of those.


    Here was round 5 of dreams. I remember my friend L on the phone. She was saying how we couldn't "pray" to each other. We had to pray to our own "higher powers".

    I was out front of my house looking at the garbage that was put out. There were lots of beer cans. 'Dad must have been drinking a lot,' I thought. He came by and put out another bag of cans and maybe some loose cans. I was afraid that he would be drinking even in the morning so I avoided him.

    I remember a part when I was walking up some steps from a tented area. They were grey stone steps. I was thinking of making a heavy metal song with 4 different heavy metal voices. I forgot the subject of the song.

    Next thing I remember I was in my kitchen and living room. A woman from the phone meetings was talking about how her religious text told her to put chores before comfort. However, she disagreed. I was glad that she was speaking up for herself and not just blindly following the religious text. She was explaining how a female relative, maybe her cousin or sister, was planning to come over to help her with her chores. However, she didn't care about the chores at the time. And her relative offering "help" was really just a way of putting pressure on her.

    In the next part I remember, I had a bag of red orange beans in water. There was a part toward the top or bottom of black liquid that I figured was released from the beans. There was another guy in my kitchen with me. I went through my fridge. There was no kale or blender. Just my two tupperwares of rice in the back. And some containers of berries which the back of the fridge had frozen. I said something about how the foreign guy could send the frozen berries home, to his country.

    I was also thinking that I would need more groceries tomorrow, since I was out of kale. So I would have to ask my dad to borrow some grocery money.

    I woke up and recalled those. Then I played rounds 2, 4 and 5 in my head until falling asleep again, confident that I would re-remember them all later.


    I forgot what happened in the very beginning of these dreams. Maybe I initially remembered it, but was unable to re-remember it. This was round 6 of dreams.

    My first memory from these was walking on the corner of my parents old block and the intersecting street. It was dark. I think P and C were there. I wanted to talk to them but it was too dark.

    Next I was in the garage at that house. I remember thinking how it had been a dream that it was dark. And I could have used dream control to make the sun come out. I don't know if I got lucid before or after this. But I did something that made the sun come out outside the garage. When I stepped outside I saw the sky had become bright blue. By that point I was definitely lucid. I either was already lucid, and used dream control to make the sun come out. Or the fact that my dream control worked made me become lucid afterward.

    I flew up to the roof. It had grey shingles with a scratchy texture. I looked around at the sky and tried to make a dragon fly to me.

    The dragon did not arrive. I remember seeing some cloud formations in the distance and observing their shapes. I could look at the sky much more easily than in waking life. Eventually some really cool rainbow streamers started to fly in the sky. I observed the show of colors.

    Next, I had a false awakening of driving down W S Road. By the water. I had a voice recorder. With the voice recorder I was recording my dreams thus far. I was saying how I could look at the sky without being distracted like in waking life. I was saying that it was cool that I could make the sun come out.

    Next thing I remember, I was walking around a place like down town by the Staples and the movie theater. I remember walking by a store that reminded me of the religious store. There was A A stuff in there. I went in and out of the store a few times. It wasn't my type of store. Some how I walked around and ended up going in that store through the back. I became lucid again.

    There was a bunch of food being served. I served myself some food. Since I was lucid, I took a lot of food. I was still afraid that people would judge me. My plan was to enjoy the food and leave, not to read anyone's comments about me afterward, saying how much I had taken. I never got around to tasting the food.

    Then there were these yellow bus things on blue wrestling mat things. Out of the side of the bus, a series of things folded outward. Then, a series of things folded at a 90 degree angle from that, to the direction of the back of the bus. It took up much more space than the original size of the bus. I was commenting on it. Someone seemed annoyed that I was commenting.

    I had a brief awakening in my bed where I thought of the dreams. But then a dream began again and I was totally concious at the onset. I was like, "Oh, I'm in a dream again!"

    I laid there and recalled it. I let myself fall back to sleep. I think I initially remembered more from before being on the dark road. But was un-able to re-rememeber it later.


    Round 7 of dreams.

    I remember a scene of sitting by the fire place in Nana's living room. Uncle C and other family members were there. Uncle C came down with a big metal lobster pot. It was full of green liquid and had a big meniscus of foam up over the top. He said it reached a point where it needed to be taken off boil a little. This was part of the normal cooking process for whatever it was. It reminded me of my kale shakes. Once the foam meniscus had expanded even more, he slurped some of it off. Then he said it was ready to continue boiling. He had put the pot between his knees while he sat. I guess it was the preparation for a holiday meal.

    The other scene i remembered from round 7 of dreams was in Nana's drive way. There was a white S U V type of car. There was one guy further down toward the exit of the drive way. And two guys in the S U V. They had on white, futuristic-looking clothes. I asked them who they were. They said they were the family therapists. I didn't think they seemed dangerous at all.

    Again, I woke from those, and did another RBFA. Playing all the dreams in my head from rounds 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. I was glad that they all stayed in my mind so I could continue going back to sleep.


    Round 8 of dreams! I haven't had this many rounds of dreams in quite a while.

    I remember some dreams at a food store. There were yellow and green peppers, normal in width, but 6 to 12 inches long. I showed some to another guy there, asking if he would like these. He said no. There was a woman behind him.

    I remember trying to dream journal in the shower. I was leaning into the shower from outside it. It was the shower from my parents old house. I wondered how to write them. I figured using my left hand in Fii Write would be a good idea. I remember some how the white floor mat became rainbow in color. I was holding it over my shoulder. I wanted to show my sister because it looked really cool.

    In the next part I was hanging out with a friend who had no waking life correspondence. His name was "Anthony". "Anthony" said that he would rather I go process my anxiety when we weren't together so that when I was with him, I wouldn't be anxious. Obviously that isn't really a fair request because feelings come and go. But in the dream I kind of understood what he meant.

    I forgot if anything else happened. I think I was dreaming that I woke up and was trying to make short form notes of my dreams. Then I left to go to this meeting room. The people were from a religious group thing. Someone was leaving. They felt it was their fault and worried about them being "saved". Anthony arrived. I think he missed his 9:33 flight. I felt like I was holding up his schedule because I kept waiting to do my short form dream notes. I said that once I got the short form of my dream notes complete, then I could go about the day without worrying about it.

    He showed me a picture of a jeep veering off the road a little. "Anthony" had yellow-ish hair.

    I woke up and recalled those. I would have let myself RBFA, but I didn't need any more sleep. So, I got up to write them, thinking it must be 10 A M by now. When I saw the phone, I was amazed that it was only 6:39 A M! I guess I was in a hyperbolic time chamber.

    Most of the dreams were WUDD (I woke up directly from the dream) and moderately easy to remember, except for round 4, which I botched in a different way. And, of course, round 3, which I must have gone through significant dream-less sleep before waking up from, because I remembered nothing.

    It took me between 1.5 and 2 hours of typing to get these all done. It is the first day I tried to work in 30 minute increments instead of stressing myself out to just write, write, write until it was done. I think it was a healthier approach. I took breaks between 30 minute segments.
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