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    Dreams from march 9 to 10

    by , 03-10-2018 at 10:13 PM (220 Views)
    Dreams from March ninth to tenth of 2018

    Um... I dreamed!

    Pokemon Game

    I remembered way, way, early on in the dreams there was this Pokemon game. Something with a fire type legendary. Something with an electric type move. I couldn't remember any more but the sense I had of it was. That it was vivid. Maybe if I didn't need to move so soon upon awakening, I could have gotten back that far.

    Scenes in a house

    There were some scenes in this house that I forgot. My dream sister was trying to run the dream dishwasher. Something about loading it with dream dishes and running it before a certain time.

    There was something with a dream person and showing them how I do my quad stretch in a bunk bed.

    There was something about a cleaning person. Something about how I didn't hold a job. In this scene I had a bottle of lotion and I was squeezing some into a tablespoon.

    I am upset with smokers

    There was this whole story line of a woman. She and her partner had broken up. She was feeling down about it. She had come into my life and she was at my Nana's. I was living in the kid's room again, as in many dreams. There was this thing where I walked into my Nana's room, and my whole family was sitting all around in there. At least my Mom, Aunt B and nana, and others. Nana wanted me to sit with her on her bed, and I didn't want to, but I felt bad, because she was old, so I sat with her. It was a pink salmony kind of color. She had an ash tray on the bed and I was already angry, even though nothing was lit. Some conversation took place between everyone in the room.

    Then my dream Nana lit a dream cigarette with me right there. I couldn't smell it, but that didn't hint to me that it was a dream. So I got up in fury. My Aunt B was saying something to me. My Aunt B was sitting in a direct line between my Nana and I. I raged at the two of them about how they are cigarette smokers and they should burn in Hell. That felt pretty good and I had been setting an intention that day to vent some of my anger in a dream, where I didn't have the best outlet in waking life.

    I went back to the kids room and seemed to forget about that whole thing. The woman had been talking to my family. Then my sister was in the kids room with me and we were talking. There was something my sister was eating that I didn't think was a good idea to eat. So I tried to make it so she couldn't eat any more of it. That's the last I remember of that.

    More stuff happened between this and the next dream, maybe other dreams or something transitional.

    Alien Invasion!

    This dream seemed to transition from the previous dream. Maybe it was all one dream. I couldn't remember it all exactly. There was something with me or my friend Mike being taken somewhere in a van. Not kidnapped but just not handled nicely. I was kind of seeing it from the outside I think. Then a guy with long brown hair and some facial hair was in a wheel chair in the back of another van. A woman or two people were lifting his wheel chair to put it on the ground, on the street. He said the word, "Narrow! Narrow!" to caution them I guess that his wheel chair was narrow and they need to be careful how they put it down.

    Someone tried to wheel his wheel chair into the intersection, as if it would be run over. But I think it was in jest. They wheeled him back towards the van.

    Then there were these big aliens and alien ships flying all over the city. We were in a city kind of place. It was really intense. I don't remember the exact alien forms. But people were running around like mad, in fear. The aliens were dropping "bombs" but they weren't acually bombs. They were like those plastic 10 pound standard weight plates filled with cement that I have. But people thought they were bombs so they were running. The weight plates hit some people or damaged some things but didn't blow up.

    Then there was this part where people were being held hostage in a mall type of place. It was like a clothing store. Again, I don't remember it perfectly, some parts just didn't come to mind. but there was something about no one being allowed to the stair way at the back of the store. There were guards lining the back wall, wearing black ear muff headsets, maybe with guns. I heard something about crawling under the clothing racks, since it was a clothing section in the back, and trying to get out that way. But a warning that the guards were expecting this. So some of us tried to climb under the clothing racks anyway.

    The guards were human guards, or in human bodies. I guess the aliens had them under some sort of mind control, to use their bodies. This also made the actual humans less likely to harm them.

    So then I got to the end of the clothing section and to the guards. There were 4 of us and 3 of them. My red haired friend and 2 others who had been with me got dragged back to the front of the store, but I noticed I was standing at the back of the store by myself.

    I still knew that even if I got down the stairs, they would probably catch up to me, and it might make things worse. So I decided to just walk down the stairs, and right back up. I think I even said it aloud, as if to notify the aliens.

    Something about the aliens was dreamishly anti climactic. The "bombs" were not really explosive. The guards just dragged the people back up front without much fight. And this next part was silly. So it all seems kind of funny to me now.

    I walked down the green stairs, expecting to come out around the city streets. I walked sideways down them and I think there were 7 one leg, 7 the other, and back up the same way.

    When I got back up, I could tell I was in trouble. This giant, super freaky spider thing that I wish I could draw, was ready to come and get me. It had this straw thing for a mouth and was brown. Boy, was I scared. The spider thing was going to come lick my face and I really didn't want that to happen. It was all furry and twice my height.

    I wasn't lucid for any of this, but I started apologizing to the spider thing. Saying I was so sorry I did that, and I would never leave you, and you look so great. I put my hands in a prayer position and prayed to the spider to please have mercy on me. It seemed angry but didn't come nearer.

    Then it somehow transformed into this fast food menu screen thing. The writing on it was using food to make the letters. It still had elements of furry brown like the spider's body had. At first I was afraid it would morph back, but it didn't.

    The screen said that there are "Solid food meals for everyone" but only enough potatoes for 7 people. There had been something like 28 potatoes on the stairs, so I figured they thought each person should have 4 potatoes, if they have any at all.

    I went up in line to get some food. There was some meat or poultry but I wondered what the solid food meal was, since there didn't seem to be a starch or vegetable. Then I saw there was a bunch of pasta and ravioli. There were Carraway Seeds all over the top, but not stirred in. Before I got my food, I started to stir them into the red sauce, but people behind me were complaining. An Indian guy I knew was behind me, but I forgot his name. I said, okay, fine, you can go, but make sure you stir in the carraway seeds first. That was the last thing I remembered.

    Recall Notes

    I woke up from those dreams, thinking them through. It was my first time awakening all night. I had trouble falling asleep on this night even though I had lights out by 6 and was super tired. When I woke up, I had rotated to my left side, and kicked my pillows all over, so I was on them funny, and had pain. My hand was also in a weird position and it all made me have to move too soon. Unfortunately this just happens sometimes and I always hope to wake up in a position I can comfortable stay still in, so the dream recall can be to the max. I thought of a few details, got up and did my #1, and then more memories flew to mind once that pressure of holding in my #1 was released. So I recorded them and tried to pull up anything else but that was really it. There were some parts I wished I remembered more of... As usual! But I can see signs of improvement in my recall, so its like, just keep practicing and you will remember a higher and higher percent of dreams as time goes on. It will be worth it when in 10 years of recall practice you recall dreams in such clear detail.

    Blacking Out

    I had this dream that I woke up from, thought through, but was very groggy and fell back asleep. The next time I woke up, I could only get the end. Something about walking on Hickory. Then, in the woods, with a guy I knew, maybe J M. Apparently he was doing some kind of mind altering substance, but every time he took "another hit", I would black out while he did it and not notice. This was where I briefly realized it was a dream, during one of the black outs. I was hearing some words or lyrics but I also forgot those. There was at least a bit more to this but I was too groggy. I count this as an L D even though I compulsively woke myself up.

    Learn to Draw

    I fell back to sleep while recalling that last one. I found myself in this dream where my sister was sitting with my Dad on one side of the table, and another man was sitting accross from them. My sister was much younger, maybe 5 or 6, and had a very high pitched child like voice. She was saying how learning to draw is fun! And it's not going to be hard because everybody needs to do this! I don't know if there was more to that dream but I was so groggy, that was all I recorded.

    One of my longest dreams ever

    I had one of my longest dreams ever. lucidity seemed to fade in and out. I forgot the parts when I became lucid but I remember being lucid here and there. Also there were some dreams where I "woke up" but was still in a dream, but not false awakenings, more like dreams within dreams. I don't know if they were separate dreams but it feels like all one thing to me so I will write it all as one thing, in the best order I can. And of course there was a lot I forgot.

    I was in my room eating an apple. Then i went to teh bathroom and ate the apple at a table while sitting on the toilet. L O L. It twas at my parents previous house. A bee was trying to get some apple. I wasn't too scared but then its thorax thing swelled up and I got a bit alarmed. I left the apple for it and went to my room. When I got to my room, there was another bee. It was more of a bumble bee, but still seemed big. I shut the door so the other bee, more like a stinger bee, wouldn't come in. I think I looked out my front window and maybe saw a squirrel.

    In another part, in front of our old neighbors house, there was my Dad's red subaru. The passenger side had no walls or windows, just wide open. So was the front of the neighbors house. My Dad was helping them remove a big grey carpet and fold it up. It was all being stuffed into the Subaru. The Subaru looked really weighed down. It seemed unusual to me.

    By a heater on the side of the wall, some of us were walking or standing. There was this black C D case kind of thing, or a game. I forgot what it was. Someone was asking, but I didn't know what it was. It seemed like "not mine".

    There was some stuff with a video game we were playing that I sensed was super cool. But I totally forgot.

    In another part I remember finding myself sitting at the top of the hill near the local woods. I was looking down at the Earth as it rained. I had this sense that people really should be just sitting with the Earth, paying attention to the dirt, and grass, not so busy. Something with going #1 or water coming down.

    There was something when I was trying to sleep on the floor in this room. I think I was lucid here. It was like I had woken up from a dream within the dream temporarily and needed some water. I was thinking it would be good to have a little water before I continue dreaming. Maybe something about needing to go #1, but when I awoke, I didn't need to.

    Then there was this thing where my sister was showing me a conceptual chart she made. It revolved around the idea of "We Shame" or "Me Shame". I took this to mean that people are shamed into conformity with the "We" and it seemed very wise. I told her that T S must have started her Youtube channel with 0 viewers and somehow built it up from there, so my sister could, too! It was like a bubble graph or flow chart or mind map.

    There were these "classes" going on. I was a part of one or the other. Some ladies from one wanted me to join theirs. They were trying to tell me I was in their class, and I was like, no I'm not. So I left the room or something.

    I know I remembered barely 50%. It was a huge dream. Even as the dream went on, during my lucid parts I was concerned about how I would remember it all. Plug for my intention to practice dream recall within the dream state!

    There were a bunch of parts with my sister. I remember she was showing me this map thing. The "dream screen" kept moving along the map. One part said "Latin America" but it had only sea above it, not North America. What looked like the East Coast of the U S had all these differently named and shaped states. it was all green or grey. It took me a little while to notice that it was a different map than the "official" world map.

    My sister was poking me or pinching me in this really uncomfortable way. I asked her to stop and kind of moved. When I did that I had the feeling I had broken out of sleep paralysis, but I was in a dream. I had just woken up from a dream within that dream. That is what I think led into the false awakening below.

    False Awakening: OCEAN US

    I had a false awakening after the above dream. I had begun to think of how long that whole dream had been so long and I better remember it soon. Then I had my Panasonic land line in my bed. It was starting to make noise. I think some people weere talking in it and then I tried to turn it off. I think in this false awakening I was also adjusting my eye mask a lot. Then the phone had a menu with 3 options, all in all caps. Two, I forgot. The one I remember is "OCEAN US" or "OCEANS US". I selected that option and the phone started playing Pokemon theme music in the ring tone sound that the land line has. I tried a few times to shut it off, and couldn't. I got pre lucid in that I tried a finger palm test, but it didn't go through. I could clearly see my dream hands. Some dream light was beginning to filter in the dream window. But it didn't seem to be a dream, so I panicked more. I was laying on my right side just like I was in waking life.


    I "woke up" from that F A in my dream version of my physical bed, thinking, "Ah, man, I can't believe it got me again this time." I thought it would be crazy if it were another false awakening but seriously doubted it. But, I thought to myself, if it was another false awakening, it won't trick me this time!

    Then I was standing by the corner of my bed in the corner of my room. I thought to myself, wait, I don't remember standing up... And I tried a little checking if it was a dream. Nothing really was clear so then I walked around to the end of my bed. Suddenly I flew to the wall accross from where I was and pressed against it.

    Oh, wait a second, I thought, I am flying. Perhaps it is a dream after all. I still wasn't sure though. Maybe I was on the floor, but just not feeling my feet. Then, I landed on the floor, and that was when I knew I had been flying, so I knew it was a dream.

    What should I do? What should I do? I thought to myself. By some miracle, the CLEAR technique came into my mind, from Llelwyn's guide, I think its called.

    C, I thought, C. C means Calm Down my emotions. I don't remember what I actually did to calm my emotions but when I thought this, I guess I just got calmer.

    L, L, What is L? I thought. Look around. Okay. (Switch to present tense.) I am looking around. I see some things dimly, like some shapes, of things in my room. I remembered that looking around didn't always help me. Sometimes it was destabilizing. So i got nervous. But then I started to blink. For some reason, blinking made things get more vivid and the dream felt more stable. I looked out my back window down and to the right, and saw this funny village of colorful amusement park types of buildings. With like rainbow clown hair and a funny face. I remember telling myself not to focus too hard on trying to form a memory of it, just keep blinking and looking around. I remember one white square building with a big red plus sign on it. I might have seen the sky.

    Look Around was going well, so I moved onto "E". E, I thought, What is E? E is Engage the dream. I realized I had already been doing this by pressing on various walls. I continued to rub walls and they felt grainy like my physical room. I was feeling really good after having got over that initial hump of instability. I couldn't believe I was about to really make something of this false awakening L D.

    (Whoops I lost track of present tense.) Then I went to my front wall and saw a mirror. I noticed my reflection and my hair but not sure how close it was. I saw a mural with some people on it. One person reminded me of me, and I tried pulling them out of the mural and into my room. It was kind of impulsive. The person slowly materialized into "3 dimensional" form and while they did this I went back to stabilizing the dream. I never made it to A or R though in the CLEAR technique. I got kind of side tracked by the person, interacted with them a bit,
    and woke up physically.

    I was very excited though to have remembered the CLEAR technique and really worked it up to the point that I did.


    I remembered the Blinking LD and the F A before it very well. However the dream before the False Awakening was so long that I wasn't able to remember it as clearly. But it was definitely an L D I am proud of. A culmination of my study and practice so far and a sign of progress.

    As I was laying there recalling it, I almost thought I would get another dream! I drifted to sleep a little but still had as much recall as I did before falling asleep, the next time I awoke. I really wanted another dream after that, but the sun was up, and I couldn't sleep again.

    I also want to note that I was able to recall 90% of what I recorded over night in my voice recorder, in the morning, without having to listen to the recording. I think it is because I am forming conscious memories more strongly at times. But still it helps to have a recording for that last 10-20% and in case I had a morning where I wasn't so fortunate. Plus I think the act of recording it also solidifies it in memory. Ironically recording it makes me remember it better such that I don't need the actual recording as much. haw haw.

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    Updated 05-22-2018 at 12:55 PM by 94557

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
