Lucid Dreams
I went to bed a little before 9. I found some funny videos online and then played two Pokemon Battles before 8:30 and then got to bed. I didn't do waking life recall. I remember something about Goku fighting Frieza at the football field. There were more details in these early dreams I didn't re-remember. I remember something about walking through the woods. And a "Wobbuffet Wall" which was a wall with lots of little places to get a foot or a hand hold and climb up. They were barely an inch wide of surface but I was able to use them to climb. Getting down was tricky. I couldn't get a good footing on the way down. I remember a part where I got a new laptop. I was trying to dial in to the Saturday W A meeting. I kept telling my sister that I wouldn't be available until after the meeting but she kept trying to talk to me. I remember something about needing a second access code to enter the meeting. And something about being excluded from "the park". I wanted to get into the meeting but couldn't. I originally remembered more of these dreams but didn't re-remember them due to mind wandering. I went back to sleep again, which surprised me. I remember some non-lucid dreams before becoming lucid. I had a dream that I had started a diet soda habit. I wondered how long it had been since I picked this up. It took me a while to realize that it contained sweeteners. That was when I was in nana's den. I started to worry. I remember being in the front lawn, doing something with the grass. I was thinking about a beverage that tasted like alcohol but didn't contain any alcohol. And telling people at A A about it. It wasn't non-alcoholic beer, which still contains some alcohol. I remember packing up to move. I was either at 24 or 15. I had most of my stuff ready to go. My mom said not to hurry because we had a whole year before we had to be fully moved. 'A year?' I thought. 'That's a long time! How did they keep both houses for so long?' I remember dreaming that I woke up in the back of my dad's van as he drove to work. I thought I had asked him to bring me for the drive. We were on a really windy back road. I wondered if it was safe to drive so fast. We reached a point where some rocks tumbled down, and he had to back out. I used telekinesis to move the rocks off the road, without knowing it was a dream. They were giant boulders. I remember a false awakening kind of thing. I was looking at my own forehead, and saw that I had many red pimples. I began to count them. There were around 15. 'Is this really my forehead?' I thought. 'Maybe I will try a finger palm test.' Sure enough, my finger went through, and I was lucid in the dream world. There was some plastic on the wall ahead of me. In this beginning part, I couldn't move much. I just stayed still and slightly looked around. Eventually I tried moving and the dream collapsed. The dream started back up, though. I remember a glass window. There were some asian people in a room, about to be served food. I wanted food. They seemed to be looking at me through the glass. I jumped right through the glass, phasing through it, and that surprised them! I sat with the two asian people, hoping to be brought food. An older woman brought out two meals. She gave one to one of the people and one to me, but skipped the middle person. I felt bad. The food must have been just for those two, so I got up to go find food elsewhere. After walking around a little, I found a shopping center kind of thing. For some time, it became a video game interface. I got food, but didn't really experience eating it because it was more of a video game thing. Then there was something about a history lesson the people there were hiding from me. I didn't push them to tell me. I just went looking for more dream food. I walked over to an office place with a receptionist desk out front. At the desk there was some kind of clock thing. Two people were waiting for an appointment, a man and a woman. The woman had two plates which each had a big pile of dough balls. One of the sets of dough balls had powdered sugar and the other didn't. I asked for some and she shared. They were delicious! I was surprised that the dream continued. I had a pull-up competition with a guy accross from me. He started doing them faster than I could, and won the competition. I think I walked off somewhere down a sidewalk to find more places in the dream and woke up. I finished the outline around 9:30 A M, meaning I actually slept enough for a change. That last sleep cycle made a big difference. Until today I was having trouble with being up too early and unable to get back to sleep.
I got lucid once tonight. Went to bed around 9:15 P M and finished the outline around 7 A M. I was up a little late, playing one more Pokemon battle! But I am using Pokemon battles to practice my episodic memory. (zzz) Round 1 of dreams. I think I remember something with Goku, but only vaguely. I remember being at a 12 step meeting. There were people from my high school there. I was thinking or sharing about how I have a good amount of sober time. Most other people there seemed in their first few months. A woman sitting near me started to dig a pen into my chest or shoulder or something. It kinda hurt. I tried to get her to stop. Then some people behind me started taking pictures of me with their cell phones. They were all laughing. I tried to get them to stop. It became a fight scene kind of thing, where I was being chased. There was something about how 2 guys caught me in an alley, or between a big truck and a building, and were going to beat me up. I think I imagined powering up and sending them flying away. The fight/chase ended and I was walking along. I walked over a narrow cement thing, maybe like something at a skate park. I was thinking of being linked mentally to J B. I also remember a part where I was with a group of people. So I said, "I am a [diety] named Rock." I might have said "Greek [diety]." I said it in kind of a deep voice, like Gaston's voice. I think I felt silly or embarrassed after. I thought it would sound cool, but I just felt silly. I was walking out of their area when I noticed that they were enclosed in giant wire mesh tents. There was a zipper I unzipped to walk out. "Are these faraday cages?" I asked, wondering why in the world they would be using computer labs inside a faraday cage. "No," they said. "If they were faraday cages, we couldn't have all this equipment in here." I continued to walk out. I recalled those and then went back to sleep, still re-remembering them later. My memory is definitely leveling up! (zzz) Round 2 of Dreams. I remember something in the beginning with Pokemon cards. Me and/or others trading and playing them. I remember this part where I was laying in a bed in the yard. Like my grandmother's apartment complex. There was a dog I kept looking at. The dog looked back at me and I panicked. 'Oh no! If it sees me looking at it, it will come over here!' I was afraid of the dog, and tried to pretend I wasn't looking. Eventually the dog kept walking away. I remember being at an A C A meeting kind of thing. I was the chair person. I read the format for the meeting. But then I realized that everyone was directing their comments to a woman in the front of the room. I was just sitting in the back. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'I am supposed to sit in the front to read the format, so they will direct their comments to me.' So, I headed for the front. When I got up there, I said, "That sure was silly of me." And, "It is okay to do something silly." I remember hearing some comments like what I hear in A C A meetings as well as making my own comments. After the meeting, I was in the back of the room again, doing some kind of opposite hand writing. I had folded sheets of computer paper into segments. My opposite hand was making small letters with a brown felt tip marker. I remember asking someone for help or comments on what I'd done so far. I felt good about the writing. I remember thinking something about pushing or forcing myself to do it. There was a guy who came to comment on it, but I didn't like his comments. I kind of rejected the feedback and went on working on the writing. I realized I didn't need anyone's feedback. I also said something about how the writing comes from the left or right hemisphere of the brain. There were some women sitting nearby. I remember I had my wallet. There was much more money in there than usual! Without thinking much, I put it out on the table and just looked through the money. Then I realized the women would think I was trying to show off, and felt embarrassed or misunderstood. I wished I hadn't taken out the money. I remember walking along a road. I saw one or two people smoking. I was out of smell range and tried to run behind some buildings to ensure the smell didn't reach me. Then I was in someone's back yard. Kind of like J R's. I think there was a young teenage kid coming home from school, but he was going to smoke before his parents got home, so they wouldn't know. I wasn't aware it was a dream, but I was able to fly up onto his roof. I imagined that he saw me up there, and then I flew away. He would think I vanished or teleported, and be really amazed. I woke up and recalled those. Then I re-played all the dreams, rounds 1 and 2, in my mind, to form "solid" memories. When I went to re-remember round 2 in the morning, I could re-remember the end, but it took an extra moment to get to the part about the meeting. I just kept thinking, "I know something was there. I know I remembered it." And eventually it came back to me. Round 1 was easier to re-remember because the part where I said I was a diety came to mind right away. While I was up to use the rest room, I took 100mcg Huperzine-A and 300mg Alpha-GPC Choline. Oh! Another memory came to mind. Wow! Well, I remember someone trying to sell me something. I had a stack of white papers. At first they seemed blank. The next time I looked through, instead of blank pages, there were lots of packets with print all over them. Forms to fill out and informational packets. I figured I had just not noticed them, but it was actually the dream doing the thing where the words can morph when I look away and look back. (zzz) Round 3 of Dreams. I remember a bunch of people were guests at nana's. One guy was going outside to smoke. I panicked and tried to make sure all the doors and windows were closed. Once they were, I considered talking with him from the other side of the glass. We could still talk, but his smoke wouldn't reach me. I remember someone showing me their coloring book. It had small square pages. They said how once they colored a page, they couldn't look back at it. They had to keep moving through the coloring book in sequence. The first third of it, or so, was colored. He seemed really happy with his coloring book. We were room mates in the kids room at my nana's house. The one where the computer room is now. There was a moment when I wanted to tell him, "Wait! This is a false awakening!" But I didn't think of that until I was between dreams. Round 3 was a marathon of dreams and there were earlier parts i couldn't remember. I had another false awakening where I was going to write down my dreams. I had my reclining chair and lap top. Some music was coming from Aunt C's room. I had the understanding that other people were guests at nana's house. So, I went to get my ear muffs. My sister was my room mate in this dream. I felt bad because she didn't have the same hearing protection as me. She showed me her ear plugs. They were made of play dough, plastic wrap, and little puffy balls of fabric stuff. Multi-colored. I knew they weren't the real deal like my ear plugs. "I will get you a pair," I said. But when I looked, none of my ear plugs looked fresh. I even had a red white and blue swirly colored pair. 'I might have to get her a pair tomorrow from home,' I thought. I felt sorry for her that she was using such ineffective hearing protection, and didn't even know. I was about to go to write on my lap top when I looked out to the hall way. Lots of people were walking by. 'That's different,' I thought. 'What are all those people doing, running around at night?' Then I noticed F was running through the hall. She had a beard! 'Oh! It's a dream!' I thought. That was definitely a dream-induced lucid dream. I followed F to nana's room. I wanted to talk to her! But people kept blocking me. She went into nana's bathroom and I couldn't get through. I decided to go downstairs and outside. I didn't have to do any stability techniques at all. It was all perfectly stable on its own, for quite a while! I walked down the hall. Two people were running down the hall behind me. Not chasing me, just running. The thought crossed my mind to crouch down on all fours, in a table top position, and trip them. I did it at the top of the stairs. Sure enough, they tripped over me, and went flying down the stairs. They landed with a bang on the ground, sprawled out and in pain, on the next floor down. I felt really bad about that. 'That was so mean,' I thought. 'Even though its a dream, I know that was too mean.' I put out my hand. 'Heal!' I thought. The two of them got up and ran off. I felt less confident in my healing power, and wasn't sure if it really worked. I went down the stairs and finished going outside, out the back kitchen door. I flew up. Where nana's pool is, there were lots of trees. They were kinda like palm trees, but with yellow and brown and golden looking leaves. I flew up above them. I really needed to use the bathroom! I landed and used the bathroom on the dirt, in the middle of the dream. (I didn't wet the physical bed.) Aunt B was sitting nearby with someone else. She kind of scoffed. I tried to ignore that, and flew up again. After I used the bathroom in the dream, I felt some relief, but I hadn’t really wet the bed. It makes me wonder if the whole feeling of needing the bathroom was just an illusion in my dream body, rather than a physical need. So, I was flying up in the air. 'Maybe I will just go straight to outer space!' I thought. So I put my arms out in front of me like super man, and flew up. 'Wow, I am really gaining altitude,' I thought. I felt I was going really fast. 'My shoulders might get tired if I keep my arms up too long,' I thought. 'I will put my arms down, and still fly.' So, I did that, and kept flying. I felt a good flight speed. There was a pinkish cloud in the sky with writing in it. I don't remember the words. But after a while, I looked down, to see how tiny the Earth looked beneath me. 'Huh?!' I thought. As I looked down, the pool and everyone down there were only like 20 feet below me. I surrendered and just floated back down to the ground. 'I will use the pool!' I thought. 'I could do a really reckless jump off the diving board!' Where the diving board usually is, there was just a little blue platform at water level. A young child was jumping off of it into the water. 'I need to jump from some place higher,' I thought. 'Ah! The ladder rail!' I went to the rail of the ladder, which was a few feet high, and I guess I jumped in. I don't remember clearly. I do remember doing some wide grip dips on the edge of the pool, with my eyes closed, and thinking, 'This is hurting my shoulders, even in a dream!' Then, when I went to where I expected the ladder to be in waking life, it was right there in the dream, too. That's pretty amazing. I guess I swam in that pool so much as a child that my dreams replicate it with great accuracy and consistency. I climbed out from the ladder. Then I noticed a really tall tree trunk, but it had a flat top like it had been cut. It was at least 10 feet tall. I jumped to the top. Before I could dive into the pool, I saw that there were other tall trees with flat tops, and then a mountain of logs much taller. 'I could practice my flight skills by aiming for the flat surfaces, instead of just flying aimlessly into space,' I thought. 'So I will!' My aim was good. I could jump from one flat top to the next. I felt myself gradually gaining altitude again. 'Maybe I will just climb these logs all the way into space.' Then, one of them appeared to be wobbly. 'Uh-oh!' I jumped to it anyway, thinking/hoping it was the only wobbly one. 'Uh-oh!' It wasn't the only wobbly one. I jumped from one flat top to the next and then the whole mountain of logs toppled. There were also orange protein jugs piled up there. They all toppled down. The people on the ground went running. "Ahhh!" They all cried out. When I got to the ground, I ran to the front yard to escape. I knew they would be mad at me! I forgot if I woke up briefly, or if the dream just transitioned. But I found myself watching two people talk about popsicles. One woman ate a popsicle. The other guy ate more of them, really fast. Every time, he said, "I like this one!" I remember a scene where I was writing a dream. I remember a thing about people selling pills. They had all these pill bottles. They said the pills were to help someone become a good lawyer. They had all sorts of names. I think they were supposed to be nootropics. One bottle had a clear side where I could see little white crystals, like sea salt. It said "Toxic" on the side, on a purple label. There was more detail to that part which I forgot. Something about limiting the amount of supplements per day. I remember a part where I had a funny red and yellow hat. It said something like, "M S C," on it. Other people with me had similar hats and shirts. I asked one person what MSC stood for, thinking there might be some kind of psychic download of information that I could verify in waking life. But the answer seemed silly. I forgot exactly what it was. We went along from store to store. This part was much more detailed but I didn't remember it in full. I remember in one store, they had some food on the shelf. I was aware it was a dream, so I kept making little hints, hoping my fellow dream figures would catch on. They didn't seem to notice it was a dream. We got to another store and I was busted for having stolen the MSC hat. "I will just give it back to you!" I pleaded. "Please don't make me be in trouble. I just didn't know what to do with it." I handed the hat and other stolen clothes over to the police man. He was wearing a dark blue uniform. When I looked down, I saw that I was wearing a dark blue police uniform, too, with a badge and everything! 'How am I gonna explain this one?' I thought. I looked at both of our feet. I had on black boots. He had on similar black boots, too, except they were elevated by black ice skate blades. 'That's interesting,' I thought. 'There's no ice in here.' An African American woman came in. Someone was laying on an examination table. Maybe I was seeing myself from outside at this point. "We will give him an X-Ray like when they are checking our mini for a baby!" She said. I think "mini" meant "womb". "That will determine if he stole the clothes!" I was found to have stolen them, and put into a coffin, and dropped into the sea. I felt like I was watching a show. Even though I wasn't the one in the coffin, just watching it made me feel all this claustrophobia. Luckily, a friend had snuck along with me. He could move in and out of the coffin and survive underwater. He positioned the coffin inside a sunken ship kind of thing, and then brought back some biscuits. "Here, eat these biscuits," he said. "It will keep your heart rate down." I guess the carbs would kind of sedate me so I wouldn't feel so bad about being imprisoned in the coffin. 'If its my dream, why can't I just teleport outside the coffin?' I thought. But, I didn't have the powers at that time. Some how that dream ended. I am not sure if there were more details or if it just transitioned. I found myself in Aunt C's room. I knew it was a dream, but I really, really needed the bathroom again! I didn't want to wake up, though. Another dream figure appeared to advise me. He said I could go to the bathroom in Aunt C's room, and then my physical body would sleep walk to the bathroom at the same time, go, and then sleep walk back to bed, so I could continue dreaming. I really believed that this was going to work, and I would never have to wake up from a dream to use the bathroom again. I went to Aunt C's bathroom and saw two toilets. One was a urinal, on the left. The other was a toilet, on the right. I also thought that my physical body was sleeping in Aunt C's room so that made me really not want to wet the bed. And I thought that my physical body was positioned exactly where my dream body was in relation to the toilets. 'I know that in waking life, there's a sink on one side, and a toilet on the other,' I thought. 'So, which side corresponds to the physical toilet?' It would have been the left, but I chose the right side, which was a toilet in the dream, but a sink in waking life. I peed all over the place. It wasn't easy to aim in the dream! I felt some relief after, and hope it worked. there were little trinkets all over the place, including on the toilet seat, that I knocked over. I noticed myself in the mirror. I had a short brown mushroom cut. 'Thats not me!' I thought. 'I have long hair and a beard.' I knew it was a dream, and continued on. 'What should I do now?' I thought. 'I won't need to wake up for a while, so I could do anything I want!' While I used the bathroom, the dream had even done this thing where the bathroom light was flickering. It looked like my vision could be flickering between two worlds. I was really convinced that I had sleep walked to the bathroom, went, and sleep walked back to bed, to continue dreaming. Did I really wet the bed? Let's find out... (Cliff hanger!!!) 'I know!' I thought. 'There was a party here before. I will go downstairs and get some food.' So I walked and flew down there. My dad was talking to my uncle. "Everyone is off doing their own little party!" he said with some scorn. My Uncle J was there. I remember seeing him for a moment. On the counter, there were rectangular packs of muffins with blue packaging. They had tiny muffins. I grabbed a pack and flew upstairs. 'Wait!' I thought. 'What if I'm really in the physical world, and I just think I'm dreaming?! I would really regret eating this." So, I did a finger palm test. looking at the back of my left palm, I didn't see a finger poking out. 'Uh oh!' I thought. 'Wait, let me check the other side.' When I looked at the other side, my right pointer finger was buried in my left palm up to the second joint. It just wasn't poking out the other side. 'Interesting,' I thought. 'Never had it happen that way before.' I continued eating the muffins, just enjoying them. I think I got one or two bites before the dream ended. I guess just relaxing and eating the muffin caused the dream to end, while some degree of stress or action seemed to keep it going? Or maybe it was just time for it to end. I would like the dream to last, even if I do absolutely nothing but sit back and relax and look around. I remember being in my bed, and staying still, to recall the dreams. I must have still been in the phase because another dream began. In this one, I was watching someone like Beerus sleeping on his special planet. He woke up and saw a giant cloud up above, shaped like a dog's head and body. 'Oh no! I must position my body like the dog's body in the cloud!' he thought, and hurried to copy the posture. It must have been some kind of ritual. There was a crow like character, coming from the left side of the "screen" with a firey torch. They had a sash around their waist like Beerus shoulder armor, with the stripes. There were lots of torches lit behind them, too. I woke up from that special bonus episode of the dream marathon and stayed still, thinking of the dreams. My body felt really heavy, and I had no urge to fidget for a while. I couldn't tell if I had wet the bed. When I finally got the urge to stretch a little, I tried to feel around to see if I had wet the bed. I didn't! What a relief. It was a close call. Well, I am glad to be done typing those! I have been watching some cartoons lately and I feel inspired to try to make a comic from my dreams. When I recalled my dreams I kind of imagined them as a comic book. Like usual, I did my outline first, then typed them in full. I am finishing it now right at 10 A M. I am trying to get all the dreams written in full before going off and doing other stuff, just so that my biggest task of the day is completed. After my dreams are written up in full I can kinda relax a little easier.
On this night I had a much higher dream recall and lucidity compared to the nights before. I think part of that was that I practiced waking life recall again. I had been playing back to back pokemon battles or DB Super episodes but I changed it. Instead of going back to back with those, I journaled about each one afterward, kind of like recalling a dream. (zzz) Round 1 of Dreams. I remember something about a computer lab, and some people trying to contact outer space. Then, I was looking at a television. On the television, there was a row of pictures of cymbals. The sounds from them were used to communicate to outer space. Then I was looking at shelves. There were bottles of juice. The bottles had kind of a swirly design around the outside. Almost like a winding ramp. Someone said that J A wanted to ask me something. I went to pour myself a cup of the juice. I don't think she wanted any. The juice was a dark orange color, like mango. J A wanted to ask me what I thought about having a baby. She asked me if I wanted to have one. It wasn't clear if she meant, have a baby with her, or if she was just asking in general, like some kind of survey. Either way, I was like, "Yeah! I think having a baby would be cool." But of course there's a lot to think about before having a baby. I had been leaning back on my chair the whole conversation, without realizing it. Someone to my right said not to lean back on my chair. 'Have I been leaning back on my chair this whole time?' I thought. I tried to make sure all 4 chair legs were on the ground. I recalled those and then went to sleep, still re-remembering most of it later... There were one or two earlier parts I didn't re-remember though. (zzz) Round 2 of Dreams. There were definitely earlier parts that I couldn't "reach". I remember being in front of a mirror, in a bathroom. Ms. M and J C were behind me, talking to me. Ms. M left, but a younger kid arrived, around age 14. He told J C that I liked her! I think she said something about not liking me in that way or something... Or maybe I just expected her to reject me. So before it made anything awkward, I told the kid, "Yeah, I like her!" But explained I liked her as a family friend, and mentioned our camping trips, and so on. I think that eased some of the awkwardness that I felt. I told the child that if he kept practicing his speaking skills, he'd be very good at it by the time he was 20. He rode his bike away. I remember seeing Ms. G (English teacher) sitting at a little desk. Then I went down a set of long yellow stairs. Each step was longer than my foot. I considered going down them backwards but just went down forwards, feeling light. Then I was in a Pokemon battle. My Pokemon had 2 steel type attack moves. One had 75 accuracy and one had 85. I was caught trying to decide which to use. I think I chose the 75% accuracy one because both were kind of risky anyway. It had some kind of silver umbrella thing appear on the opponent's side of the field. Then I was out of electricity. I needed electricity from outside the game to use to move inside the game. There was a wire with something I could charge up, right behind me. I went to get the current flowing, but realized the wire was directly touching my leg! I quickly jumped away, cursing. The wire lit up bright blue. At one end of the room, there were 3 people on a couch. The guy on my left had on a white shirt. He drew a black line with marker on his left side pocket. He said something like, "Please don't curse like that." But something about his tone really triggered me. It was probably because he failed to acknowledge/sympathize with my panic and fear, and instead found fault with my word selection. I started to curse him out pretty intensely. There was someone sitting in the middle. Maybe a smaller woman. I am not sure I even noticed the details of the person. The guy on the other side of the couch, to my right, was wearing a grey shirt. He coldly told me that I was being "sinful". This brought up even more rage... The exact reason I HATE religion. Because they failed to notice my actual state (fear/panic) and just judged the behavior as wrong. So it is very abandoning. I started cursing that guy out and telling him his religion was stupid. He was physically bigger than me, and decided he would physically assault me! So I tried to flee. I realized that the police would probably take his side, too, which sucked... At one point, he had me pinned down. "[name of diety] wants me to punish you!" He said something idiotic like that. I could see he had sharp teeth when he bared them. I somehow got out of that pinning and ran away. I saw myself from outside. I looked like Littlefoot from Land Before Time. He caught me in a net thing, like the collars they use in Animal Control. He had me walk ahead of him. We passed through a swampy graveyard place. With lots of grave stones but a few inches deep of water. Wading through there, I got a little ahead of him. I snuck off to the side to hide behind a grave stone, and he walked right by, thinking I continued on straight. He had morphed into a white ghosty kind of shape character. Eventually, he turned around, and started coming towards my hiding place. This dream was pretty scary. Not quite nightmare level but it reached around 70% nightmare level. I remember it transitioned into another Pokemon Battle. I had a move that only did 10% of their HP each time. I used it for a few turns. Suddenly, it did 25% of their HP, without even getting a critical hit. I wasn't sure why, but one more would have the K O. I remember thinking that I don't want to curse out people like that if possible, since they might want to beat me up. But I don't like having to... Filter the way I express my emotions. Anyway, I just remember being in the woods. And leaning my stationary bike on the wheels. I was going to push it up some stairs. Then I woke up. I recalled those and went back to sleep. I just made sure to re-play them in my mind enough to form a solid memory. I still re-remembered it all by morning. I also took my 100mcg Huperzine-A and 300mg Alpha-GPC Choline at this time... (zzz) Round 3 and 4 of Dreams.. I remember being in my Nana's room. I was on a lounge chair near her dresser. I had the land line on the floor to one side. She almost stepped on it. "Don't step on the land line!" I yelled. I moved it to the other side. My sister was there too. I went home to get some protein. It was morning, but it was dark out, still. My dad had just got home at the same time. I called out to greet him. I remember being in my room at 15. Someone was sharing about religion on a phone meeting. (I heard a share about religion yesterday, involving false loyalty to a dysfunctional church, that seriously pissed me off, so that's probably why i dreamed of it so much. Recovering from religion is a big deal to me.) After the meeting, on the fellowship line, I was telling the guy that his comment was stupid. And that his religion is stupid... He kept hearing what I said then taking a moment before replying. Whenever he spoke again, I tried to shut him down again. I remember looking at a pair of black pants while being on the phone. Then there was a woman with a book. She was talking about Satan but then she started calling it "Thesatan". There were some other concepts of dieties in the book. She also said that heavy people, with an over-eating habit, might want to make friends with a janitor. Since janitors see all the food people drop on the floor. At some point along these dreams I was awake physically in bed. I didn't need the bathroom though so I stayed still, recalled what I could, and went back to sleep. I dreamed I was on a phone meeting with M and 2 other guys. But, they were actually there in person. M shared first. He said that he likes "scriptures", but something someone said in favor of them in an earlier meeting had ticked him off. Hearing him mention "scriptures" had ticked me off, too. I was thinking of sharing reactively about it by the time my turn came around. I felt very reactive, just hearing about it. Religion is definitely a touchy subject for me to hear about, unless someone is saying religion sucks. I remember being in the guest room, but in the dream context, it was my room. I still felt a little out of place there. My Dad came to the door. "How was your day?" he asked. "Wait! I'm changing!" I said, and closed the door before he could look in. I remember dreaming that I was laying in bed, on my left side, like my physical body was. My dad came in the room again. He was angry about something. He said I wasn't allowed to use pencils any more. I think he also said I wasn't allowed to speak out against religion any more. I felt intimidated, and afraid to say anything, but I will speak out if I damn well please. He's not allowed to touch me... Unless he wants to give me a license to defend myself. At which point I will stop him. Anyway, in the dream, he seemed angry at me. My dad came in the room again. Again, from the head of my bed, he was yelling at me. Again, he said I'm not allowed to use pencils any more. A little green and gold emblem thing fell onto the bed. It had the letters "D" and "R" on it. My dad went to leave the room. I got the hunch that I might be dreaming. I got up. I might have floated up or perched on top of a dresser. Anyway, I asked him. "Dad! Wait! What's the name of the second car you let me use?" I had to "think fast" to come up with a question that he would be unable to answer if it were a dream. "Um... Marrion." He said it very matter of factly. Of course, that is incorrect. "No!" I said, and I said the actual name of the car. "You're not real!" I said, and flew up in the air. In hindsight, I probably would have been better off letting him walk away, then enjoying my lucid time, but I didn't think of it. I flew towards him and he became a sort of robot with a big white dome top and white vaccuum hoses for arms. I could see him through the slightly opaque white dome. At first I got ready to fight off his white vaccuum hose arms. Then I remembered to stop fighting in the dream. I gave the big robot vaccuum thing a hug and said, "I love you!" Then the dream ended and I woke up. I stayed still and recalled those. After using the rest room, I played the dreams back some more in my mind, then went back to sleep. I re-remembered it in full in the morning. This re-remembering thing is awesome. I never thought it would be possible to remember all the nights dreams, even rounds 1 and 2, in the morning. Without even making notes. I guess I have reached an advanced stage. (zzz) Rounds 5 (and 6?) of Dreams. I dreamed I was in a version of my room at 15. My mom and sister or dad and sister were in the room, talking. I was on a phone meeting. Well, I was sleeping with the phone near me, and I dreamed that I kept waking up to dial a phone meeting. 'Wait, why am I sleeping with the phone near me?' I wondered. 'It has lots of radiation!' So I pushed it away. 'Also, why am I on the phone when the other 2 are right there? I could be talking with them!' Once I hung up the phone, they dissappeared, too. I remember being in a bed. I was adjusting my position. I kept trying to put a pillow over my eyes, but accidentally covering my whole face. It really scared me that I would be unable to breathe while I slept. Then I remember being in a dorm room kind of building. It was more eventful but I didn't remember 100% from the earlier parts. I know I was lucid though. I was practicing abilities with some other people. There was "William" and there was "Lauren" and one other guy. (No waking life correspondence.) I knew it was a dream but they didn't seem to. "William" could punch really hard. Since it was just a dream, I let him punch my hands for practice. It actually hurt a lot, even in the dream. But I knew it wasn't doing physical harm so I let him continue. I think that came from watching DB Super, when they punch each others hands. Then I remember having a pain in the right side of my thigh. Maybe it was from the pillow in waking life. I showed "William" that if I used a twig and pressed into the location of the pain, I could release the trigger point. He was enjoying punching me so much that he wanted to punch my leg. At first, I hesitated. Then, remembering it was still a dream, I let him go ahead. Behind us, "Lauren" and her boyfriend were listening to a song about "[name of diety] is good" that was really ticking me off. I wanted to ask them to stop the song but didn't for some reason. Then "Lauren" and her boyfriend were just being affectionate, telling each other things like, "I love you" and "I always support you" and "I am here for you." Hearing them have that kind of bond brought up a lot of grief for me. As they walked off to the side of the room, I thought of my Inner Child. There was some kind of tac in the wall. To the right there just so happened to be a blue shoe box of my childhood photographs. I doubted my ability to "summon" the inner child, but the dream did it for me. I noticed one photo looked like my 4th grade photo. I picked it up. I was smiling and had big teeth. I was wearing a black plaid button down shirt with white and gold/tan lines. The next photo was of me as a kid, at a lemonade stand kind of thing. There was a big neon green poster in front of the table. It said, "I Love Narrating Elimos". The lower case "i" in "Elimos" was bold. I think it meant "Elmos" as in Sesame Street, but in a child's spelling. The next picture was of me as a kid. This time I had an orange poster. It said "My Russian Robot Bug" something something something. I forgot the exact words. I became very emotional and started to cry in the dream. I don't know if I cried physically when I had woken up but I felt very emotional. I had a brief awakening there. I don't remember if I got up, stayed still moved a little, or anything. That's why I wasn't sure if this was 5 rounds of dreams or 6. But I fell back asleep and they continued. I remember a part near the dining room of 15. I remember someone was saying how they wanted to get some kind of fat-removal surgery. But they probably wouldn't stop their overeating habit. So they'd just be in a cycle of overeating, gaining weight, getting surgery, and repeating it. Someone else said that they were afraid to go to college and get a career going. But really they were alluding to what was underneath the heavy person's condition. I remember another part about some kind of underground sewer or cement tunnel. Then I was walking around a building... Being called in to work? When I got inside, the job was to go into a giant bag of dirt, and I guess dig. I was eager to be called in to work, but other people were called in first. I remember being in the dorms again from the previous lucid dreams. I was practicing using powers with other people there again. "William" and "Lauren" were still there. I forgot some parts but I think we were afraid we'd get in trouble for breaking in. So, we left the dorm. Then, we realized that "William" and "Lauren" actually lived there, so we hadn't broken in. Anyway, we were out front. "Lauren" was sitting up on a table. It showed all of our names on the side. "Lauren"'s name was "SEVIL". She had to put herself as "single" on her profile due to a lawyer situation, but she wasn't really single. She said that if she was actually single, she would be in love with me. Wow! That was nice. She had blonde hair. I walked around the side of the building. I might have been riding a bike or a car, or flying. I was aware it was a dream. "William" and 2 others passed by ahead of me, from the other side of the building. "We're going to the dining hall! Come with us!" They said. I followed along. It changed from night time to day time as we went up the hill. It was a grassy area. I knew it was a dream, but I don't know if anyone else did. "William" was doing amazing tricks on his bike, but couldn't understand how he had gotten so skillful. He did one trick I forgot. Then, a 360 tail whip, and landed back on the bike. I got on the back pegs and he did a prolonged front wheelie. After that, he kind of rode or fell down a steep grassy hill. I used telekinesis to lift up some green leaves and tried to lift him back up the hill. Then I noticed the food court area. The chefs behind the food stands were saying, "Telekinesis isn't real!" and it was ticking me off again... I was gonna prove them wrong! I started to use telekinesis on some of the purple domes on top of the building, and then the dream faded. I was briefly in the phase, thinking I had woke up in bed... Then suddenly I was on an elevator. A guy ran buy, holding 5 big scrabble letters that said "DEILD". He held the letter "I" right up to my face, and I realized, 'It's a dream!' I woke up from those dreams and recalled them. My body felt much heavier than usual but I knew I was physically awake. Eventually I used the bathroom and laid back down, to replay rounds 1 through 5 or 6 in my mind, and see if I'd sleep again. Nope. I got up and made the outline of the dreams around 8 A M. It was a Thunder Storm last night. I actually enjoyed the sound of the thunder and rain. I like the natural sounds but not the industrial or plane noises.
I went to bed around 9. After one more match of Pokemon Show down... Times 5! (zzz) Round 1 of Dreams. I could only re-remember one part, which was an abstract chart C R had made to document his achievements. It was designed like a building layout. I remembered more parts from the end of Round 1, but didn't re-remember them once I woke up again. (zzz) Round 2 of Dreams. I remember something about really luxurious hotel rooms. And installing a special stair case in them. Also, there was an African American person in my room. I forgot the details. I think they had a similar personality to the hip hop artists I listened to when I was around 16. I forgot the middle parts. My memory begins again with a part when I was outside my high school. By the tennis courts. I threw something in a garbage can. A teacher noticed, and asked me to stand near the garbage can for 5 minutes, and sketch it. I didn't want to. But he insisted. His reasoning was that if I added up all the time I spent looking at a garbage can when I threw something out, just a few seconds each time, it would add up to at least 5 minutes. So, therefore, standing near it for 5 minutes and drawing it wouldn't be too much. The dream changed and it was something about time to eat. Ms. M gave me some italian food. I jumped down like ten feet and landed just fine in front of it. There was also a hydro massage thing, like from a hot tub, as I stood there. I needed some utensils. Ms. M gave me some plastic ones. At first, I doubted the effectiveness of them. Then I decided they would be fine. There were some tiny carvings on some of them. One had a piece of wire as part of it. K S came by and I showed her the utensils. She thought they were cool. At some point, earlier, I remember something with a train. it was probably more involved than I could remember. Oh well! RBFA. (zzz) Round 3 of dreams. I think I just woke up from a short dream or one I didn't remember much of. Got up for a moment than laid back down. At some point there might have been something about not using too much light at night. Only the minimum. RBFA. (zzz) Round 4 of Dreams. I remember something about getting a pet dog. Maybe I even saw the dream from the view point of the dog. Not sure. I remember at least ten pounds of black beans. I felt bad because they were going to go to waste if we didn't plant them. I thought of some local field and how I could spread the beans all over the field. There would be bean stalks cropping up everywhere and no one would understand why! I also thought it would be inhumane because people would keep mowing them down. It wouldn't be a fun life, to be a plant, planted somewhere they keep mowing everything down. There was a little strip of grass indoors. I thought that might be a nice place. I pictured a big tree sprouting up from the sun that came from the windows. On a side note, I also remember something with a box of cereal at some point. I thought of pouring the beans into big plastic containers and putting them in the closet for now. As I poured them from one thing to the other, they cried out, "Ahhh!!! Help!!!" or something like that. They almost seemed like little bugs by then. I remember various sizes of those brown amazon boxes sitting around. And something about Stewie Griffin kicking the littlest one, but very lightly. Also, I remember something about packing peanuts or popping the bubble wrap. I remember a scene where Cat Dog (the Nickelodeon character) was lost in the middle of a city. Something with a bunch of cars driving by. I think they were sick or poisoned. I hadn't even thought of Cat Dog in like 10 years but it randomly came to mind, and I watched some on youtube, within the last few days. Funny how its in my dreams already. I remember being in a house with some people. I don't know if I was myself and they were my family, or if I was someone else, or if they were someone else. Etc. I remember something with magic and something with water guns. Some people were going up stairs. I followed them and began to be lucid. After that I woke up. I was able to recall a bit more of these dreams and then still re-remember it later. (zzz) Round 5 of Dreams. I remember being someone else in these dreams. I remember we were eating some Italian food at the table. I sat at the head of the table accross from an older woman and there were other guys my age sitting on the sides of the table. A big towel appeared in my mouth. I tried to absorb the sauce from it and then take it out of my mouth. While I did that, the woman said something like, "Isn't it great how he doesn't say anything?" I got really mad, and looked at my fist. But I was still working on removing the towel from my mouth. 'Oh, I guess she doesn't want me to say anything. Well, then, I won't reply when she says, "I love you", either,' I thought. So I imagined her wanted me to say, "I love you," And me not speaking. and just thinking, 'Well, I guess you don't want me to talk!' I remember beginning to leave the place. I was going to move out or something. There was a blonde woman around my age alternating between complaining about me and then not wanting me to go. I left. I remember seeing a chalk board. It said how I began to work an A C A program that day, and healed from the problems in those relationships. The woman from the dream had been in W A and found out about me being in A C A through an inter program survey she was taking. It was about how the nay sayers of addiction based 12 step programs can sometimes end up going to the anon programs. I remember sitting in a meeting. I was taking really long and slow breaths. It took a while for my lungs to fill up, but once they did, I was able to feel that "lungs full" sensation. There was a guy accross the room sharing. He paused to take an in breath. In that time, the guy next to him thought he had finished, and started to share. The guy was wearing an aqua green shirt. He got up and shrugged it off, walking to get something and sit back down. I woke up from those and recalled them. Then, I went back around through round 1. I almost lost the end of Round 2! But some how I retrived it. What a relief. I made my outline then typed them up.
3,383 words Yesterday I took a lot of processing time and also did waking life recall. I think the waking life recall and the processing time... instead of those couple hours of accumulating more information and more interactions with the world... Increased my dream quality. I got lucid twice and had a high level of recall. (zzz) Round 1 of dreams. There was more earlier stuff I couldn't remember back to. The earliest parts I remembered was something in the H S football field or gymnasium, or both. Mr. L was a teacher. I remember R S and R M were there. Maybe something with a kick-off. After that, I remember being in a class room. It was like Mr. V's class room with the rows of desks... I was given a test. I hadn't prepared for it. There was a book I was supposed to have studied for the week, or a section of the book. I remember the panel with the question on the top right side of one page. I decided I would spend a lot of time focusing on that reading over the next week, to be ready for the next test. I remember a woman like B R was sitting to my left. I dropped a paper thing near her seat by accident. She seemed annoyed and went to get it for me but I said I don't need it. She seemed generally annoyed by me, but interested in other people. I allowed myself to fall back to sleep as I recalled these. I re-remembered about 90% in the morning of what I originally remembered, just lost some details about the quiz thing. Pretty good since just a few weeks ago I was losing round 1 and 2 of dreams when I RBFA'ed. (zzz) Round 2 of Dreams. I was at the corner of T and K. I remember seeing the guy who lives on that corner's bushes pretty vividly. It was something to do with the Matrix. I even remember hearing Agent Smith's voice, saying, "Mister Andersen..." Also I think this dream related to being against smokers. However, once I woke from that bout of sleep, I could hardly remember anything. I drew a total blank. Maybe there weren't many dreams that time. I did an RBFA and re-remembered it later. (zzz) Round 3 of dreams. There were some earlier parts I forgot. I remember I was keeping the time on a phone meeting. A was sharing about something. I realized that 5 minutes had gone by, or more, and I had forgotten to say, "Time." Oops! I kind of panicked. I was at the kitchen counter, multi-tasking with some stuff, like when I forgot to call time for T on Saturday. I think that came from that. Then I remember being at the kitchen table at 24, typing my dreams. It was bright. I think it was like 3 A M. I remember talking to my mom, dad and/or sister, thinking, 'Its 3 A M. I really gotta get back to bed.' When I got in my room at 24, I realized that there were a lot of bright light bulbs... One was at the top of the Ikea lamp. I flicked the switch on it a bunch of times and nothing happened! That's a major dream sign, but I didn't get lucid until later. I reached to the bulb to remove it manually, but it was burning hot. Eventually, I un-plugged the lamp. Electronics refusing to turn off or on when I use the correct buttons is a common dream sign. After that, I noticed there was another light, in an outlet. And a reflective mirror thing at eye level on the wall accross from it. I needed my dad's help to remove it. Once he came in to help, I suddenly realized, 'Oh no! What if I left any personal items out in the open!' But, luckily, I hadn't. Living at my parents old house is a dream sign. Mom and dad being together is a dream sign. Seeing mom and/or sister is a dream sign. (they live upstate.) After that, I had a memory, perhaps an "implanted memory" that was of an earlier dream where dad had a belt. I almost hurried back to my computer, at the kitchen table, to add it in. But decided to just go back to sleep. I will call this layer of the dream world, "Layer 1". PMWC = Physical matter waking consciousness. I had switched the reference for PMWC to layer 1... and did that dream within a dream thing again. So I went to bed in layer 1, laying on my right side, like my body was in PMWC. The sleep paralysis sensations were much more notable. I didn't feel many ominous feelings. But I was thinking of getting back up for some reason. Eventually I decided to let the sleep paralysis "take me to the dream". I remember seeing some kind of visual, like a computer interface. Then I felt myself be sucked into it. This intro to the lucid part was funny. I saw a lap top screen come on. And the computer booted up. I smiled a little. My dream was symbolizing the beginning of the lucid part with the image of a laptop booting up. Foreshadowing: It ends the dream the same way later! This may have happened before or after the intro. I had no eye sight. I could just feel my astral or dream body moving... I tried to rotate and wiggle and eventually was standing up. I decided to fly up through my ceiling like I had done many times before. I appeared in my bedroom at 15. Or somewhere upstairs. It feels like I missed a part. Anyway, I remember eventually I had the phone in my right hand. I was talking out loud. (I read a thread on r/luciddreaming which recommended talking out loud as a stabilization method.) I talked to myself as I went down the stairs. "I feel so worried that this will be my only L D of the night, and I won't be able to manifest any dream food!" Something like that. I said some other things. I felt i connected with a real emotion. I tried manifesting dream food in my left palm, without looking away. It didn't work. Later, I would remember the "rule" that to manifest something, I have to do it somewhere I can't see, like behind me, or behind a door, or my pocket, then go to check. Not manifest right in front of me, until I'm more advanced. Eventually I got down to the kitchen door. I ran full steam to phase through. Just collided with it. 'Okay, I will just use the door knob,' I thought. The door knob and screen door worked fine, just like waking life. Once I was outside, I saw the tree tops in the back of the yard, and flew up diagonally towards them. Once I got about 50 feet up, the land line lost reception. Some how, that caused my dream to end, or so I thought. I guess my phone was connected to my lucid dream state some how. So then I landed on a thin tree branch. 'Wait, if I was just dreaming, shouldn't I have woken up in bed?' I might have thought. But I really thought I was awake now. I ran towards the tree trunk and the tiny branch bent beneath me. I felt bad for breaking it. My mom came outside. "Oh no! You're stuck in a tree!" She said, or something like that. I wrapped around the tree in a bear hug and slid down. It was wet and easy to slide down. Then I slid down the next half after pausing on a branch. 'Wait, its still a dream!' I realized. I grabbed my mom in a bear hug and flew into the air. My vision and senses started to fade. The last thing I did, was try to put my hand behind me and mainfest some snacks, then look at my palm and see them. I manifested a snack to share with my mom as I flew with her in mid air. Then I woke up, but it was a false awakening, back to layer 1, since this had been in layer 2. When this part ended, there was the lap top screen again. only this time it showed the mouse cursor going to the start menu and clicking, "sleep". Then the screen shut down. I was still lucid and figured that signified the end of the dream. I woke up back to layer 1 of sleep paralysis. My body felt funny again, more tingly or heavier than usual. There was music playing. I forgot the first, song, but I got up to turn it off. Waking up with music on when I'm trying to remember my dream or dream journal is usually a dream sign. One more thing happened, which was with my sister. I saw that she was drawing a picture of a sword. It was a wide sword kind of thing. She hadn't completed the back blade yet. She was very happy with her drawing so far, though. "I finally know who I am," she said. I filled in the back of the sword for her. I made it very spiky, more like a saw blade than a straight sword blade. I also made some lines showing that some parts were flat. She was okay with it but I felt bad for not letting her finish it. I was glad it was just a dream. I was able to re-remember 100% even after RBFA. (zzz) Round 4 of dreams. My memory of these begins with a cool dream of flying with cars. Maybe we were leaving a bank. My friends' flying car started to veer off track, so I used telekinesis to help them out. I woke up from that, but into another dream. D W and J V were there. I remember a grey foam mat near my bed. Probably like a grounding mat. I was up side down or something, getting ready to sleep on it. "Don't go to sleep!" said J V. So, I didn't. I had been in my room at 15, but when we walked outside, I think it was the hallway to my college house. I remember at one point, J V was carrying me. I looked up at him and spoke. Then I realized my retainer wasn't in. I felt embarrassed, and apologized for my missing teeth showing. In another part, I remember Mr. H appearing in the hall way. I think he had some hair instead of being bald. I'm not sure if I was lucid yet but I gradually got lucid around here. He gave me a big smile and I talked with him. I was still embarrassed about my missing teeth, and tried to talk with my upper lip pulled down over them, which I know never works. Mr. H was very tall. Another tall fellow came along, at first a little taller, then the same height, as Mr. H. I was at least 3 or 4 feet shorter than them. I moved along into the open part of the hall way. V S was near a fridge, preparing a pitcher of pink beverage. I jumped way out in front of him. "Hey, V! Mr. H was here! Did you see him?" I forgot his reply. He was swishing the pink beverage around in the pitcher. Then the pitcher doubled in size. He poured the beverage in a big bowl, like punch. I had a small coffee pot type of container with some drink in it. It did contain alcohol, even though I don't drink in waking life. I walked near some much older women. "Kids these days shouldn't drink so much," one said. "I am only having a little," I replied. I kept noticing a small rectangular box on the ground off to the side. 'Is that a **** cigarette box?' I thought. When I got closer, it turned out to just be a golden box of something like ginger snacks. They were all half the height of the box, packed in columns of 2. However, one of the older women had begun to smoke! I was definitely lucid at this point. I grabbed her poisonous stick of smoke and threw it on the ground, rubbing it out with my foot. I knew it was a dream, so I would not be harmed by the smoke. So I could enjoy destroying their cigarettes! I continued on, hoping to find more people smoking so I could take their poisonous smoke tubes and put them out. I don't know if there was anything else during that party part. What I do remember is that the screen changed to show a gym. It looked more like a touch screen on a phone... I was able to use my finger to move the "dream screen" around and zoom in on it. I was lucid during this. There was a lucid part when I was playing a sonic the hedgehog game. I could be tails, and fly using my tail as a helicopter propeller. Or, I could be Knuckles. There were giant rows of rings. I tried to do infinite moon jumps in mid air, and found that I could. I used the ability to get all the coins in a straight line, way up in the air. Then it got really boring! It was just too easy. I wanted to use some icons on the screen to make a single high-jump possible, but not infinite levitation. I woke up before it happened. I let myself RBFA again after this, and re-remembered it in full, the next time. (zzz) Round 5 of dreams. I think these dreams began with a walk at W... Unless there was earlier stuff, too. I remember walking along at W, then having to cross a fallen tree that bridged over a very long fall. There was a part with a guy driving around my neighborhood. I was driving, too. There was something on my mind about having a job. I remember another scene with dogs in a yard... But not too clearly. I remember a fenced in area. One guy was sitting by the entrance, checking people in. One guy was in front of me. I remember the sense that I was standing behind him felt surreal. Like I was supposed to be him but then split off into the person behind him. Not sure how to explain it. Then I was in the school library. There were lots of books on shelves. Something about growing flowers, then losing the flowers behind the books on the shelf. It was like my sister had lost them, so I wanted to help her. I looked around the other shelves. One book was like the size of a children's book. It was green and said "Witchcraft Telepathy" on the cover. I wanted to read that! But kept moving down the shelves. I found what looked like a computer directory, with 6 series of books available. Those were what we had lost. The dates were from June but the numbers shifted from 7 to something or back again. I knew it was around 2 P M. I wanted to go up to the library's loft to read them. There was some cushioned thing to climb up. Then, I realized school was almost over for the day. That was why it was so quiet in the library. I needed to use the bathroom. "Will there be time to use the bathroom and still come back to read?" I asked someone. I think they said sure. Climbing down the cushion thing seemed precarious. I saw a guy who looked like Hurley from lost. To be nice, I said hi, and made some small talk. Then, I really needed the bathroom even more! I got really mad at the guy for starting to hold me up. We both began yelling at each other. Then I just walked away. The bathroom turned out to be like nana's bathroom at the top of her stair case. A guy was already in there, helping clean everything. I was like, "Get out of my way!" He said he had to keep his finger on a black button on the wall, which made him have to stand in front of the urinal. "I don't care! I'll hold the button!" So he let it go. Then a urinal appeared to the right, and I went to use that one. I felt bad for messing up his cleaning thing. Even more exasperating, I had accidentally tunked the cuffs of my shorts in the toilet water. (I was wearing my grey gym shorts.) 'Should I put them under the blow dryer?' I thought. Then that part kind of ended... The last thing I remember is passing by a train thing but also near a neighboring town... Maybe sitting with people in a meeting. I remember M and D were talking about how they both worked. And they split their income so that they traded half their income with each other. So if M made 8 and D made 6, M would give D 4 and D would give M 3. Does that always make them even? I woke up from those and recalled them. Once I had them solidly in my mind, I reviewed rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4, then 5 again... I realized I wasn't gonna sleep any more, and got up. I did the short hand notes in the morning and was able to come back to it later and still re-remember it in full.
3221 words I went to bed pretty early and must have been asleep by 8 or 8:30 P M. There was no annoying noise. (ZZZ) Round 1 of dreams. The first time I woke up, I thought I was already on round 3 or 4 of dreams. But I wasn't. I forgot a lot in the beginning. Some, I originally remembered, but after RBFA, didn't re-remember. I do remember reading from a book. Then these 2 guys were reading from it. "That's total hypnosis," they said, in a critical voice. They both had very white, straight teeth. They started pretending to be holding a magical staff. Apparently, they hypnotized themselves so well that magical staffs materialized in their hands. I think one was red orange with a bulb at the end. They did some other magic that I forgot. I forgot the other parts of round 1 of dreams. My brain is definitely cloudier lately, and my only guess is that I made a dietary change. Cooking my kale instead of having it raw, due to thyroid concern. I also ate more brown rice the last few days so maybe the carbs are clouding my mind. It might also be stresses or worries of my life situations. I hope my mind becomes clearer again soon. (ZZZ) Round 2 of dreams. I remember hang gliding somewhere near some caves. I think we went in the caves, too. There were parts I initially remembered, but couldn't re-remember after RBFA. I remember a part where I was driving in a parking lot. I some how one wheel fell off to the side, and I was afraid I'd landed it in a ditch. But, I managed to turn the wheel and make it jump back out. That's very dream like but I didn't notice. Then I got to a black metal gate. Luckily it opened, so I could drive through it. There was a woman there, who I think had a child. I think she was asking for directions but I forgot the detail of that. Some more stuff happened that I forgot. But I remember we got to the parking lot of the local food store. I remember a big delivery truck was open in the back and delivering a bunch of those 10 gallon jugs of water. My dad was telling someone else that they should buy one directly from the truck driver. I remember going into the store and getting some things. I was looking for a gallon of water. I forgot what kind. I saw that some were labeled "distilled" and that sounded like a good idea, but it wasn't what I had set out to get. Also the prices were like $2.73. A lot for a gallon of water. When I was at the register buying everything, a woman told me I wouldn't have enough on my car. 'That's not fair!' I thought. But it turned out I had more than enough. I also had some cash in my wallet. Some fives or singles, and two twenties. One old twenty and one newer one. Since I had more than enough money, I gave the woman the newer twenty dollar bill. She was an older woman. I let those go to RBFA as well. (ZZZ) Round 3 of dreams. My brain was still pretty foggy by the time I woke from these but I got better recall than the last round. I remember this part where I was filling out some charts. There was a teacher giving instructions, like, "one, up, one, down..." and I would write a number one, then an up arrow, a number one, then a down arrow... I also made a cloud and some other shapes in various boxes. When I zoomed out, it made a graph. That became a video game. It was a side scroller similar to Mega Man Z X. At first, I was playing on a low level. Next, I re-started the level. Still on a low level to begin with. Some how there was a glitch and a giant version of one of the regular enemies appeared... But there was another glitch that I had this "spinning top" move that made me take no damage while slowly whittling away at the big beast. Eventually, I defeated it, and gained like a million E X P. It was a big dark blue thing. I was on a slanted level. I watched myself level up, in amazement. It reminded me of the time I used the 500000 something multiplier for E X P in pokemon myster dungeon. I defeated one Shellos and stood there watching Bulbasaur level up all the way to 99. My Mega Man Z X character got above level 50. I watched these enhancements rapidly appear on his suit. He got some kind of motorcycle or other vehicle, and an awesome sword. I think there was something about going up to the clouds. And then arguing with a woman over whether I was allowed to use those powers... I forgot the basis of the argument. But it was something adversarial or antagonistic. RBFA. (ZZZ) Round 4? of dreams. I remember something about scrambling to find a bowl. I was in the kitchen. We had the clear bowls but then the first one on the stack was dad's white one. I didn't want to use it but I was in a hurry. I think when I looked away and looked back, the bowls had switched position, but I didn't become lucid from that. I remember being in the big food store near the bank that I go to... To get spinach and kale. I was near the bags of spinach and kale, checking the expiration dates. They seemed different than they would be in waking life, but I didn't get lucid just yet. One said May 34. 'They must have meant to write June 4,' I thought. There was a store clerk I think I remember. The other dates made me take a closer look but I didn't get lucid... Yet! I remmeber having a dream of flying over a beach. I gradually became lucid during it. I think it was supposed to be like a video game. I was shooting at these green crab-like things from the sky. Before fully realizing it was a dream, I blasted one right before it got to its crab hole. Once I became more lucid, I cast a red heart-shaped body of energy over the crab hole. This was to heal them and make friends instead of destroying them to make enemies. I remember waking up briefly after that and thinking it through. I might have even rolled over to the other side before falling back to sleep. RBFA. (ZZZ) Round 5? of dreams. I remember seeing a woman dressed in a blue uniform. Not like a police officer but just a blue uniform. She was waiting for a ride in front of my house. I remember she sat on this big boulder that's not there in waking life. I felt bad, like maybe she would want a chair. Eventually, a man, also in a blue uniform, pulled up accross the road. He was in a red jeep. She got in and they drove away. I wondered if it was my business anyway, whether or not the woman got a chair to sit in. I might have had another brief awakening after that, or between others of these dreams. I remember waking up in a dream, as the phone was ringing. It was around the afternoon. 'Wow, I slept in!' I thought. My dad was at the door. "It's a call for you." The caller I D said "Nathaniel Branden". I thought it was my friend from Texas... I already had a phone in my room, so dad didn't have to bring that to my room. Anyway, I think I answered. I must have thought about dream recall somewhere along the line. I forgot some middle parts of these dreams. I remember my sister was sad. She had opened a giant cube of chicken bullion and some was sanded off the top. She was sad because someone had already made a thing of chicken broth, so she had opened it for no reason. "Why don't you just make another thing of chicken broth, and freeze it?" I suggested. I remember the pot of chicken broth was on the top shelf in a cabinet. I also remember drinking a cup and chewing on some carrots and other vegetables. It tasted good. In these next parts the context was that I was sleeping at my nana's. My mom and dad lived in nana's room. So did my sister and I. I had a mattress on the floor near her fire place. There were lots of other guests staying in the house. J R and C were living in the red room. I figured my Aunt C was in her room. I had dreams within this dream and referred to this context as "waking life" and the dreams within it as where I was getting lucid. That was how it shifted my mind. Anyway, I was laying on my mattress, thinking about my previous dreams, when my mom walked by. She plugged in some kind of loud hair iron and it made lots of noise. "What's that?" I asked. "Don't complain to your mother!" She said, or something else scolding like that. First of all, I can complain to whoever the F I want. Second of all, I wasn't complaining, just asking. But if I was complaining, ain't nothin' wrong with it!!! Anyway, that part ended. Between scenes of these dreams I remember returning to my dream bed. Within the dream layer 1 thing, I was laying on my right side, just like my physical body was. Except, I had severe sleep paralysis. I started to hear sounds that sounded like my sister being tortured... And wanted to help. I figured it was an attack by misunderstood entities, not physical, so i wanted to astral project out and defend her. However, I was frozen. I was "physically" frozen as well as my astral body being totally stuck. I tried to relax, and felt more misunderstood, but seemingly ominous feelings. Eventually I relaxed enough that I fell asleep in layer 1. I had a false awakening in layer 2. My sister was showing me a card she had designed. It had a character drawn and colored in red and gold. At the bottom of the card were some box letters that I can't quite put into words. But they caught my attention. "I wrote those letters because when you look at them that way, you will be cursed with nightmares," she said. I didn't know layer 2 was a dream yet... 'Why would she do that to me?!' I thought. I popped back into the dream of sleep paralysis in layer 1. 'Oh! That was a dream, too.' I thought. The misunderstood sounds and ominous feelings returned. I also got the feeling that I was gonna be stuck in this dream for some misunderstood reason, which led to feeling fear. I tried to relax, after realizing my layer 1's "astral body" was still stuck... And decided to just re-play my dreams in my mind. Eventually, I "fell asleep" in layer 1, and had another "false awakening" in layer 2. Because I had been thinking about my previous dreams, a laptop materialized in front of me which had the outline of my dream journal entry all typed up. I didn't stop to think that I hadn't really typed anything yet. Then this white-grey, misunderstood entity type of guy appeared to my left. He said he was here to "get me" or something like that. I felt him get me in like a bear hug and start taking me somewhere. 'Ahh! He's taking me to be tortured!' I thought. I tried to resist. I felt really scared. Whatever this entity was, I was really misunderstanding him. My fear drove me to attempt to call on a religious name instead of attempt to dialogue with the entity. So, I called the religious name I could think of, which I associated some some ability to rescue me. Sure enough, I was delivered to a church type of place. I regretted calling on the religious name, since I knew for me it was a fear-based decision, and I missed an opportunity to get to know whatever "shadow" part of myself was arising. There were some religious people up in the front. There were some quotes on the wall which I forgot. Friendly snakes and mice were going around. There didn't seem to be any negative connotation with the snakes. I did see one chase down a mouse who was running down its hole, and suck up the mouse, to eat it. It was just nature, though. I went up near the throne thing and there were 3 people there. I knew I needed the bathroom. So I asked one guy who seemed to be in charge, if he could come with me back to "layer 1" (which I thought was physical world) so I could use the bath room, then take me back to the dream. I boil had developed on the underside of my left big toe. It was a big bubble of skin and it hurt to walk on. The guy up front said, "That's your Inner Child." It made sense to me. I thought it was more of the psychic spell that I had been put under, and would be on my body back in layer 1 as well, which I thought was layer 0. Anyway, I headed back towards the bathroom... As soon as I left the church place, the Misunderstood returned. I was kind of glad because I'd get another chance to try to understand and accept them. I felt the Misunderstood start to try to physically restrain me, and thought of a way to show the Misunderstood some acceptance. It worked. I woke up after we interacted a little bit. It was a friendly interaction once I chose to try accepting it. It was kind of personal so I will leave that part out of the public dream journal entry, but suffice to say, it was very constructive. I realized the number one thing I want to do if I get lucid is to ask for help "talking, trusting, feeling and remembering." I think "talking, trusting and feeling" is the ultimate experience for me, so that will be my ultimate dream goal for now on. I was able to stay still for a while after waking up and recall the dream in good detail. After that, I couldn't sleep any more. It was 7:45 A M by the time I got up, which is great. It means I slept a lot. And sleeping a lot is good!!!
Went to sleep around 8:30 P M. Had 3 fairly high quality L D's. 4,210 words… (ZZZ) Round 1 of dreams. There was a lot in these dreams, but when I woke up, I needed the bathroom right away. So I didn't get as good of recall. I remember being at the local food store. One of the registers was like a self-checkout. But instead of a register thing they had a video game screen. So I went into that and played it. I forgot exactly what it was but I think it had a Mario type of game. And a long walk way thing that curved around in 3D to walk along. It had like 40 coins along it. It was cool and I wish I remembered more. I think in some parts, I was running from someone. I remember passing by one or two guys in a hall way. Then I remember running down a corridor. I had a black nerf gun thing with bright orange darts. I wanted to wait in the end of the corridor and then shoot them at Transmetals 1 Megatron, who was chasing me. Eventually I got to a bathroom. Megatron was chasing me, still. I had to go #2 as well as hide from Megatron. So I went in a stall and tried to perch with my feet on the actual seat. It was hard to "get it out". Then Megatron walked in. He had his tail laser cannon thing. I saw him through the crack in the stall. I kept hiding, hoping he'd conclude that I wasn't in here. Eventually I left the stall. Megatron was still there, talking with 2 other guys. One guy's name was "Edwin". He had large front middle teeth and a navy blue shirt. Megatron asked us all the same question. I think it was actually, "Whats the best lucid dreaming technique?" but I'm not totally sure. I woke up from that and recalled a little. But, I had to use the bathroom pretty urgently. So, in getting up to do that, I think I dis-lodged some of the dream details. How frustrating! It happened 3 times tonight, costing me a lot of recall. RBFA. I'm able to re-remember some of rounds 1 and 2 now without needing to write anything until morning. This is fantastic!!! (ZZZ) Round 2 of dreams. I remember being chased again in this dream. Like with round 1 of dreams, there was a lot in the beginning that I forgot. Eventually I got to a class room. There was an exam going on. I remember the teacher was Ms. T, the math teacher from my senior year of high school. There was a desk for me to the right of D H, next to the center of the class room. When I looked at my exam, it was confusing. The first question was about the number pi. It asked to express the answer without using r squared. I tried to make an alternate equation by putting r outside parenthesis and then h over r as one of the terms. I was thinking of pi r squared which would be the circumference. I didn't realize that it was only asking about pi. The question said I could only use i, the imaginary number thing. It said 10 to 15 points. I decided with the person next to me, who turned into P W, that we would skip that one and move on. The rest of the questions were also fairly confusing. I remember there were more on the back of the paper. I remember L K talked to us after a while. Also, the desks had shifted and became a long table, rotated 90 degrees. I was looking at the back of a clicky pencil. L K said how she wanted us to wear alligator heads. She would like it if we wore alligator heads. I was looking at the clicky pencil thinking of alligator heads. I woke up directly from that and recalled those parts fairly easily. But again, I had to get up to use the bathroom too soon. The details were OTTOTT but having to use the bathroom dis-lodged them too much. These 2 rounds of dreams reminded me what my recall felt like a year ago... Frustrating! But I told myself I wouldn't give up, and the next rounds of dreams would be a lot better. Which, they were! RBFA. I want to note that tonight when I did RBFA I still re-remembered 100%! (ZZZ) Round 3 of dreams. I got a lot of high quality lucid time in these. First I remember being in the guest room. There were 2 people in there, a man, and a woman. I think they were showing each other their morning yoga routines. Eventually, the guy leaned forward with his arms out to the sides. Behind him on the wall, there were a bunch of Pokemon cards. For some reason, seeing the Pokemon cards on the wall immediately triggered lucidity. I've had Pokemon cards on my wall in waking life, but its also happened in many dreams. That was how I got lucid. Then I was kind of teleported to my bed at 24. I was laying on my right side, the same side as my physical body was, but staring at the cards on the wall. At first they took up my whole vision. Then I remember being able to get up out of bed and move a little. But that led to a false awakening. In the false awakening, I was in the same room, just not lucid any more. There were more magic or pokemon cards on my bed. I examined one closely, too. I remember there was someone else in the room. I was probably trying to recall and record my dream. All I remember from this is a white cabinet door with a little white knob, but I'm sure there were more details in this scene. I remember this part with a children's book. At first, it was really scary. I was looking through it and there was a circular-headed guy on there. The first picture of his face wasn't too scary. But on the next pages it showed one of the scariest faces I've ever seen. It was like a circular monster mouth with sharp teeth. Just the proportions of the eyes and nose and mouth made it really freaky. I was like, 'Why am I looking at this?!' and turned back to the nicer pages. When I looked back through the book, the pages were different. 'How did the pages change?' I thought, but didn't get lucid. This time there was a funny cartoon mouth, like from a meme. And every page had a similar mouth on a different character. At the end it was a pop-up book with a zebra with the funny mouth, and some thing that pulled out of the page. I remember being in this room with glass-door fridges. There was some talk of reading one of the children's books on a meeting. Maybe the 2 PM W A meeting. I think I was eating red and blue popsicle things. Next thing I remember, I was listening to a friend on the phone. He needed someone to listen to him, so I was listening. As I listened, I washed a cup. Then I worried that the sound would disrupt him. He asked me to stay on the phone with him for a few hours. I said, sure. So, he continued talking. I think he became G. Then I was walking G to her dorm. I remember walking over an elevated garden thing. I don't think I was lucid. I said that the more we talk about the difficult emotions, the more spirits will come out at night. (Which I figure is a good thing.) I think she went inside. I remember falling asleep within the dream, again, on my right side, like how my physical body was. The bed was in the middle of the room. I felt vibrations come on. I felt something ominous, and began to fear the night terror. I would open my eyes a little, and see some black mist or black dots floating around. I kept telling myself, 'This is a dream. This is a dream.' And trying to relax. I figured if I relaxed enough, I'd get to a really great lucid dream... Which I did! After the ominous feelings passed, I heard my sister speaking in a foreign language. She said the word "ningun" which I think is Spanish for "nothing" and a bunch of other words. I spoke in a foreign language too. Not one I understand. The message was that my dad had prepared food for us all. I got up to go enjoy some dream food, lucidly! So, I went out to the hall. There was a kitchen, and a hall way. Then it led to a dining room. I remember beginning to sample the foods. I know I ate some kind of bread or cookie thing. There were some Spanish or Latin American people there with us, too. Everyone had a plate of multi-colored bell peppers with white dressing. Maybe it was Ranch Dressing. I went to eat one. I worried that it might be waking life, and I would end up eating food I would be allergic to, thinking it was a dream. I discreetly did a finger palm test. My finger went through a little and I confirmed it was a dream. Then my dad started to fight my Uncle C about how he should get a job. 'Uh-oh,' I thought. I just wanted everyone to be happy. I thought I could solve the conflict by showing them it was a dream. "Look!" I said. And I floated up about eight feet above the ground. My dad's eyes looked like he had been drinking. I realized that this wasn't going to go anywhere helpful, and hoped I'd still be able to salvage the dream. I flew away, down the hall. This was a great example of "walking away from an unhealthy situation". I arrived at a library kind of place. I was eating some brown cookie or bread thing. In one of the shelf cubbies, there was a big bag of cheese sauce. Oh! I also remember mayonnaise and black pepper. Anyway, I dispensed some cheese sauce on my food, and it spilled all over the desk. A guy started to follow me around. "You'll have to pay for that damage," he said. At first I thought of telling him it was just a dream, but figured he wouldn't believe me. "Okay, so send me the bill!" I said, hoping to get him off my back. He continued following me. We got to a room with some books. He kept telling me I wasn't doing the right thing. I pulled out a four to six inch thick encyclopedia of animals and read through it. He said that wasn't the best thing for me to do. "What should I do then?" I asked. "Go get a job?! Go find a girlfriend?!" He didn't answer. Then, I noticed an opening in the roof that showed through to the sky. And I flew out through it. That was the best thing for me to do!! The dream remained totally stable as I flew through the blue and white sky. It was kind of pixelated. I kept yelling out, "F*** all this S***", referring to all the stuff back on the ground. I think I flew for a while, just in the open sky. That's the longest I've ever flown. It really felt like flying. I started to notice there was water beneath me. I had been flying so long that I figured it must be the ocean. My dream goal of exploring the depths of the sea came to mind. 'What if there are sharks or other scary fish?' I thought. 'What if it is too cold?' I also thought. But I was feeling confident, and just flew right into the water. It wasn't cold. I projected some kind of peace into the water so that no fish would come to eat me. Then I just swam down as fast as I could. I guess I was breathing under water but didn't think of breathing at the time. The water was kind of dark. I was doing a breast stroke. I started to see some shiny dots at the bottom. When I got there, they turned out to be a bunch of pennies. 'Pennies?' I thought. I looked up and saw I was only 10-20 feet deep. 'Aw, man,' I thought, kind of dissappointed. I began to feel fear of sharks again and flew up. It was easy to fly up out of the water though. That was difficult in earlier L D's but tonight it was easy. I got onto a beach. The same library building was right there, so i guess I hadn't flown far. Or the dream transported me back. I went to this brown porch thing to get a running start and fly again. I think I flew a little and then ended up inside the library some how. I tried to run and take off again, but bumped into the brown ceiling. There was only a narrow opening to the sky, which I missed. I kept trying to fly out. But then a boat went under me and I bumped into the mast. I ended up almost tipping their boat by having my weight up on the mast. They were angry at me, and began to shoot spoons at me from bows and arrows! I easily deflected them and flew around near the ceiling. I started to realize that they might be trying to wake me up. Deflecting all the spoons wasn't too hard but it was starting to work me up. 'Time to go to the next level!' I thought. 'Let's stop time!' So I did it for a second. For a split second, time stopped. But it resumed again. 'Two minutes this time,' I thought. My plan was to stop time and then go out through the door and fly before time resumed again. That might be one of my first times stopping time in a dream. I didn't need to go potty right away after these dreams. As a result, I was able to recall almost 100%. How wonderful! I'm glad I didn't give up. RBFA and re-remembered 100% in morning. (ZZZ) Round 4 of dreams. It was some kind of meeting. And people passing a note. RBFA. (ZZZ) Round 5 of dreams. I got a little more lucid time in these. I know there were more parts earlier. But the first thing I remember is baby Doug. Baby doug's head was a toilet paper roll. But instead of white paper, it was skin-color. 'Do they have this kind of character in the show?' I thought to myself. Then i was on the bed, and I think I was the baby. I remember saying that I wouldn't tell my mom my name. 'Won't she already know it?' I thought. There was a phone on the bed. I remember falling out of the bed onto my shoulder. Then I got up and I was lucid. My sister was towards the door of nana's room. There was a wooden construct with two wooden 2 x 4's as legs and then one long 2 x 4 on top. I wanted to show my sister that I could karate chop it. I gathered my energy and tried, but it didn't work. I tried again, but it didn't work. I thought about how I must convince myself that it isn't really a solid object. I laid down to go to sleep. I think I lost lucidity at that time. I was feeling some sensations like I might DEILD or WILD... While at the same time hearing someone like Robert Monroe talking about being more than physical matter and more than the physical body. I started to need the bath room. This really bugged me because I thought I just went. And I was so close to WILD. (Little did I know, I was in a dream already!) I told myself I'd pick up right where I left off after using the bathroom. When i went to go to the bathroom in the dream, I woke up, feeling warmth... "Down there"... and was really afraid I had wet the bed! Luckily, I didn't. I tried to stay still long enough to recall some dreams, but eventually, had to get up. Some details still came to me after laying back down. RBFA. (ZZZ) Round 6 of dreams! That's what I love about being able to re-remember after RBFA. I get to sleep more! This was a simple non-lucid dream of being in the kitchen at 24. I remember green boxes of cookies or crackers in the cabinet above the microwave spot. I looked for the toll house crackers and found a sleeve of cookies instead. 'Did I really eat gluten?' I thought. I was relieved when I woke up and hadn't. But during the dream I just told myself, "Well, I guess everyone makes mistakes. I hardly noticed." I remember my sister was at the table. She is in a lot of my dreams! RBFA. (ZZZ) Round 7 of dreams. I got a little more lucid time in these. First there was a part with a phone meeting. M was sharing. He didn't use his full share time. A L was moderating. She said next time he could use the last minute if he wanted. 'Was that cross talk?' I thought. Then some other people were deciding who would share next. I thought maybe I would. I remember being near a bathroom stall. Then I think it transformed from hearing everyone on a phone meeting to actually being in a class room with them. Then I remember 3 guys coming to sit near me. One had shiny black hair and ink or hair dye running down the back of his neck. I thought it might be because he was in disguise. I remember waking up for a moment during these and thinking about the last scene before dreams began again. I was at a sink, cleaning some dishes, or dumping stuff in the sink. A guy came up to my left with my green salad bowl on his head. Two holes were poked in it for his eyes. One had a yellow piece of paper over it. "Is this a good way to check if I'm dreaming?" he asked. "Yes!" I said. "Great idea." Another guy, maybe C C, was saying how he would write me some tips about lucid dreaming or R C's on little slips of paper. "Thanks!" I said. I really didn't think I needed them, but just wanted to be nice. Then he went on to show me these amazing colored pencil drawings of a guy with his arms over his head, and some kind of trapezoid shaped armor in his arms. It started to look like bricks. There were several forms of this character on the paper. One made of only black and red on the bottom left. I was amazed at the skill. The last picture I was shown had a left side profile view of this hero character. To his right was a brick wall with some bricks missing that showed the sky, water and beach on the other side. I remember getting lucid laying in a bed. I was laying on my left side, like my physical body, but it was a dream. I remember a dog on the corner of the bed I was facing. It seemed to want to absorb me. I thought of a big monster appearing and letting it eat me as part of the lucid dream. There was one part where I saw a bunch of 20 and 100 dollar bills. They belonged to a guy from earlier in the dream, who was standing near by. I asked if I could have them. He said no. I figured he might be dreaming so I could play a joke on him. I got a withdrawal slip from his bank and asked him to sign it so I could take out money for him. He laughed, but didn't fall for the joke. There was something with a female character that I forgot. I remember someone being underneath a truck as it drove, with their head in a blue box. Sparks flew from the box as it scraped the road beneath the truck. I wanted to talk more to the female character but she was on the other side of a glass door, and held it shut. I felt bad. Did I do something wrong? Well, I went to do something else in the dream. Then I decided I'd like to apologize, even though I don't know what it was. She was heading down a long series of stairs, maybe to the bus. I decided to swing down the stair rails to catch up with her. Eventually, I got past her so that she would walk towards me as she came down. But she never came down. I guess she vanished. Then, that part of the dream ended. I was in a false awakening of looking at r/luciddreaming sub reddit. I woke up and recalled these pretty well. Stayed still and replayed rounds 1 through 7 in my mind. When I wake up from one dream I re-play it 3 to 4 times in my mind before going to re-remember the previous rounds of dreams in my mind. This is to form a "solid image" of it or as slash112 says "make multiple copies" of the memory. I felt like I wouldn't fall asleep again and got up. It was about 7:07 A M. When I get up, I just make an outline of the dream journal entry, with some key words. This way within 20 minutes I can have all the main ideas written somewhere and not worry about forgetting it. Then I will work on writing the full entry throughout the day. I am lucky my dream memory is strong enough now to be able to do that but even a year ago it wasn't this strong. In the last year, my dream memory really sky-rocketed.
Wow! I had lots and lots of dreams last night. I was so surprised to see the clock when I got up, and it was only 6:39 A M! I thought it was like 10 A M. I had 2 lucid dreams and some other interesting ones. It took me 30 minutes just to write the short form of my dream journal entry. I will work on typing it in full in 30 minute increments because otherwise it will be too over whelming. I had a different routine before bed. Instead of going on forums for 2 hours from like 5 to 7 I just relaxed and stared at my ceiling. Just let myself unwind and be under-stimulated for a change. I wonder if this helped me sleep and dream better. (ZZZ) The first time through the night that I woke up, I did have some dreams in mind. I didn't open my computer to type them, and just laid back down instead. There were only a few details and I was really tired still. I tried to do a mental acronym of "g.p." to help bring them back to mind later, but it didn't bring the memory back later. Oh well. I actually recalled round 2 of dreams for a change, so I guess it worked out just fine. (ZZZ) Round 2 of dreams. The first part I remember is being with my friend C L up in the room he lived in with some other people. The next thing I remember is being at a food store. Like the big store in G C. I was doing a friend a favor by picking up their groceries. When I went to check out the groceries, my card didn't work. I had to put it in the chip reader thing. There were a bunch of strings of letters that I had to match. Eventually there was a screen with streaks of colors like red and blue swirling around. It showed the words anger and rage being transformed into something to do with achieving goals. I remember a scene where I was going to go to the beach. I had one wet towel which I wanted to hang up in the sun to dry when I got there. And another towel to lay on. When I got there I found that there were 2 to 3 sections of the beach. One with docks, for boats. One for swimmers. And maybe a third. I was in the one for boats and had to go to the one for swimmers. Eventually, I was in the beach water, swimming. It was sunny out. The water was dark green blue like beach water. Something's tail suddenly bumped into me! I saw that it was a black or dark green tail. It had some kinds of bands around it. I will try to draw them. I touched the tail, and it was slimy. 'Is that an alligator?' I thought. I rushed to swim to shore, but careful not to draw its attention and make it chase me. Once I got a little closer in to shore, it swam under me again. Then its head poked up from the water to my left. My friend said it was a Tyrannosaurus something. I was feeling such tremendous amounts of fear this whole time. Its head was almost rectangular but had sharp T Rex teeth. I put my hand on its head to try to keep it from biting me. It was really scary!!! Then my friend and I were walking on land. I think we talked about it a little but eventually moved on from the fear. I think we were arguing with people around us. Eventually we came to an orange and purple building. It was orange with purple squares where the windows would be. My friend said he would climb it but he was afraid of the torque at the top. When we got to the top, there did seem to be a feeling of torque. Pulling us down. When we got to the ground, W G was there. We were talking about moving to a new place. W G was in a bed. I told him as soon as we moved, I'd get to working towards my goals right away. I told him my goal. Eventually, we got to the new place. I remember starting out in the library. But I wanted to attend 2 A C A meetings that morning to ensure that I would be in a good mind state for the coming day. I also resolved not to try meeting any new women at first because I wouldn't want to make anything awkward. I remember walking around in the middle of this quad housing complex. There was a woman there who I was going to meet. Her parents made some kind of diagram appear that showed where we both were so we could find each other. I remember the diagram actually was skewed and made it more difficult so I was kind of angry at the parents. I wanted to tell them it didn't work. I remember a picture of a dog on it. The dog had a speech bubble saying "Hi". I woke up from those and recalled them. I let myself RBFA, confident that I would re-remember them later. And I did! (ZZZ) I had one sleep cycle i woke from and couldn't remember any dreams. Also I got up to use rest room and laid back down. And thought about cross talk rule for a few minutes without realizing it was time to try to recall that dream. By the time I realized it, it was too late. But I was just thinking of how my need to cross talk is magically reduced. (ZZZ) Here was round 4 of dreams. I had an interesting lucid part at the end which I woke up directly from and tried to re-enter. Because of that, I neglected to recall the earlier parts of the dream. I'm sure that if I would have tried sooner, I'd have remembered more of the earlier parts. So by the time I realized there had been earlier parts to this dream it was almost too late. I only got a few things. I forgot a lot of the earliest parts. Then I was on a message board using chrome without images. All the images were not showing but I wondered how because last I checked that setting was turned off. In the thread I clicked on, I saw that the woman had posted several grey bird type Pokemon evolution things by her avatar and more in her signature. Some of them looked more like bugs. I wondered if they could possibly be from the same evolutionary chain. I forgot these middle parts. Then I remember being in a big dining hall with just myself and C R. We both had some steaks to microwave. Some only had a little left on the bone and some were big pieces. I remember mine were on a napkin so some of the grease was removed. C R didn't want to sit near me. I was thinking of the other side of trait 12 and how he pushed people away before really becoming good friends. I accepted that he just wanted space, and sat far away with my food to work on something. Then two people came in. "Mike" and "Tim". (No waking life correspondence.) But I said that the managers of my restaurant were also named "Mike" and "Tim". They wanted to check the kitchen so I went in there with them. There were shelves above the stainless steel counter tops. I don't remember anything in the middle here but I know there was stuff. I had a lucid part at the end which was interesting. I let myself fall back asleep after recalling these in my mind. I also checked to see if round 2 was still in the "storage bank" and it was. I eventually fell asleep while thinking of those. (ZZZ) Here was round 5 of dreams. I remember my friend L on the phone. She was saying how we couldn't "pray" to each other. We had to pray to our own "higher powers". I was out front of my house looking at the garbage that was put out. There were lots of beer cans. 'Dad must have been drinking a lot,' I thought. He came by and put out another bag of cans and maybe some loose cans. I was afraid that he would be drinking even in the morning so I avoided him. I remember a part when I was walking up some steps from a tented area. They were grey stone steps. I was thinking of making a heavy metal song with 4 different heavy metal voices. I forgot the subject of the song. Next thing I remember I was in my kitchen and living room. A woman from the phone meetings was talking about how her religious text told her to put chores before comfort. However, she disagreed. I was glad that she was speaking up for herself and not just blindly following the religious text. She was explaining how a female relative, maybe her cousin or sister, was planning to come over to help her with her chores. However, she didn't care about the chores at the time. And her relative offering "help" was really just a way of putting pressure on her. In the next part I remember, I had a bag of red orange beans in water. There was a part toward the top or bottom of black liquid that I figured was released from the beans. There was another guy in my kitchen with me. I went through my fridge. There was no kale or blender. Just my two tupperwares of rice in the back. And some containers of berries which the back of the fridge had frozen. I said something about how the foreign guy could send the frozen berries home, to his country. I was also thinking that I would need more groceries tomorrow, since I was out of kale. So I would have to ask my dad to borrow some grocery money. I woke up and recalled those. Then I played rounds 2, 4 and 5 in my head until falling asleep again, confident that I would re-remember them all later. (ZZZ) I forgot what happened in the very beginning of these dreams. Maybe I initially remembered it, but was unable to re-remember it. This was round 6 of dreams. My first memory from these was walking on the corner of my parents old block and the intersecting street. It was dark. I think P and C were there. I wanted to talk to them but it was too dark. Next I was in the garage at that house. I remember thinking how it had been a dream that it was dark. And I could have used dream control to make the sun come out. I don't know if I got lucid before or after this. But I did something that made the sun come out outside the garage. When I stepped outside I saw the sky had become bright blue. By that point I was definitely lucid. I either was already lucid, and used dream control to make the sun come out. Or the fact that my dream control worked made me become lucid afterward. I flew up to the roof. It had grey shingles with a scratchy texture. I looked around at the sky and tried to make a dragon fly to me. The dragon did not arrive. I remember seeing some cloud formations in the distance and observing their shapes. I could look at the sky much more easily than in waking life. Eventually some really cool rainbow streamers started to fly in the sky. I observed the show of colors. Next, I had a false awakening of driving down W S Road. By the water. I had a voice recorder. With the voice recorder I was recording my dreams thus far. I was saying how I could look at the sky without being distracted like in waking life. I was saying that it was cool that I could make the sun come out. Next thing I remember, I was walking around a place like down town by the Staples and the movie theater. I remember walking by a store that reminded me of the religious store. There was A A stuff in there. I went in and out of the store a few times. It wasn't my type of store. Some how I walked around and ended up going in that store through the back. I became lucid again. There was a bunch of food being served. I served myself some food. Since I was lucid, I took a lot of food. I was still afraid that people would judge me. My plan was to enjoy the food and leave, not to read anyone's comments about me afterward, saying how much I had taken. I never got around to tasting the food. Then there were these yellow bus things on blue wrestling mat things. Out of the side of the bus, a series of things folded outward. Then, a series of things folded at a 90 degree angle from that, to the direction of the back of the bus. It took up much more space than the original size of the bus. I was commenting on it. Someone seemed annoyed that I was commenting. I had a brief awakening in my bed where I thought of the dreams. But then a dream began again and I was totally concious at the onset. I was like, "Oh, I'm in a dream again!" I laid there and recalled it. I let myself fall back to sleep. I think I initially remembered more from before being on the dark road. But was un-able to re-rememeber it later. (ZZZ) Round 7 of dreams. I remember a scene of sitting by the fire place in Nana's living room. Uncle C and other family members were there. Uncle C came down with a big metal lobster pot. It was full of green liquid and had a big meniscus of foam up over the top. He said it reached a point where it needed to be taken off boil a little. This was part of the normal cooking process for whatever it was. It reminded me of my kale shakes. Once the foam meniscus had expanded even more, he slurped some of it off. Then he said it was ready to continue boiling. He had put the pot between his knees while he sat. I guess it was the preparation for a holiday meal. The other scene i remembered from round 7 of dreams was in Nana's drive way. There was a white S U V type of car. There was one guy further down toward the exit of the drive way. And two guys in the S U V. They had on white, futuristic-looking clothes. I asked them who they were. They said they were the family therapists. I didn't think they seemed dangerous at all. Again, I woke from those, and did another RBFA. Playing all the dreams in my head from rounds 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. I was glad that they all stayed in my mind so I could continue going back to sleep. (ZZZ) Round 8 of dreams! I haven't had this many rounds of dreams in quite a while. I remember some dreams at a food store. There were yellow and green peppers, normal in width, but 6 to 12 inches long. I showed some to another guy there, asking if he would like these. He said no. There was a woman behind him. I remember trying to dream journal in the shower. I was leaning into the shower from outside it. It was the shower from my parents old house. I wondered how to write them. I figured using my left hand in Fii Write would be a good idea. I remember some how the white floor mat became rainbow in color. I was holding it over my shoulder. I wanted to show my sister because it looked really cool. In the next part I was hanging out with a friend who had no waking life correspondence. His name was "Anthony". "Anthony" said that he would rather I go process my anxiety when we weren't together so that when I was with him, I wouldn't be anxious. Obviously that isn't really a fair request because feelings come and go. But in the dream I kind of understood what he meant. I forgot if anything else happened. I think I was dreaming that I woke up and was trying to make short form notes of my dreams. Then I left to go to this meeting room. The people were from a religious group thing. Someone was leaving. They felt it was their fault and worried about them being "saved". Anthony arrived. I think he missed his 9:33 flight. I felt like I was holding up his schedule because I kept waiting to do my short form dream notes. I said that once I got the short form of my dream notes complete, then I could go about the day without worrying about it. He showed me a picture of a jeep veering off the road a little. "Anthony" had yellow-ish hair. I woke up and recalled those. I would have let myself RBFA, but I didn't need any more sleep. So, I got up to write them, thinking it must be 10 A M by now. When I saw the phone, I was amazed that it was only 6:39 A M! I guess I was in a hyperbolic time chamber. Most of the dreams were WUDD (I woke up directly from the dream) and moderately easy to remember, except for round 4, which I botched in a different way. And, of course, round 3, which I must have gone through significant dream-less sleep before waking up from, because I remembered nothing. It took me between 1.5 and 2 hours of typing to get these all done. It is the first day I tried to work in 30 minute increments instead of stressing myself out to just write, write, write until it was done. I think it was a healthier approach. I took breaks between 30 minute segments.
A lot of cool battle dreams and creatures in my dreams tonight as well as a character-assisted LD + dream food moment. 3,399 words (ZZZ) I woke up an hour or 2 after laying down and used the rest room. Fell back to sleep easily. (ZZZ) Round 1 of dreams was very interesting. I had more stuff in the beginning I forgot. My first memory of it was going along B Avenue. And something about setting it up for someone or myself that every day they would get the same food. Same flavor, same quantity. The goal of that was that there would never be any excitement or anticipation. They would know what was coming and just be able to eat it. There was some kind of protein like tuna and some kind of vegetable or fruit, I think. During that part, I remember trying to park my car in this parking lot. I had 2 cars. I was trying to get parking spots for both. One, was a kind I wanted to back into, so that I'd be able to pull out easier later. There was a cornered spot blocked out by lines that I almost tried parking in. 'Whoops!' I said. 'Not that one.' Then I vaguely remember some parts with my cousin J, Nana, other relatives, maybe M R, Aunt C, Aunt B, maybe dad or Uncle C.. Maybe sister. Not sure exactly. Smething with a library. I remember walking by this thing, I forgot what it was. Maybe a carnival kind of thing but not really. Anyway I saw J R and he was off to the side. Preparing for something. Eventually we all got to a point where we were about to face off against some knights from a castle or something like that. Only, we had no preparation. I was like, "You want us to fight them with spears? Without having given us any spear training?" Our general seemed to think that we should just be able to use a spear without any preparation. I was so scared to get hurt. I remember some drawings of a castle. And some print on it. I tried erasing it to buy time. The print was in ink and got a little dimmer but didn't fully go away. I tried to cross out the last few words, which we jumbled. That didn't work and they ended up asking me to remove some of the cross outs because I had ventured into crossing out non-jumbled words. Eventually, it was time for the enemies to come. We stood ready. I was going to be one of the first fighters. At first I thought it would be one fight at a time. And I wanted to escape the other way and avoid any fights. But I was in the first group. Six enemies appeared. When I looked closer, they were 3 to 5 Transmetal Tarantulas, and 1 to 3 of these other red and black characters. They were meant to be "demons". That made it a little easier for me than just knights. I instinctively started blasting energy balls at them and numbers appeared on them, showing damage. Then I rushed them and was able to deal 3 digits worth of damage with each hit, destroying them quickly. I was relieved at how easy it was. I felt myself operating a video game controller. The Tarantulas were able to wrap around me and bind me. It didn't do any damage, just held me in place. I tried to shake the joy stick and mash the buttons to get out. Eventually I was able to kick one off the level, since we were near the edge. I saw that my character was Black Arachnia from beast wars. The Tarantulas had got me to a point where I fell off the level. But then I re-spanwed on a part that I would inevitably fall again from. This repeated a few times until I scrambled back up onto solid ground. I defeated some more of the "enemies" until they were all gone. I was really happy with my fighting skills. I flew up to the ceiling and waited. I noticed N P and another woman setting up some black tape, dangling from a ceiling beam. That was their part in the battle. They were on the enemy team. I flew over and cut up the tape. Turned out it was too soon. I had ruined all their work before it was ready. We had to re-start. More Transmetal Tarantulas appeared. **BTW I don’t mean Tarantulas like the spider. I mean the Beast Wars character. It is a humanoid robot who can transform into a robotic spider thing. But I was battling it in its humanoid robot form. I am not sure if anything else happened. I was getting one memory of an earlier scene but it is too vague. I don't remember if I WUDD (woke up directly from dream) or it took some time. But the difficulty of remembering them was a little higher. So... nWUDD-2? Back to bed! I think for the rest of the night I will try to hold the dreams in my head, until morning. (ZZZ) I had another cool round of dreams that I will type even though its not morning yet. I might have even had a round 2 of dreams, RBFA, and then had round 3 here. I'm not sure. My earliest memory of it involved a woman walking down the street. I wanted to join her. Something about a pharmacy. There was a big Rite Aid pharmcy thing with big red trapezoid logos over the top of the brown building. I felt like we were in that town in waking life. I wanted to walk with her. She seemed to like me. There was a lot more even earlier that I forgot! I think I rmemeber being in a food store with her. I remember we got into a restaurant. At first we sat in a booth in the corner. But then, because it was slow, we moved over to a circular table in the middle of the restaurant. Eating with various people. I went back to the booth to check where our desserts were. They had started clearing the table, so one plate of one brown dessert was stacked on top of another plate of some white and brown striped tubular desserts, like long canolis. One was crushed under the plate but one was in tact. I remember the waitress came by and I said that we were still eating here but had just moved temporarily to the middle table. But we wanted both tables. She said it was okay. I remember some religious people talking. It made me angry to hear the religious stuff. One woman on the far right had a halo thing with flower petals. White. She was saying some kind of doubt. Another woman came along and tried to stop her from saying any doubts. She had a halo with yellow flower petal things. I was annoyed because she wasn't letter her think for herself. Then the actor from Transformers, S B, had another circular thing but this time it was different. It showed some kind of diagram. He was saying how there was a two thousand foot tall nuclear B in England. I started to panic, too. 'Why am I watching the news?!' I thought. He went on to show Depth Charge and Optimal Optimus. And how he was going to create a new Transformers movie to help save the world. I was surprised to see Depth Charge in it. My favorite character. It showed D C up close, at the bottom of the ocean. Then, a train coming in a tunnel. D C blasted the train with his hand cannons. When the train was close enough, he jumped to the side and let it go by. Instead of going by, the train stopped. A predacon pretending to be a maximal poked his head out the door. "Depth Charge! Come on in!" It looked like Depth Charge fell for it. He went into the train. The predacon guy led him to a statis pod urgently, telling him to get in there to be healed. I knew that it was a trap. And Depth Charge would be locked in the statis pod and harmed or just trapped. Luckily, Depth Charge caught on to this, too. It showed his arm raising up and then he used his hand cannon to propel his elbow to elbow the guy behind him really hard, sending him flying. Good move. Two more predacons appeared to fight but Depth Charge defeated them. Tarantulas appeared again. Only this time, Tarantulas voice was coming from a flat, rectangular centipede thing with lots of legs. Like a mix of a scorpion, a centipede and the shape of a dollar bill. Blue body and orange legs. Anyway it was in that moment that I thought it might be a dream because this character was so surreal and out of the normal character convention of Beast Wars. However, I didn't become lucid. Even if I did, I was just watching from outside. I think Depth Charge moved on a little. But eventually I was just imagining what would happen if Rampage came along and fought Depth Charge. I think I had partially woken up but instead of going right to recall, I laid there imagining the next scenario. Of Rampage and Depth Charge fighting. Eventually I was in another dream. It was a cartoon of some kids who wanted to play with Pokemon. Or it was something saying the original episodes of Pokemon aired in 2004. And it showed the cartoons. The kids were colored in yellow. It showed 2 kids out playing but their parents wanted them to go home and eat dinner, so they could do their homework before bed. So the parents called out something that would make them want dinner. It showed a picture of a waffle with some berries on top and the kids started to want to head home. It also showed another yellow person (cartoon) in the water swimming. He had on no clothes. He swam along and said something. I forgot what it was. One last thing I remember was walking around a house, thinking of Rocket Power. And thinking of the characters objecting to homework. I wanted to make a comic where the kids had to go to school all day and it showed them sitting around doing speech bubbles but with complex mathemetical equations in the speech bubbles. I did not recall directly at the end of the dream because I laid there thinking about "Homework. Bummer, dude." In a Rocket Power voice before I noticed I had woke up from dreams. So it was (notWUDD-3). Now, I typed it and hopefully will get back to sleep easily. I would have let myself RBFA but I felt restless. (ZZZ) It took a little while but I managed to fall asleep again. And I slept pretty well. But woke up with no dreams. There was one thought in my mind from a dream that I can't re-remember now. (ZZZ) I stayed still and fell to sleep again. This time I had a bunch of dreams. In the first dream I remember, I was in a doctor's office. At the medical plaza near the food store. Where I went as a kid. I remember comforting some kids there. And drawing some kind of outer space picture with crayons or markers. I remember using the color blue. I was visualizing being in space as I fell asleep. I was downstairs laying on the fold out bed. Sharing on a phone meeting. I remember feeling like I wasn't saying much. I heard my sister come down the stairs. She was singing. It was like an opera voice. I told the people on the phone listening that I would have to go. There was one lucid part when P S, J R and S H, (some friends from middle and high school), were sitting out in the street, indian style. Facing the buildings on one side of the road. I joined them. One of them passed me a coffee cake. "Quick! Eat it!" they said. "It's because the universe loves you!" The words 'lucid dream' came to my mind. I guess it was a character-assisted lucid dream. I ate the dessert food and it was delicious. I also quickly passed some to the person to my right because I really wanted them to have some too. I'm so glad I remembered that. In another dream there was a pushy woman at the end of a W A meeting. She was demanding some information for a conference. I think the moderator asked her to wait. I remember walking with her around and up some stairs. I vaguely remember the building, but can't describe it. There was a cube with a screen on it, in the air. It had some statistics or information on it. Maybe part of her work. I continued to walk with her up some stairs. I remember seeing my reflection. In the dream it looked like I hadn't cut my hair in 5 years. I spun my head back and forth to whip it around. When I looked again, my hair was puffed out even wider than my shoulders. It was so cool! We were near an elevator. There was a digital scale on the floor. I wanted to weigh myself. Not sure why. I stepped on and it was skewed. "How do I zero it?" I asked. Then a little button appeared with the number zero near it. I pressed that with my toe and more seemingly random numbers appeared. Also, it showed a globe, and a number like, "088,855,888" which I think was indicating a number of people. Also, to zero the scale, it did something with an exponent raised to the negative third power. Then there was something with W S (an actor) and some kind of re-birthing thing. His body was put in space or something in this chamber for re-birthing. And then it would be stronger. I remember some golden fluid around his body but not much else. The surreal stuff continued. There was a character with a really cool helmet. He was floating through the water in this easter-egg shell thing that opened and closed. I think it was orange or pink. He had other humans in there with him but they didn't have helmets. He kept saying something like, "The world! The world! The world!" Unfortunately I don't remember the exact phrase. But it was cool. Then I remember flying around my Nana's back yard. There was some kind of green gunk on some of the white siding on her house. I flew above the sliding door over her kitchen and ran my finger along a thin white panel thing. A bunch of green algae stuff came off. I felt a sense of wanting to clean the whole thing. Next I remember being at my college house. I was brushing my teeth. I remember being in the kitchen. There was a sink disposal thing and a lot of yucky food in the sink. Also yucky food on the floor. I wanted to pick it up and throw in the garbage. I remember something with R K near the paper towel dispenser. He didn't like how it was positioned right above the garbage, because the roll had fallen out, and fallen into the garbage. I remember a part with Vegeta. Someone was training Vegeta. Trying to challenge him to fly up 10,000 feet. He seemed hesitant to go that high without a parachute, in case he lost energy and started falling to the ground. There was a big body of water near by and some mountain ridges they were on. There was also something about flying on someone else's back. In the body of water I started to notice this giant cone shaped creature. It was several hundred feet tall and had thousands of worm shaped heads poking out from every spot. It reminded me of some kind of alien from Animorphs. It was dark blue. It just kept going back and forth along the body of water it inhabited. I remember being Marco from Animorphs. I wanted to morph into an eagle or similar bird to fly up high. I think I flew into the water. Then I felt the big cone creature coming near, even though I had no eye sight. So, I quickly swam up out of the water. Transitioning from swimming under water to flying above the surface was simple and I got onto dry land. I wondered how intelligent the thousand headed cone creature was. 'If it is intelligent, what did it think of a human morphing into an eagle?' I thought. That part faded out a little and then I was flying around some more. I remember hearing a religious extremist guy talking. I forgot what he said. I saw a lap top screen and tried to press some buttons. And the legs of a tall chair maybe. The scenery started to take the shape of the upstairs of my current house. I think I woke up directly from that part. I would say this was kind of difficult to recall. Mainly because it was a lot of RBFA and going back to sleep again. So once it was all done, I had to really dig to get those memories back. Luckily, I got most of them. The first scene with the doctors office I remembered better the first time. So I'd rate it WUDD-3. I laid back down to think them through. My body felt heavy and I thought I might sleep again. However, I did not sleep again. So I went to start the day.
I'm already tired and it's only 6:23 P M! Well, I will go to bed early. It was 5,880 words and I had 3 Lucid Dreams. That might be a personal best on word counts. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Going to bed really early, I must have fallen asleep before 7:30. That's great. First round of dreams. I'm not sure if I woke up directly from the dream. I forgot which way the numberical scale went, but it was easier to remember than most first-round of dreams. I'm sure I forgot earlier, earlier stuff. I think I had a girlfriend. Maybe M C. I remember talking with her. I remember playing some kind of baseball game. Except, there was no pitcher. I was going to have to pitch the ball to myself and then run to the home plate and hit it from there. The ball was red, I think. I had no idea how to coordinate all this, but they wanted me to be first up to bat. I told them I need someone else to go first so I can observe their technique. I think G F was there. Next scene I remember is being at Nana's. Being on her couches in her living room with Dad, Uncle C, and other relatives. something about Dad and Uncle C Smoking something. There was also the basis for some kind of meeting, perhaps W A, from which the woman and I related. Then I remember a part with this packet. In the packet there ws a paper that said something bad about certain groups of people. I took the pamplet apart, and just crossed out the name of the group of people, to replace it with "Smokers". Someone almost caught me doing that. I quickly scrambled to fold all the pages back together. There were big drawings of some kind of animals I had to fold back along the creases. I think I also waited around a corner for someone. In an office kind of place, I remember making a lot of noise as I headed for the shower. Not sure why. There was this part I forgot. But then O A and C V came to the shower. (Before I was un-dressed.) And started to annoy me. I particularly remember O A pinching me. The bullying felt really severe. D G also came by. Eventually I agreed to leave there and go live somewhere else if they just gave me time to gather my stuff from the locker room, and look up one more thing in the online database. D G was holding up my pad lock to show everyone the deal was being done. I remember I had a text book. I forgot the subject matter but I was trying to look up one particular concept to review from various points in the book. I was in the middle school library of my middle school. G D came up from behind me with another book. She told me it was an Earth Science kind of book. There were various calculations in there. it also showed how there were mushroom types of creatures living in space. They were white and the red caps were actually a separate organism or item that joined them over time. I remember the dream gave a vivid demonstration as G D explained it to me. However, I wasn't interested. I just wanted the specific thing from my book. After I got my online query met, I would have to use library computers from then on. I remember R from A C A had been sponsoring a woman in A A. He also was the treasurer of this A A meeting. The only problem was, he had been drinking lots of vodka on Fridays. I kept thinking how he was in Vietnam. And how I guess A A elders could drink if they wanted. I told everyone I thought he was great, ignoring the news about his drinking. I also just remembered a part of being in a really hot room. And if I just opened a little window the hot air could get out. I remember going on this web forum. I was going to make a thread title like "Linkin Park - Meteora" or some other "Artist - Title" and then a list of songs. Then, I realized that I never listened to the songs anyone else posted. So I decided to go and do that. It showed someone whose forum name I forgot, posting something. Maybe a Spanish name. Then the person who replied said something in English and also included a Spanish translation. Something about the same song. I don't quite remember what it was. There was something with M from Grey sheet. He was doing a share in a meeting. A share about how he wanted to do his art or prepare for his movie but he had to think about others first. The fake-ness made me cringe, like a similar share I had heard in waking life that day. Not really fakeness because I don't think he even knew he was faking. Not only that but it was just really negative self-talk. I think there was one more thing before I woke up. But I don't know what it was! Okay, back to bed. I typed those because If I RBFA the first round of dreams I don't think I will re-remember it. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Round 2 of dreams was largely lost in RBFA. With round 2 of dreams I usually don't need to get up to use the bath room so I stay in bed and think them through. I will usually remember a good amount but I'm unable to re-remember it all later. However, I guess the sleepiness factor is still such that I drift off to sleep in the middle of thinking, 'If I stay still I can keep getting more details.' I eventually hope to find a solution to this. So, as stated, there was a bunch I forgot. One part in my high school's drive way that I had OTTOTT but couldn't remember more of. Something with D F (friend from college) maybe discussing medicine in 24 S bathroom. Too vague. There was a dance party in an auditorium thing that I remembered. I didn't have the ideal clothes though. In the next part, I was on some kind of blog or social media site. K had an account there. She was on my friends list but not actively looking at my posts. it was like a dream journal blog. Someone else had came along and made a nice comment. I appreciated it but wondered why K wasn't interested in me any more. The other person's name started with M. (It wasn't anyone from waking life.) So like I said, I had an RBFA, and forgot the other 50% or more. I guess its not until the third REM cycle that I'm really forming solid memories. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Round 3 of dreams had a lot of continuity with Round 2 due to not moving between rounds. It began at 24 (which is what I will call my parents old house from now on.) I remember another scene where someone had parked their car in the wrong place. Something like that. There was a giant dog, like 12 feet tall. A black dog. Meant to guard the place. So it approached the place and went through the gate. The gate was only a frame and had no bars in the middle. It walked right up to where the car was. Only now it was a bunch of kids cowering there. It was really cold out. I think the dog didn't detect them, and walked away. I remember seeing the little kids, then being one of them from the first-person. We decided to run back inside. Because it was freezing cold, we thought it would feel weird to move our ankles. But we made a bee-line for the house. There were icy puddles we had to go around. It was night time. And kinda scary. Something, maybe a dog or a big bird, came up to get us. I think the dream shifted before anything happened. Then I was going through something with being in a relationship with K. But she needed space and I wasn't picking up on that. She was kind of pushing me away though. Anyway we were in an auditorium like the earlier dream. Only this time, sitting around having a meeting. K was the chair person. She said how she was tired of sitting next to the same person on the train every morning. (Meaning, me.) Someone in front shared. Then M B shared about T R, who was behind her, diagonal by one spot to her left. They were a couple. I forgot what she said. B F, another row behind T R, said that he could hear singing. It was a joke though, because there was no singing. He was just pretending. I remember looking at a little philips head screw, formulating a share in my mind. I wanted to tell everyone about my dreams so far. It occurred to me that I had been dreaming a long time. I remembered one scene of a black silhouette kind of figure becoming someone else. That's what made me feel like there had been so many parts of rounds 2 and 3 I forgot. S S was sharing. I thought to myself that since K was the chair person for the meeting, maybe I would be better off not sharing. Because, I didn't think she would want to hear me even more! And I could process it later. For round 3 of dreams, I woke up directly from the dreams, I think, and the parts I did remember were fairly easy. I had some brain fog. (WUDD-5?) But one thing I think that cost me a lot of details was I needed the rest room within 5 minutes of waking up. I still think of the dreams as I go, but I think having to move kind of dis-lodges them. Once I lay back down I can resume some recall. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Round 4 of dreams seemed a little smaller. Actually it took a while to fall asleep after having difficulty recalling rounds 2 and 3. I almost thought I'd get up and write them. But sleep did come. I remember one part where there was an Eckhart Tolle voice. He was saying a story about how two guys had listened to his talks and decided the world was too noisy so they went somewhere quiet and peaceful. But he said it as a silly joke because of the "wherever you go there you are" thing. I think that it's true to some extent but also a peaceful and quiet place is still better than a noisy place. I also dreamed about a hot glue gun. I was using it on my desk at 24. There were metal inserts which provided the glue. I remember having trouble operating it. The room was bright. I think some glue leaked and burned my hand. I tried to un-plug it. Nothing was working. There was a third part but once I thought of the Eckhart Tolle and hot glue gun parts, the third part had vanished! I reviewed those in my mind, re-played rounds 2 and 3, and eventually drifted to sleep again. (ZZZZZZZZZ) I got back to sleep without much difficulty. The first thing I can remember is heading to 24 and knowing mom and sister were moving out. I hoped that mom would leave one mattress in the house so I could sleep there if I wanted to, until it was sold. As I approached the house, I saw that mom was putting a mattress in the back of the moving truck. She was throwing a bunch of stuff in there. It wasn't in boxes or organized in any way. She was just tossing everything right in it. The moving truck was in the slanted drive-way. When I tried to walk up along side it, she got mad at me and said to go around and up the steps. I tried to go up the steps part but there was a towel covering the path between the bushes. Also I was afraid there would be a spider in there, even though she said there wouldn't. I walked back around by the truck and went inside. Mom was also dismissive once I got inside. I sat on some couches. I wanted to type my dreams. My sister let me use her lap top briefly, but then needed it back. So, I never got to type them. One theme of tonight's dreams was trying to type my dreams somewhere, because I kept letting myself RBFA and hold them in my head all night. I think I tried it at least 3 times in various non-lucid dreams. I remember one short scene, maybe when I was on the way to somewhere. I was driving down a road. A car backed out of a drive way and some how went on a slant that had their car perpendicular to the ground. Like the drivers side of the car was parallel with the ground. Kind of hard to explain. I didn't become lucid but I wondered how that was physically possible, without the car flipping over. There must have been some stuff I forgot. FSH. I remember I had a job though. It was kind of like being a store clerk. I remember some people came in. They had Chicago accents. I remember imitating it or noticing it. They thought I was making fun of them. "No, I like Chicago accents!" I said. "I wouldn't mock them." The accents were very subtle but pretty cool. A big fellow gave me 20 dollars. I figured it was for the store. I went to look for where to put it. There was a donations box on the wall. M C tried to tell me to put it there. But it didn't seem quite right. My employer was behind the counter. He had brown hair. I think his name was Chris or something else with a "C". I was waiting for him to demonstrate stuff to me. He seemed like he would be busy for a while so I decided to go do some typing. I figured I would type up my work experience so far to help me process it, and then make some notes about the dreams I hadn't written yet while I was there. I knew I was on the clock so I had to make it work-related some how. I kept justifying it in my mind. I was thinking of where my Lenovo lap top was. It must have been in my back pack. Since I had moved to a new place to get this job. Instead of using that, I found the computer lab. It had a bunch of monitors. I remember looking at an old school computer and noticing the slow computer speed. But there seemed to be enough operating speed to type words without any lag in a basic note pad. M from Florida was a few seats to my left. He was reading his old journals out loud. One of them said something like, "I don't want to sit near Charles." I was trying not to let his reading out loud bother me while I tried to type, but it made it difficult to concentrate. I wanted to ask him to stop talking out loud and just think in his head since I was doing my work in my head and quietly. Before asking him to adjust, I figured I would go get my ear muffs. He asked me about the computer set-up. I said that I wanted to put the key board and mouse on my lap for better arm positioning. The key board was such that if I pressed one key there would be a corresponding spot on the screen that would get dimmer. So I experimented with different keys. Once it was dimmed all the way, I would use the up arrow, at the top right of the key board, to bring the brightness back up. I only managed to actually write a little bit. In a dream I am easier to distract! Then one of the manager people came in and told me it seemed like I had a cold, or asthma. Because I kept on blowing my nose and coughing or sneezing. He said that I could go on sick leave. 'And still get paid?' I thought. 'Sounds good!' Before we got up and left I remember seeing this website with some yellow design. It said something about June 2018 and how I had kept my job all this time. However, even during the dream, I knew that June 2018 was this current month and so it was funny that it wasn't a long time. But they had a lot of articles about it. I think this may have been when the dream rolled the credits. It might have been later but I will just describe it now. My dream rolled credits which had a bunch of character names who had played the parts. I knew it was a dream when I saw the credits roll because my dream sometimes likes to roll credits after a scene. So, I followed the manager guy out of the office. I noticed it was dark outside already but only 4 or 5 P M. I realized that I wouldn't really want to work that late due to it causing me to drive past dark to get home. I wondered why I signed up in the first place. I kept walking down the hall. We got further down the hall to someone at a desk. He was in a blue shirt with a silver name tag. I figured he was like the owner, or an executive. I was thirsty and had an empty cup. He had a water cooler. It was green but it had some plants growing in it and looked gunky. I remember 2 or 3 water spickets with maybe red, blue and yellow knob things. I wanted some water but was afraid this water would be contaminated. Now that I think of it, it was day time outside again. There were big glass windows over here. Paul Rudd was to my left. He asked me if I wanted some water. Or if I thought something was wrong with it. I said that I didn't trust the water's cleanliness, but didn't want to insult the guy at the desk. In case my concerns were coming more from my O C D instead of there really being a problem. I explained that sometimes there is a time to speak up about something but I wasn't sure if this was that time. Paul Rudd started crying. He said something like, "That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." I think this was where that part ended. I might have briefly woken up in my bed but I'm not sure. Then I was looking at a web-site again. One of the thumb nails was a book called, "Where does feminism lead?" The words were all in something like times new roman except the word "lead" which was in thick blue script. The back ground was white and the text was dark blue. Then it showed a couple in a high-end cafe. The man was seated with a donut thing and a piece of chocolate cake on top of it. He was about to take a bite with it in his hands. "You know that's a chocolate cake on a donut, right?" His girl friend said as she sat to join him. He acknowledged it, and put the donut down. But then took a giant bite of the chocolate cake part which was half of it. Then the dream flipped from showing her face to his face and his appearance changed to a guy with short blond hair. This might have been where the credits rolled. I'm also not sure if the dream ended and I woke up briefly, or if I just went right on dreaming. (ZZZZZZZZZZ?) I remember walking up some stairs with another fellow up to a meeting room. There were a bunch of open cabinets. They were made of nice finished wood and I wanted to dust them. There were paper towels on one cabinet. A man sat in a soft arm chair. I had an idea that I might get a job here if I helped enough. The man told me it might be an A C A meeting and that he was a therapist. He said that if I paid attention to him, I might find out when the meeting was! That was exciting because I wanted an in-person group to attend. Well, then I looked around and saw people seated all around the room. 'The meeting must be now!' I thought. 'What great timing!' He proceeded to tell me all the rules. I felt more like I was at an overly critical A A meeting. The guys there were pretty harsh. The share time was 3 minutes but one guy said if I shared over 50 seconds I'd be made wrong. It started to seem like a bad environment. Someone was smoking. Apparently they smoked in here despite the laws. That meant that when I had worked here before I had been exposed to third hand smoke! How infuriating. More people began to light up. 'Okay,' I thought. 'I want to be at the meeting so maybe I'll just open a window.' When I went near a window to open it, no one objected. I opened it but saw that 3 people right near the window were smoking, too. 'They're not gonna stop smoking. I gotta leave.' I started yelling, "Scum bags! Scum bags!" and left in a hurry. "Scum bag!" They called out after me. I was really angry. I ran down the stairs extra fast so they wouldn't chase me. I even jumped and slid down a pole. Guys with golf clubs appeared to catch me as I ran away. "He's gonna get hit by the train! Let's wedge him!" they called out. I saw the train tracks and wondered if they were going to beat me up then act like the train did it. I turned to the left to run that way, but more guys with golf clubs appeared 20-30 feet ahead. I was feeling a lot of that trapped, dream-like fear. 'This is really bad!' I thought. 'I'm gonna get beaten up by golf clubs!' Then the thoughts started to enter my mind. 'Lucid dream.' Huh? 'Its a lucid dream.' I realized... 'Yeah!!! This is a dream!!!' And felt a lot of relief. The guys started to close in on me. I wasn't sure if it would work, but I jumped up. I flew about 100 feet into the air. It felt awesome. The sky was bright blue. All the guys with golf clubs cheered for me. "He did it!!!" Stuff like that. I began to sing, "I'm on the highest of highs!" In the same tone as "My friends provided me, I'm an alligator in a tall, tall, tall tree." from another dream in February. I think I heard some other music or Eckhart Tolle's voice again. Then I started to stall in mid-air. I was really afraid that if I landed, they would catch me and beat me up. So I considered letting the dream end. I tried to stabilize it with with my mind first, and then keep my flight going. But I woke up directly from the dream. (WUDD - easy to remember) I thought, 'If that was my last dream of the night, I'm glad it ended on a high note!' But it wasn't. I laid there and re-played it in my mind. Then I re-played rounds 2, 3 and 4 again until I found myself back asleep. So it was an RBFA but I re-remembered all of it next time I woke. This is working so well because I'm actually getting more sleep this way and more dream time. (ZZZZZZZZZ) I slept briefly again. When I woke up, I was surprised to find that I had slept. However, I didn't remember any dreams. I thought about rounds 2, 3, 4, and 5, and eventually fell asleep again. (ZZZZZZZZZ) I will call this round 7. The first thing I remember is that I was at a kitchen table thing. Maybe at 15 S W. I had dialed in to the 9 A M A C A meeting. It was time for the sharing portion. I got in the queue and shared how I had a dream that guided me to come to this meeting today. I thought I sounded cool and spiritual. Then I remember being at 24. My mom was there again. I dreamed about her a lot tonight. She was busy around the kitchen. There was a plastic bag on the wall with some chunks of brown stuff in there. Maybe someone's elimination. I thought this should be disposed of but I think it disappeared on its own. I was thinking of going to look at cars, but I wondered if that was really the right thing to do. Maybe it was too "worldly". Next, I remember being in a house with a stair case. The stair case turned at 90 degrees after a few steps. My mom had been putting down these small rectangular rugs. I stopped to examine them. I was very surprised at how the brown rugs each had a design similar to the back of a Magic the Gathering Card! The ones on the floor had one version. The ones on each step had another. As I looked at them, I was on another phone meeting. I got in the queue to share. I wonder if those dreams were actually from round 6 but I didn't remember them until after waking from round 7. Next thing I remember is being in a room with my sister. There was some kind of animal she had to put outside. Maybe a bird? I don't remember. I do remember that she was at a table with paper clips all around the sides. She was distraught and wanted me to remove the paper clips. I said, sure. And tried to remove them. But I got side tracked and tried to put some in my hair. It became a food store. There was a manager guy who came up to my sister and I and began to talk. I don't know if he was talking down to us or what. But I became lucid. He was showing us a wooden or metal thing. I took it from him and took a big bite. I knew it was not food in waking life but in a dream I could make it food. It was hard to bite through but I did. I forgot a lot of these middle parts but it was just more of me going around the store, and eating dream food. I was eating anything I could off the shelves. The manager guy and some other people were following me around. I don't think they knew it was a dream. They were looking at me as if it was waking life. Eventually a woman was telling me that if I have so much power, I have to make sure not to use it to destroy the Earth. I have to use it for good causes. I just kept eating whatever I wanted. L O L. To show my power I flew down an aisle with my back to the ground and then flew back. My control was good. I noticed that there were eggs and bacon along one shelf. They were cooked. I did a double-take and walked back a few steps to get a roll or a bagel to put them on. When I looked, nothing looked edible. Except a bunch of oranges which I didn't want! I wanted an egg sandwich. I went back to find the eggs and they had vanished! I knew that the dream was making things vanish and materialize, maybe to make me become frantic. I resisted becoming frantic, and tried to relax. It helped me last a little longer. I noticed some cereal boxes up ahead. The cereal appealed to me. All I did to stabilize was just mental and emotional control. I ended up in another dream where I was at the end of a long bench. Lots of other people were to my left on the bench. A guy behind a brown counter kiosk thing was showing signs that showed how much damage I had caused. Some money for damage to the wood, damage to the food, some other things, and also a class my actions caused them to pay for. the class was about Love and it was at Harvard. It cost about 40 dollars. The total cost of all my destruction and eating was a couple hundred dollars. I don't know if I was still lucid. The guy behind the kiosk threw a smaller guy out front and he handed on his belly on the ground. He was the kid who had to take the "Love" class. 'They should be paying me for all I taught them about lucid dreaming,' I thought. But I also kind of worried about the damage. I wondered how I'd ever earn that money. If I was lucid enough I would have liked to just materialize it all. So, the dream ended around there. I woke up directly from it and it was probably WUDD-5. There was only one dream out of them all tonight which was not a WUDD (wake up during dream). I forgot which one but that dream was much harder to remember. I used the rest room after recalling them. Then I re-played round 7 in my mind a few times to make the memory "solid". After I felt it was "stored" in my mind, I went back through all the dreams from rounds 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. I figured if I laid there and did that, I might fall asleep to one more dream. Or, by the time I got to the end, I'd know it was time to get up. Well, I didn't fall asleep again. What a great night of dreams. I got up around 6:30 A M and didn't finish writing them all until about 9:30 A M.
Closing comp at 7:33 P M. 3,851 Words. *Note RBFA = Recall but fall asleep WUDD = Wake up during dream OTTOTT = on the tip of the tongue FSH = Forgot something here (ZZZZZZZZZ) First round of dreams. I think I dreamed of Pokemon, or some other field of cute animals. Vague. I think I dreamed of being out front on the side walk at the local food store. I had a cart of stuff. There was a part when I was at home and my mom was there to visit. But I could tell that my parents were separated, like in waking life. And wondered how they'd get along. I remember having some guests. Some male friends and a female friend. I felt that I wanted the female friend to like me. Typing those took a big push but I didn't want to just RBFA. back to bed now. I think I WUDD on these but had a hard time remembering them more due to grogginess. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Round 2 of dreams. I remembered more initially but couldn't re-remember it later. I am noticing that rounds 1 and 2 of dreams seem to be the ones that I will recall some of, fall back sleep before I'm done recalling, and wake up, unable to re-remember what I initially recalled. Where as rounds 3, 4, 5 and so-on, I am able to wake up, usually recall everything I can (doesn't mean the whole dream but just everything I'm gonna be able to) and replay it in my mind a little, then go back to sleep. And re-remember it next time. So the fact that I can wait until morning to record rounds 3, 4, 5 and so-on helps me get alot more sleep. I am going to keep testing it and hope it continues to be true. Anyway in these dreams I remember something vague with a guy in a helmet thing? Then a part in a Mario level. I remember the background was navy blue. I was going to have to make a long jump and land on one of those grey platforms, but I fell short, and landed in the abyss. The next time I tried, I found out it was a water level and I could have just swam. There was a little gold star thing to pick up, like a coin. Like I said, I recalled a lot more than that, but it became an RBFA. I wasn't able to re-remember it next time. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Round three of dreams. The first thing that I remember of these is a Pokemon card. It had the image of two Starmies facing out of a house. One was in the door. But the card was of a Fire Pokemon. I wondered why two Starmies were in the picture. The card text said something about Starmie and Staryu. They shot beams out of their middle abdomen thing. Next thing I remember is a black dog chasing me. It kept jumping up, and trying to bite me. I was flying from tree to tree. Not lucid though, as far as I know. Eventually, I chose to land near the dog. It turned out not to attack me, and it was nice. maybe my sister was there. Next I remember K from S W T. I saw him on a grey flight of stairs. I was pushing a shopping cart down the stairs, but basically letting it fall down multiple stairs at once, and crash down. He said I seemed really good at my job, and I was welcome to come work at S W T again. I knew right away that night shifts would not work for me. However, maybe I could work during the day. So I thought about it or we discussed it or both. At first day shifts sounded great because I could work until 5 or 6 and that would save a lot of the double shift waiters a lot of energy. But then I realized it was an out-door restaurant and people would be walking by smoking all day. So I couldn't even work during the day time due to the smoke blowing through. I was sorry to let him down. Then R M, A M and D H and maybe some other guys from high school were sitting with me on some sectional couches. They wanted me to join their football team and play a game soon. I had some reasons why I couldn't play. I was sorry to let them down. I noticed a few bottles of stimulant pills on the shelf, which in the dream, were mine. There were four bottles. I wanted to offer the guys some stimulant pills to help them win the game. However, I realized that bribing them to like me using drugs wasn't a really good idea. So I changed my mind. They left without me. I must have forgot parts here and there, especially here. I remember this thing that was like an A T M but it was a gambling game. It was really easy to win more money than I originally put in. I did something else and returned to it. This time, there was a different icon, shaped like a gear. The gear seemed to indicate a new kind of game. The new game was harder to play. I went down a near by elevator (I think) to get to the customer service desk. There were some people there, maybe my mom. I talked to the woman behind the desk. She ignored my concerns about the new game and kept trying to con me into playing it more. This really got on my nerves. She had a cube thing poking out of her mouth. I pressed it in and it caused no sound to escape her mouth when she spoke. I was glad she wasn't making sound any more, but I was afraid I would get in trouble. She wasn't otherwise hurt, just muted. I ran to find an exit from the store. There were a bunch of escalators coming down from upstairs. I wanted one going up from this floor. It took me a while to find one. I forgot what happened after that. Eventually I remember running through a dark red hallway with lots of glass doors. I ran straight into the glass doors and luckily they opened. I kept thinking I would run into them from the wrong side and hurt myself but they kept opening. There was another guy in the hall. I got into the elevator to go down, because I felt like I had been running in circles. The elevator was really hot. There was a music video of a male singer, singing a song. In the video, he was sweating through his suit. I pressed the "up" button to go back up to where I was. I don't know if there was anything else after that. But I remembered the end, which was some written stuff in black on an off-white kind of background. On the left of the page or screen I was some writing I forgot, then one short quote, then a poem thing. The poem thing had one word per line in bold. Each bold word was one form of wrong-doing. The artist was saying how doing art helps him avoid each form of wrong doing. One line, maybe the third down, had the word circumcision in bold. It said circumcision was wrong and through art he could speak out against it. Another line or two down from that had the word avoidance in bold. He said that he was scared to face "the void" but through art he could counter his avoidance of "the void". WUDD - easy to remember RBFA but able to re-remember Yeah, so I just got up to use the rest room after these and laid back down. I was confident I'd remember them next time I woke up, and I did. (ZZZZZZZZZ) Round 4 of dreams. I think that going back to sleep after the previous round created some continuity between the dreams. I remember D from the U K and he was talking about some stuff. I remember leaning against the back seat of a car. Eventually the car was parked in S beach parking lot. I tried to lean my head on the back seat and cover my eyes so I could do my dream recall. Eventually I walked a little outside the car. It was day time. This was a false awakening kind of thing. I know I forgot more stuff earlier in the dream than this. Here is the next thing I remember. There was a woman with a poster showing a 5/5/5/5 dollar split. It was the prize money per player for winning a foot ball game. Next thing I remember is I was on the red team. We had red uniforms. There were all African American people on the other team, in white uniforms with black letters. There wasn't really an organization to the teams. My team had the ball first. I was standing on the left side of the line and no one was in a line man stance. But we all had pads and helmets. I was scared because I was never good at hitting, but here I was, about to go for it. Some how, the other team intercepted the ball right as the center snapped it to the quarter back. I was hoping we would score a point by having the ball first but we weren't. Some how I intercepted the ball from the opposing team, which really surprised me. But I threw out out of bounds by mistake. Also, it had become a circular ball. I remember seeing a goal be made. I think after the game I was given 20 dollars. It was really cool to win 20 dollars and I figured if I just played foot ball all day I could win 20 dollars a bunch of times. And it would be more fun than having a regular job. I was considering playing another game. There was a beverage served to use before the game which I found more about later. I remember beneath the football field there were these train tracks. Two guys were meant to ride these cart things along the tracks which lit all the tracks on fire. So I watched them do that. Then I was watching another football game. Not in this one. A M was picking up a younger kid and messing with him. Being a bully. I got kinda mad at A M. When A M walked away I told the littler kid that no one messes with me any more because I will kick their butt. So I offered to teach him to do this. But he didn't seem interested. This surprised me but I didn't pressure him. I remember going to a bathroom. I think I remember a part where my escalator stopped. I was going up to the top to get a drink. When I got up there, the sinks were clogged. I was really nice to the guy behind the counter, who seemed stressed. "Why do you think all the sinks clogged?" I asked nicely. He didn't know. He took apart the drink dispenser and it showed that nicotine was being added. 'Nicotine?!' I thought. 'Now I will be addicted to nicotine! Crap!' I realized that their plan was to give the foot ball players the nicotine drink to make them play with more energy. For someone who had never had nicotine, it would be pretty powerful. I feel like there are blank spots between each little scene that might have been transitions. Where my memory picks back up, I was lucid. Not sure how I got lucid. But I was in another grey stair well that spanned over 4 flights of stairs. A guy was showing me how he lived here. The whole stair way was his living space and he could store all his stuff there. I remember he had stacks of napkins, and various food. Eventually I got the feeling I had been following his lead for a while. This was a very "surrendered" way to approach my lucid time but I decided I wanted to fly. "Hey, let's go fly," I said. He didn't seem that interested. "How will we get out?" I asked. Then I noticed some little square windows on the wall, with screens. "Just phase through those!" I said. or thought. Not sure. He seemed skeptical. I imagined the glass would be easy to phase through but not the screens. However, I went for it, and got myself through. I some how went into his mind and got him through, too. Then shifted my awareness back to myself going through the left window. I hung out the window a little bit, then fell. Oops! I wasn't flying. I got kind of afraid I would collide with the ground. People from the ground saw an old man falling from the window. The dream showed me their perspective for a moment. Then it shifted back to first person and I caught myself and flew above the city street. I don't know what happened to the other guy, maybe he just vanished. I was holding my orange gym shorts as I flew. I didn't have much altitude. Because I was holding the orange gym shorts, people thought I had killed the person they belonged to. Because I couldn't gain much altitude, I swooped down near one detective guy and handed the shorts to him. Then I had to land. They cornered me, thinking I was the perpetrator. For a moment, the one detective called them off, and the tension decreased. But another detective was like, "Wait! It is him!" And two younger guys with black guns pointed them at me. I felt fear for a moment but remembered that I have totally mastered guns in dreams. As their guns charged, I could see a red-orange glow in the barrel. But, I wasn't phased. The other detective who had told them to "get me" called them off. But I was entirely ready to deflect the gun shots. The tension was eased again. We were underneath an over-hang of the building. I wanted to show the one detective guy how I could fly. I explained that I need to be under the open sky so I walked forward. I don't know if the scene just shifted or if I forgot the transitional parts. I remember we were inside a mall. People were very impressed with me. One guy was saying how he had to work on a 1000 foot tall roller coaster so he ate tuna salad plus 1,000 calories worth of pasta at lunch. After that I wanted to show them a really cool jump. So we were at the mall where there was one of those gaps. Like how on the second story of the mall, you can see down onto the first floor. So it was like that. I jumped over that middle part, doing a great flip. It felt like good dream control. People were very impressed, and I gained credibility from this. I told one guy to please stop adding nicotine to the pre-football drinks and he said okay. I remember he had a sleeveless shirt and tan, thin arms, with some visible biceps. To the rest of the people, I said to please go to bed on time, and don't wake up too early. Allow yourself to sleep until you feel fully refreshed. I know it will be difficult not to get up the first few times but it will feel a lot better after that. They all were willing to listen to me. It was a good feeling. WUDD - easy to remember I woke up right from that scene and had a fairly easy time remembering the dream. There were of course some forgotten parts but for what I could remember, it was easy. I always need the rest room within 5-10 minutes of waking up and I think getting up to do that some times dis-lodges some dream details. Oh! Here were some parts which I couldn't fit chronologically. In one part, a purple Pokemon kind of character with the number 995 beneath it appeared. It had lips like Pikkon but was more of an orb. It had a purple glow that created a band of high density purple glow around the Earth. Then to either side of that, it created a slightly less dense or less intense band of purple energy, and cascading on down. I remember being surprised it went equally to both sides instead of just one. I am really glad to have remembered that as it was a more mystical part. I also remembered Goku engaging in one of the foot ball games and easily winning. Then it showed Kid Goku caught in a black soccer net, fighting it while laying on his back. I felt afraid that the net was made of special material and Kid Goku would be caught. But he eventually got out. I haven't watched DBZ stuff in like 6-7 weeks and I still dream about it more than when I was watching it. (ZZZZZZZZZ) So! I fell back asleep. There was an annoying noise from outside but I tried to relax and keep re-playing the dreams thus far in my mind. Eventually, sleep came along... I couldn't remember the earliest parts. I think getting up to use the rest room dis-lodged them. But I was lucky to recover a few more details once I laid back down. First thing I remember is Goku fighting some enemy character. I tried to remember the enemy's appearance but couldn't. Goku and the enemy teleported up to some place where they could fight, and Goku easily defeated the enemy guy. In fact he won while maintaining a totally calm demeanor. It was so easy for him to win, he even started going through his memories. It showed a younger Goku, who really looked like adult Gohan, but it was a fight with Cell. The drawing looked like an anime drawing this time. Then it showed Kid Goku and Kid King Kai. Kid King Kai told Kid Goku he was very unique. I'm not sure what was next but next I part I remember is that I was going around taking cigarettes from the smokers, and destroying them. I clearly remember one woman who had 3 dirty grey cigarette butts in her container. I took all the toxic material and buried it in some dirt. (I would dispose of it differently in waking life, not contaminating the Earth.) She was mad but I moved on. I think I was lucid, and really enjoying this. Eventually I reached a food court counter thing. R K was there. I was starting to be afraid that security would be after me to punish me for destroying people's cancer sticks. Sure enough, some men came up the stairs behind me. I was hanging out on a bed thing. I had been eyeing the windows, planning to phase through them to escape, if needed. The men that came up the stairs after me had screen windows. They put one on the bed which went under my knees in an uncomfortable way. I got up. It seemed like they were putting up screen windows to prevent me from phasing out. As if one more screen would psychologically make it seem like too much for me to phase through. I got scared and saw that there was an elevator. I quickly got in and pressed the "down" button to escape. No one chased me. I guess they weren't out to get me after all. When I got to the ground floor, I saw a grey car. It was a stone building and opened to the city street. 'Oh, no!' I thought. 'Someone might walk by smoking.' So I don't know how lucid I was. I saw a woman with brown hair to my right, but focused on scanning her hands instead of meeting her as a person. I always scan people's hands out doors but I realized from this dream, that it could cause me to miss a chance to meet someone if I am scanning their hands first. I looked down and saw another restaurant counter made of glass. There seemed to be rice in there. That was when I woke up. The dream was kind of difficult to remember past a certain point but it had to do with other reasons to. So it was WUDD-5. I laid there and re-played all the rounds of dreams in my mind multiple times, just relaxing. Eventually, waking life thoughts started to crowd out the dreams, and I couldn't fight them off. I got up around 7 A M and made some short hand notes before starting the day. I finished typing them all by 9 A M. It seemed like too much work before I did it, but now that I did it, I'm just glad its done. Even if I recall them in my mind, I think writing them adds a new level of working that dream memory muscle. Also, by doing this it gives me more total dream time since I am not spending as much time writing during the night.
I went to bed around 8 or 830. Fell asleep pretty early. 4,035 words (ZZZZZZZZZ) I woke up after like an hour or so, went to rest room, and back to bed. Not sure why I woke. (ZZZZZZZZZ) I woke from other dreams just now. There were dreams with Nana and/or other relatives and other dreams in the beginning I forgot. The part before R asked me for a sandwich was something complex but I can't quite grasp it. I just remember having some papers near me. We were in the H woods. R was there. I forgot what the papers were about. Maybe my drawings? I do remember one paper with some check boxes. I think it was to say something about someone who died - that they wouldn't be missed? I was afraid people would judge me for that. There were check boxes. R told me he didn't have much money and needed food. I felt that because he asked, and explained his situation, I would help. So I asked him to follow me to the food store. As we walked toward the peaches section I told him my idea, and he said that peaches would be no good. He couldn't have processed juice. Then he explained how they had a peach juicing place and I got the un-attractive image of a bunch of people squeezing peaches with their bare hands. "These aren't processed peaches," I tried to explain. But he wasn't having it. I wondered if pizza or a sandwich would be the right thing, and tried to bring him in that direction. Eventually he dissappeared and the next time I saw him, he was eating a hero sandwich. I remember walking again through H woods over to the trails closest to that road there. I remember seeing one of the windows in the up stairs of my current house, 15 S, open. And thinking of the flip side of the other side of trait 11. (ZZZZZZZZZ) It took a while to fall asleep but then I had a bigger round of dreams. So, I'm glad I hung in there. I remember being in a room. I think we were on a couch and mom was to my left and dad was to my right. Dad's elbow kept digging into me and I wanted to move to the left but couldn't because I was in the bend of the couch. M S told me I look like M S and I said, "You look like him too!" I remember my sister having poured a really big bowl of cereal (the size of my orange and green salady bowls) full of cereal and milk. Then she fell asleep by the fridge, and was snoring. I put the cereal in the fridge and closed it. Then she woke up. I tried to find a cover for the cereal. It had big puffy parts. There was another part where my Micro SD card was missing. I dreamed that my phone had an SD card slot and then a Micro SD adapter in there, and that the SD card part had gone missing. So I was searching all around my house, in the drawers, and trying to find it. I thought I saw it upside-down somewhere but it was a black one with 21 GB in my dad's tool drawer, in the kid's room at nana's. '21 GB? Do they make them that size?' I asked myself. 'Guess so!' And continued, not lucid. It was dark grey. There was another SD card adapter in the drawer on the counter to the right of the stove in the 15 S kitchen. Dad had a bunch of cereal boxes on top of that counter. They barely fit. There was so much food in packaging it was falling off. I remember going to sleep in a room that was like the kids room location at nana's but it was also a bath room. There was a tub in there. I drained the tub a little, wondering where all the water came from. I remember trying to put a fan on a fold-up table. It was an old, loud box fan. But the room was hot, so it would be worth it. The window, which faces nana's front yard, was closed. Some light was getting in though. I looked for my orange glasses and they were closer to the bed. I laid back down in bed, recalling those dreams. I thought I was physically awake! And almost grabbed my voice recorder. I started to do some body separation exercises that felt like I was just flexing my lower back to make my upper body and legs go up. But I couldn't really separate much. Once I floated up a few inches or a foot, I felt some interesting sensations and stayed right there. I had some fear. I didn't push it any further, just felt all the sensations. I don't know if that counts as an RBFA because I may have only dreamed of having woken up to begin with! R was in the next part. He was in the H Woods again. He needed a phone, so I let him take my phone off to the trail near the road and use it. Later, he brought it back. I think one other person also used my phone. Eventually, I found that the SD card was missing. I wondered if R had taken it but I couldn't believe it. He seemed so trust worthy. Walking back to H Woods, reviewing it in my mind, I thought that R must have been a secret agent. He wanted my phone's SD card so he could have all my journals and other personal information. Worrisome feelings went through me as I realized that the people out to get me would now have all my journals. I remember seeing a black car and thinking they were closing in on me. I saw T R walking through the woods and it became a neighborhood. It was sunny. I walked through a grassy yard and down to walk with him. I forgot what we talked about. Then I got to some kind of gym. There was a woman talking to me. There was another woman I wanted to ask about contacting R. "I'm sorry I don't seem so attentive, but I just don't know a lot about that subject. It's nothing personal." I explained to the first woman. She was really nice about it and went inside. I was pre-occupied with finding my SD card. The second woman showed me a list of names. Here is a good dream sign. I looked at the list and it said R, and his phone number. The woman said it was for a Call of Duty meet-up. I began to copy it down. The numbers were skewed a little. When I looked back up, the numbers had changed, and R's name was gone. 'Did they just swap out the new one?' I asked. Looking underneath it, the other one was swapped out, too. So the morphing text could have been a dream sign but I missed it. Then I asked the second woman there about where the number had gone. She started to pull my ear-plug out of my left ear. It seemed logical to do but I'm not sure why. There was blood all over it, though. Also, it made no difference in my hearing. At first there was only a little blood but more blood appeared on it once it was out of my ear. This could have been a time to check if I was dreaming but I went into panic. I remember looking around a table with a blender of green vegetable shake. And everyone behind the counter. And having a pre-lucid moment of thinking, 'Maybe this is all a dream! That would be great.' But I talked myself out of it. 'No, it can't be a dream.' And I didn't bother with any checking if it was a dream. Eventually I think I contacted R. But it was awkward to try to ask him if he had stolen my SD card. I remember something a little different after that. There were these rooms and it was like an African American cultural place. Fabolous, the rapper, had a new album, and it was playing. 'These lyrics really aren't that great,' I thought. The instrumental was based on a guitar, though. Electric guitar. There were 3 guys who seemed goofy. We were all putting down cups of rice on this bench thing. Then they were talking about walking in the nature trails. Something about seeing animals. "No, no animals," one guy said. I forgot more of what they said. I remember a woman on one side of a window screen scraping lemon slices on the window screen. It made lemon juice spritz out into the side I was on. Some little kids tried to catch it in their mouth. One little girl even started putting her mouth on the window screen. I remember it shifted into this cool video game thing. Kind of like Kirby or Mario side scroller. He got all these special moves. I was picturing what an orange would do if it were a power-up in Mario. There was one of those fences Mario had to crawl on and navigate around the Koopas. Eventually he was just a little while ball guy with a few moves. Mainly, spinning would defeat everyone but there was also a kick. The graphics were pretty vivid. In another part, there was a wealthy couple. I think they did counseling from their home. The wife was mad at the husband. He said he had to sleep in the "pregnant woman's room" and it showed a lawn chair on the back patio. "Where will I pee?" he asked. She said something I forgot. Later it showed him using a bottle to go to the bathroom, in front of a TV. (I don't remember seeing any private parts!) I remember seeing some of the houses in that neighborhood, and they were nice. I think there was something at the very end of these dreams I forgot by the time I got to writing. I forgot to say in the part with the fan, it was already running. And, tan. In the first round of dreams, I remember sensing my dad would dis-approve of me spending my money on food for R. And there was lots of OTTOTT stuff that I was trying to think of when I laid back down, but couldn't. Well, recall was pretty good on these. And there's still time to go dream some more! (ZZZZZZZZZ) It took a little while to fall asleep but not too long. I did the MILD technique which was to visualize myself getting lucid in some of the dream signs above. This is really good because I slept a lot. I had one round of dreams, which is this one, and then did an RBFA. But I was able to re-remember them. My first memory was some kind of Mario level. Mario was running along. It was a combination of Mario and Sonic. I remember seeing Mario have to dodge spikes on either side of the wall and deal with springs. It was like Mario/Sonic would lose some coins, gain back less, and eventually got down to only a few. Eventually we got over to another game thing with letters on the wall, only this was more first-person. There were W, X, Y, Z, and now I remember even trying to arrange P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, etc. I think I put the Q after the R but corrected myself. Then a woman in the "party" had a smart idea. She took out a computer keyboard, and placed each letter on its corresponding place on the computer keyboard. At first the letters were too big but they became keyboard-key sized squares. I was impressed with her cleverness. Then J G came along and was being a drill seargent. He yelled at me for taking naps, saying it was a "waste" of time. Obviously this was coming from a militaristic and workaholic place, and couldn't be further from the truth. I replied with some anger that naps are very good. In the dream context, I had taken 2 naps that day, which I was proud of. I gained strength from standing up to this workaholic, miltaristic bully, especially in the prescence of the woman there. Because it felt like I was standing up for the napper in both of us, and I could feel her appreciation. I guess eventually he backed off. Then we all had to go into this church thing with the benches. There were a few columns of benches. G F was concerned that he wouldn't get to sit next to a woman. I told him to just relax because one day, one will come to him. I was hoping to sit near the woman from the previous scene, too, but couldn't find her. She had my water bottle, which gave me an easy reason to look for her. I needed to use the bathroom. I figured I would wait until the service thing had been going on for about 10 minutes and then go use the bathroom, not worrying about holding it or rushing to go before hand. I would just go when I needed to. I ended up sitting next to G F and then everyone squeezed down towards my side of the bench so much that I got squished up against the end. It really hurt my hips. I stood up and yelled at everyone. It felt great to stand up for myself and set a boundary, instead of stuffing it. I was really mad at everyone for not realizing that they would end up squishing me the most. After that there were women that came around with baskets of shiny medallions. They were glowing like holograms. I even tried to put my hand through them at one point to see if they were just holograms. I forgot what the result was. Some women had baskets that were empty and we were meant to add more medallions to them. While I cleaned the floor beneath my bench, I noticed a pink organism which looked like it was made of several pine needles linked together. One for the body, one for the head, and one for each limb. I watched it have difficulty moving, because of how its legs bumped into things. It reminded me of Porygon. 'Was this the bug they designed Porygon after?' I thought. I wanted it to get out of the walk way so no one would step on it. Brian Griffin, the dog from Family Guy, appeared to my right. I forgot what he said. Eventually I woke up. I thought through them, and had pretty good recall. Actually, I think it took me a while to think through them... I was lost in thoughts when I woke up. Sometimes, thats another unconscious or hypnopompic state that delays my dream recall. So I drifted back to sleep a little and when I woke up again was really lucky to re-remember the dreams. (ZZZZZZZZZ) So I slept more after those and like most sleep cycles closer to morning, I "drifted and dreamed" meaning, I just went in and out of dreams and laying there awake a little. I fell asleep while recalling the previous dreams. I remember being at Aunt B or Nana's house. There was some kind of gift bag. I was thinking of doing things around people that I would feel shame or humiliation about even if no one said anything. Just because my inner critic would beat me up over it. Or just the fact that I could imagine someone having judgmental thoughts about me, led me to feel really bad, in a spiral. Not even if they actually said something mean but just if I thought they might think something mean. I think the next part was at my parents old house. I remember there was a guy driving around, eventually in a clown mask, telling everyone historical facts. He told us all about things that happened in the year 518. I briefly became lucid, and thought to myself, 'I want to check in on that year 518 on google when I wake up.' After that, I was in a car of someone driving around B Avenue by my old neighborhood, and the clown mask guy was in another truck. I wanted to jump from the car I was in, to his car. I kept poking my head out the window and trying to sort of will myself into his truck, but the dream had a boundary that wouldn't let me fly out of the moving car. I kept trying to imagine it but it didn't work. Eventually I imagined that the clown mask might be really scary up close anyway. I remember something very vague with R A and some balloon people. I think there were orange and pink ones. In another part, a guy was calling me and making threats. He said he was from A C A and due to the way I treated him at one meeting, he was going to make all the meetings in the future very miserable for me. He said I called him "worthless" which rang true in the dream context but I never called anyone that in waking life. He sounded like F from Massachusets. Hearing how angry he was, I tried to apologize to him, but he wasn't having it. He kept threatening me and I felt some fear. I remember walking over an elevated garden to get to an arch way that opened into a stone building place. I remember lots of little flowers really close together and it caught my eye. Eventually I was sitting near M F in an auditorium. He had said something really harsh to B F. I told him he might want to speak in a gentler way to people, based on what I had just heard on the phone from the guy threatening me. He didn't seem to want to hear that. There was a vague memory of a cruise ship thing. Then there was something where I was laying down on a stair case with a glass thing over me. I was trying to prop it up a little so that air would still get in. I didn't want the glass cover to limit my air. My mom was around and some other people. I think I tried to use my leg to create a gap between the glass and the stair case but it was uncomfortable. Then I was at some kind of A A thing, in an auditorium again. M was saying how a woman had "gone out". Then there was another woman in a black dress with some white necklace, maybe pearls. She said that she got so tired that she just slept in her wheel chair. A lot of people were using wheel chairs to get around without really being handicapped. The woman said the F word and everybody laughed, encouraging her to get her feelings out. It was a good feeling. Then it reached a point where I was laying on my back again. Aunt B, in a black dress, came and stood over me. Pressuring me to slide in so she could sit on the bench, too. I realized that I didn't want to move, since I was sick. In the dream context, I had thrown up earlier. (In waking life I wasn't sick at all.) We started to argue with each other and some swear words flew around. My sister was sitting to my right while Aunt B was to my left arguing with me. My sister was holding a baby and squeezing its face but in a comforting way. The baby started to cry and my sister started to cry, too. She took the baby and walked away. I felt really bad for having that effect, but I knew that I couldn't possibly have moved. I was really sick and needed to stay perfectly still, and breathe very carefully. So it was really my Aunt B's lack of understanding. Still, I regretted the whole thing. I was drinking a glass of water with hard boiled eggs and cooked beef in it. I had a brown paper bag with more of this mixture. It had been out for over an hour, so I wondered if I was making myself sicker by continuing to sip from it. Then I was sipping from a clear alcoholic liquid, thinking that it was necesary to recover from my illness. After some of that I was sipping a yellow wine drink from a wine glass. (I haven't drank alcohol since February 1 of 2014 but these were just the dream details. Alcohol dreams don't really worry me since I know I'm not gonna drink alcohol in waking life. They are just dream details like any others.) I guess I had been standing up for myself in the dream. Then I noticed a kid near me, maybe M K, on his cell phone. He was typing something with @ (at) symbols and the name of the tubes full of toxic chemicals they sell in little boxes for people to burn and inhale. I could tell he thought he was "standing up for himself" too but I didn't agree that that was a good thing to "stand up for himself" about. So I was kind of annoyed that he took my example the wrong way. Then the rows expanded around me. There was a girl who came up to my left. "I'm 10 years old and there's a boy from fourth grade who likes me," she said. She wasn't directing it to me but to the group of people in my area. My mom said something like, "Don't trust him." Something about ulterior motives. So I woke up very slowly and gradually, playing those in my mind. I didn't get up until 7:30 A M or so! I was just re-playing all the dreams in my mind that I hadn't written yet. I had to battle with my mind to not drift to other things, but overall being able to lay down and keep resting, and just solidify the dreams in my mind, was peaceful. As opposed to hurrying up to write them. Maybe that works best for dreams after 3 A M which tend to stay in my mind more easily, while still allowing me to sleep. For these dreams, I had to write short hand notes because there were so many of them. I was actually stressed about all the writing, even though I'm happy to have remembered so many. I looked up the year 518 on Wikipedia and read some stuff. Nothing reminded me of the dream though. I guess the dream just wanted to make me think about history in general, which I don't think much about.
I went to bed pretty early and probably slept by 8:30. 3139 Words. (ZZZZZZZZ) Early on I think I dreamed about Nana and other relatives. I dreamed one scene with my mom and my sister. Doing some kind of interview thing. I had a sheet that said some differences between right wing and left wing. It said that right wing will make you feel bad about yourself. There was a very interesting battle scene that I can barely describe at all. The words are definitely OTTOTT. Maybe something with a light saber? There was a part with a woman I was in a relationship with. Something about something I drove. Ah, so vague. Well, I remember being on a bed, and I was hoping she would eat a banana I had provided. (No innuendos, it was just a banana!) But then part of it fell under the bed so she ate some of someone else's. I felt a sense of jealousy or possessiveness that she should only eat the one from me. But when I looked, the banana had rolled halfway under the bed. So it was nothing personal. Still, I couldn't shake it. Someone on a sub reddit said that they had 7 tiger dreams where the tiger was doing a specific thing. I thought that was interesting. I guess I eventually woke up. This first round dream recall was pretty vague. I would've liked more clarity on it. Well, first round dreams can be like that sometimes. I will go back to bed for now. (ZZZZZZZZZ) I had some dreams, and recalled them. 'They weren't really enough to justify getting up and typing,' I thought, 'But maybe I will get my voice recorder and make a note or two.' So it was RBFA and I couldn't remember them by the end of the next dreams, which went on and on. (ZZZZZZZZ) My memory of these dreams begins with me, pulling into the local beach. S beach. I pulled in through the exit place and found that there were all these things that looked like fire trucks or the trailers that they bring on-set for actors to live in. I remember being on line to get food or admission. There was a woman taking payments. I gave her 5 dollars but the price was $1000. I meant to pay with my debit card. "Do you want to pay with $5 cash and the rest on the debit card?" she asked, kind of confused. "No, thanks, I want it all on the card," I said. I'm not sure what happened next. There's a big gap in my memory in the middle here. I became lucid and it felt like a lot happened, but it was a really long continuous dream. (Major FSH.) Where my memory picks back up is that I was in a bathroom, putting a shirt on. I wanted to go in the bathroom to put the shirt on out of modesty. It was a navy blue long sleeve shirt. I guess I hadn't been wearing one. I closed the door on one side but there was an open door on the other, with a gold handle. I noticed people coming in that way and closed it, asking for a little more time to put my shirt on. There was a fridge in the room, I think. I remember something with a blender. After that, I have forgot more things. I remember being lucid though. Where my memory picks up again, I was sitting at a table with 4 other people. I think another guy and 3 women. We were talking, and I asked them, "Are you all lucid, too?" and every one of them said yes. They made no denial that it was a dream, which was very exciting. I realized it had been a really long dream so far and that it would probably start to end soon. Not just for me, but for all of us. 'Wait, maybe they haven't been here as long as I have,' I thought. "Hey, guys, I think my dreaming is going to end soon. Can you all stabilize my dream for me?" I asked. I might have used the words "Can you help me stabilize my dream." I'm not sure which or another variation. I put my hands out, thinking they might some how pull me further into the dream. I started to lose my vision and see only black. "You have to do that yourself," they all said, kind of in unison, I think. I understood what they meant. I had to be responsible for my own dream stability, and find my own special way. "I'M STAYIN' IN THIS DREAM!!! YEAH, BUDDY!!!" I exclaimed. I was trying to mimic Ronnie Coleman, from The Cost of Redemption, when he does the 800 pound squats. The others in the dream laughed. I regained sight of them for a moment. They seemed to get up to go somewhere. I lost my sight again and couldn't see anything but black. However, I could feel my dream body. I tried to make a weight lifting bar appear with over 400 pounds and do a deadlift. So I imagined the bar then reached down and felt like I did it, even though, there was no sight. After that, still with no sight, I got up and flew. I felt myself flying a little, willing the dream to continue. I want to mention that at some point in there, I must have met another person in the dream who identified as Charlie. Because later, when I met Charlie, I felt like I had met him before in the same dream. Also, I think there was a character with a non-human head or mask on. Who followed me into the next dream thing. Another dream began, where I was in a room. There was a character with a circular helmet or head thing. Kind of like a pumpkin face, with the pokey teeth. But it was comprised of black, grey, red and white colors, mainly. This character who I will call P was on top of me, pinning me down. (But it wasn't pinning me down as in a night terror. It was clearly a distinct dream.) I knew it was a dream, still, and I tried to roll this character off me, but he wouldn't budge. I was afraid he would begin to pinch or torture me some how. I think something happened before he hurt me and he got up. I asked him if I could please leave, because it felt like he had trapped me. He said okay, and pointed to the next room, as an exit. (Now that I look back, I realize that he could have been a part of me that I would be better off having a chat with. And learning to understand. But it didn't occur to me. So I apologize to him.) The next room turned out to be a bathroom. I wondered why he didn't point me out the front door, but figured that his parents were home, and he didn't want them to see me leaving. I saw there was a sky light, and with some confidence about it, flew up through that. There were two panels i had to open. One opened in, maybe the screen, the other opened out, maybe the window. When I flew up, I lost sight. I imagined that if I looked down, I should see buildings and houses, because I had just left someone's home. However, when I finally did get a glimpse of what was below me, it was more like a body of water with a little island. When my vision came back I saw a very vivid, blue-green body of water, with ocean-like waves. What a nice surprise. There was a little circular brown space that I might have been able to land on. I think I landed there for a moment and looked to the shore. First, I repeated my dream stabilizing, Ronnie Coleman impression, "YEAH BUDDY! I'M STABILIZING THE DREAM!!!" It got a lot more vivid. Looking at the shore, there were a series of cages, one containing a big brown anaconda type of snake. There was one water tower to the left with a white basin, and then a bunch of brown pillars of varying heights. Finally, there was a brown water tower off to the right. And some land and buildings. I flew over to the anaconda cage to land on the first pillar. My aim was pretty good. The anaconda didn't even snap its teeth. (I expected it to.) Then I got to practice some coordination with my flying. I flew from pillar to pillar. They had flat tops but were made of giant logs. I found that if I was a little too far to the left or right, I could adjust my path with a little arm movement. So I landed on top of one pillar. The tops were a little wet, but I didn't slip. It was a mix of jumping and flying since I began to feel a need to land after a few moments. Once I got to the highest pillar, the next leap would be up to the top of the brown water tower. It was dispensing this ladder-thing and had various words written on it. I took a leap. My goal was to drink some of the water from it. The ladder seemed to be dropping down faster than I'd climb it. My jump-flight lost energy and I started slowly going back downward. There were some gold pipes in the wall, which I assumed would be burning hot. I tried to grab one anyway, to hang on, but it turned out to be burning hot. I don't think I really felt burning heat, but I pulled away as if I did. When I landed, I was in a hall-way thing. There were two little snakes fighting. One was a gold one with a really cool shielded back. Some voice was talking about how it uses its shielding scales and they glinted and shined. It was maybe 2 feet long. then there was a little green snake. It was maybe 6 inches long. It would wrap itself around the yellow snake and try to slice it apart or squeeze its segments so hard that it popped off. The yellow snake's head popped off, but re-appeared on its body a few times. They continued fighting like this. I was amazed at how the little green snake was winning against the much bigger yellow snake. I was also conscious not to stare at any one point for too long, as I heard staring at any one thing too long will wake me up, so I looked away for a moment here and there. Then my attention was diverted to some people that came to talk to me. One identified as Charlie, who I remembered from before. An African American man came towards me and told me I would be performing a task for them, and receive a donut in return. he was wearing a black polo shirt thing. "A dream donut?" I asked, thinking that these people were lucid, too. They didn't deny it was a dream but Charlie just said, "Yes, a dream donut." But his tone sounded like he thought it was waking life, and just thought the idea of a "dream donut" was funny. But to me, a "dream donut" meant that I could actually eat it, where as in waking life, I couldn't. So I was very excited to peform their task! It was some kind of acting gig. I found myself standing next to a tall woman, looking into a yoga class. the woman in there said that she could train any gender, male or female, but preferred to work with females. She was massaging someone or something like that. 'Oops!' I thought as the dream faded. I had not stabilized in a while, and it ended. I woke up physically from that and thought it through. Got up to go to the rest room. I was going to type it but I felt so tired. Also, i was afraid it would be like 4 A M, then 5 A M when I typed it, and then I wouldn't sleep again. so I laid back down thinking maybe I'll remember more, and keep it in my head when I wake up. So that's an RBFA. I did re-remember all that I initially remembered, luckily. I guess I'm glad I got the sleep. I think my fear of forgetting dreams will drive me to record them but recording them sometimes wakes me up too much and I end up not sleeping well. As I fell back to sleep I tried to keep the dream in mind, and little details did continue to come back. Eventually I saw some hypnagogic circles and felt my body get a little tingly or heavy. (ZZZZZZZZ) I remember little mini dream flashes happen and then I'd wake up thinking of the other dreams. It is usually a confirmation I'll be in a dream soon. I found myself in a dream in my Nana's room. I don't remember it very well! Argh. I kept snoozing and trying to keep them in my head. I think it was something about pranks. people from my house in college were there. A R, O A, maybe C V, and others. But unfortunately it is quite vague! I know that I thought it was a repeat-dream of other dreams I had in the past. However once I was awake I wasn't sure. Sometimes the dream just makes that effect. The last part before I woke up is also kinda blurry. Blurry! I was at Nana's. Aunt B, Aunt C and Nana were there. Something with blue paint or a blue gift bag, maybe. I remember accidentally scratching a phrase onto Nana's kitchen-island thing, which turned out to be a black surface in the dream. The scratched words left a tan color underneath. I felt bad about scratching it up, and hoped they would cover it. I went into the dining room with a 16oz poland spring sized bottle of a yellow drink. I drank half thinking that it was sugar free or something but kinda wondered why I would drink it when i don't drink artificial sweeteners in waking life. Maybe slightly pre-lucid. When I sat in the cushioned arm chair I noticed the filing cabinet was tan with some soft parts. (It was black earlier in the dream.) I read a date and time on one of the things which seemed early. maybe April 5, not sure, and maybe 4 or 5 A M, not sure. (Oh! I just remembered when I pulled into the beach in the way earlier dream it was something about 5 A M!) Aunt C and Aunt B were talking about how they could order everything off the dollar menu but not the main menu. If they ordered everything off the dollar menu it would be okay to eat it all but not the main menu. Something like that. I was picturing what foods there might be. There was also something about using less medicine. That sounded good to me. I was kind of drifting in and out of those dreams. I got up and looked at a clock in a panic, worried that W A would be soon. but it was only 6:07 A M and W A wasn't until 7:30 A M. I was kind of mad at myself for getting up in such a panic. Part of my panic was also that I felt all my dreams were gonna slip away from my mind. But I was still so tired when I finally got up. It was interesting because I adrenalized over it, which is a W A thing. As I typed these, I was wondering to myself if it would ever be possible to sleep a full night, and not record dreams 'til morning, but still remember them all. In W A we say, "Even if offered the best, we say no if we need rest." So I have been essentially ignoring that slogan. When I have a really cool dream to write, I am being "offered the best". But really, its night time, and sometimes I need rest. However I try to put the sleep off until later so I can record the dream. This isn't always the best feeling, since sometimes my body wants to sleep. I don't think the answer is to stop dream journaling or start "throwing away" my dreams since they are very life-affirming. So I will look for a balance in that... But hopefully not at the cost of any dream details!!!
I went to bed around 8. 3145 words (ZZZZZZZZZZZ) After my first few hours sleep I woke up and thought through my dreams. I actually sat in my chair and recalled them sitting with my lap top instead of laying back down. To ensure I didn't have the RBFA. My chair reclines so its comfortable enough to kinda think of my dreams without strain, but it's not gonna let me fall asleep under most conditions. I forgot the earliest stuff. I remember something from my Nana's. Something with my cousin J, and Nana, and maybe Aunt B. Probably other relatives, too. Something near the pool. I remember walking down the beach, on the side accross from the other state. There were people, doing various things. One person was commenting on someone far away, eating too close to a garbage can. I don't remember a lot else from walking down that beach, but there was more stuff. When I got to the end, there was someone smoking. Then I walked up, kinda angry and saw more people at a table, seeming to be about to smoke. So I "gave them a piece of my mind" by saying, "I'm sick of your crap" or something like that. I forgot exactly what happened. I remember walking away from there, afraid they were mad at me. I was a few blocks from the block I lived on, since fourth grade, but I turned up 2 earlier streets coming from the lower numbers. D G was on that road. He was residually mad at me from before, so we fought. I managed to pin him down and thought this would be best so that he didn't escape and hurt me some how. I had been holding him down with weapons but let him get up. P B and 2 other guys came along, one a replica of P B. F S H. Then there was something with these pills we had to take. They were like retainer brite pills. I remember thinking of when I should take it, then remembering, "Wait. I'm supposed to just take the medicine, not try to analyze how and when." P B was to my left, and had a thicker pill, which was supposed to be the "negative ion" of the one I had. it was thicker. The word Hydro Chloride comes to mind and my pill may have been something with an M. I kinda remembered something with A J or J M, my Dad's friend's kids. But, only vaguely... In this last part, we were at my college house. Y J was there. It was a party. There was some winter holiday sounding music, saying, "Please be (religious chracter), Please be (religious character), Please be (religious character) tonight." I wonder if I will remember the tone. I was sitting at my desk kind of annoyed maybe. There may have been something with a pool somewhere in there. Okay! Good to get those typed before going back to bed. Would have like to have recalled more but its okay for first round of dreams. Back to bed. (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) It took my a while to fall asleep that time, but I finally did. I had some restless legs but not enough energy to get up and exercise. I dreamed that I was in my room. And had some foam thing next to my bed that wouldn't stay up. I was on the phone with M from Florida while trying to turn on my lap top. The room was kind of dark. I remember the lap top screen. M was saying something about how people apply the same stuff to dating as they did to church and they have to stop that to have any success dating. I think I was afraid my dad heard the conversation. I woke up, recalled it, and then RBFA. (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) In this next dream I was driving one of the silver cars. I parked somewhere. I was wearing my orange glasses to drive as well as jeans and a navy blue shirt. FSH. I remember getting to this building that was made for people to come hang out. Like a "boys and girls club" but for any ages. I remember walking in, and seeing some older people there at first. Forgot some of those details. At some point I became lucid but its not clear to me now exactly how or when. I remember talking to some people from there, but I was afraid the indoor lighting would keep me up at night. Still, I liked the fact that people could see my eyes, without my orange glasses. I figured I'd put on my orange glasses on the way home and still fall asleep. So that wasn't lucid yet. I talked with 2 guys there at first. I've been thinking recently in waking life about how I don't go out much, so in this dream, I felt good about having gotten out more. I was like, 'Oh, yeah, I come here every week! I'm getting out a lot. Maybe I will even find a girl friend here!' There was a chalk board that said something about how some people think gaming is okay but "believers" and some other people don't. But they have to not interfere with the people who like gaming. I know I got lucid at some point. I walked through one room and someone was on a computer. I still had my clothes on. But suddenly, I was naked! 'Was I naked all this time?' I thought. 'No,' I remembered. 'It's a dream and my clothes must have just dissappeared.' I still tried to get some privacy. Around the corner there was a woman. "Don't come here! I'm naked!" I said. "Wait," I said, knowing it was a dream. I basically asked her to psychically make clothes appear on me. It didn't work. We interacted some more, and I woke up. I laid there and recalled them, and had another RBFA! But it's okay because my memory held up pretty well. (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) In these dreams, my sister and I were on a picnic blanket at the beach. There was something with Eckhart Tolle's voice, too. But I remember looking out accross the water and it went on forever, no sign of anything on the other side. And there was a brilliant orange glow to it, like a sun rise or sun set. When we looked up the beach, that seemed to go on forever, too. The Eckhart Tolle voice was joking about how it must be India. But it was silly because there was no indication of any particular location. It was just a beach somewhere in the world, presumably near the ocean. I'm not sure if I became lucid there. I "woke up" to another dream from that one, and I was sleeping in my room at my current location. Only it was like being kids and my sister shared a room with me. We both woke up at the same time like, "Wow! We just had a cool lucid dream of being on the beach!" So the context was that we had both been working on lucid dreaming together, and sharing dreams. We carried our bedding accross the hall to mom and dad's room, which in waking life is just dad's room, accross the hall from mine. We were gonna sleep on their floor. Mom seemed unsure about this but it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. To sleep on mom and dad's floor and tell them about our dreams. So, I woke from those, and recalled them, and didn't RBFA. My recall was overall pretty good and the dreams were very interesting. (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) It took a while to fall asleep again, but eventually, sleep happened. I remember there was a pizza, but it was for other people. I ate some anyway. Then they came back. I thought I would be in trouble. This part is kinda vague. There was a bunch of stuff in the middle of this dream. I remember walking around, hoping to find where A J N worked because I would move to that state and see if she was single. I remember pacing around the house and turning. There was some other stuff, but it was too vague. There was a significant amount of it though, and I had become lucid. Where my memory picks back up, I was walking around with my hands in a sort of clasped position (one palm holding the other hand, with the palms open?) and a woman told me I looked pathetic that way. And that I should stand more proudly, basically. I told her my mom said something similar. (Was that in the dream?) Anyway, I continued talking to her, when this old man with a big white beard appeared. He looked like of like Saruman the White from Lord of the Rings. The woman seemed to not notice him. "Do you see that guy?" I kept asking her. I think I was lucid. The guy with the white beard started trying to dance with me, and she didn't acknowledge him. But then eventually she did. I think the woman had brown hair, and was wearing red. There was a white fridge in the room. I woke up from that briefly, and thought about it. But then had a DEILD. The first thing I wanted to do was recall the previous dream, because it was so long. (I guess it was REM rebound.) So, I tried to find a place to lay down. There was a table I tried to lay down on but it wasn't that comfortable. I decided I would need a cushion, and went looking. There was a room with a woman and a baby. I think I talked to them a little. Then, I got the cushion. There were plenty of cushions. I laid it on the table and almost laid down to do my dream recall, when I decided, 'I am in a dream already! I will just let the chips fall where they may in terms of recall. And for now, I will just explore the dream.' So I walked into another series of rooms. Each one had a woman and a baby, I think. I walked through one, through a door to another. Through a door to a third room, and I got to some place kind of new. It was playing Here as in Heaven by Elevation Worship. The music was really faint but it took a while to realize what it was. I think the words were the same. I remember seeing these little machines which dispensed Jelly Beans. 'Dream food!' I thought. 'Gotta go get some!' But I felt like I wasn't allowed, for some reason. I went anyway, and dispensed some Jelly Beans with the little knob thing. I ate a hand ful. They were super sweet and tasted exactly like my memory of Jelly Beans. I don't think I've had Jelly Beans in over 5 years, maybe even 8-10 years. But I clearly remember thinking that this was exactly how I remembered them tasting. 'They are taking a while to chew,' I thought. I wanted to eat the next bite. I thought about Steve Pavlina's Dream Food article and how the Dream Donuts melted in his mouth within moments, allowing him to eat the whole thing easily. But these Jelly Beans were stuck in my mouth and I was getting bored. Also, this cookie thing appeared. A few of them. They were square with some kind of bumpy frosting. They looked like pop tarts. I remember looking up to see what the music was coming from, and the dream ended. I had a false awakening of being on my dream journal chair, on my lap top, ready to dream journal. My dream journal chair was where my exercise bike is in waking life. Instead of my note pad file, it showed a video screen of another guy's face. As if I was on Skype, but every word I said, he mirrored it, to where I thought he was reading my mind and then saying what I was going to say before I could. Eventually I told him, "Look, I'm sorry, but I need to dream journal." I think that's what I said, unless I some how decided that talking to him was enough of a dream journal, or became lucid. Not sure. Then a moose appeared. "A moose just appeared," I told him. He made a dog appear. The dog jumped on the moose's back and suddenly the dog had antlers but the moose did not. Then there was a puddle I think they drank out of. The moose got antlers again. I woke from that back to bed but I was in the phase again, really. I heard some ringing, but highly doubted anything else would happen. No way I would have another dream. But, I actually had one more false awakening of going to use my dream journal chair. I just don't remember what happened in it besides the room being light. When I appeared back in bed, I think I was still in the phase, having a stream of conciousness. I was trying to do dream recall but it wasn't working because I was still in the phase, and just didn't know. Eventually I found myself physically awake again, and realized, "Oh. This time I am really awake." And then proceeded to do dream recall. The giant gap of missing material from the middle of that first dream was sad, but the rest of the memory was good. That's to be expected with REM Rebound. The dream is too long to fully remember. That's why sleeping regularly is ideal for dream recall, because it's easier to remember a dream of average length. (I think.) I got up to go #1, and then instead of typing, decided to lay back down. I realized it would be a gamble to RBFA but that if I was awake enough to recognize what a gamble it would be, I was awake enough to remember the dreams next time. It worked, and I'm lucky! (ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ) I slept some more and had more dreams. I don't remember the exact order and there was a bunch of RBFA. I remember a part where I was over my neighbors' house. It was drizzling. I had gone into their garage or something. I forgot why and I don't think I knew why in the dream, either. One of them asked me if it bothered me that they had some red wine. I said it didn't bother me but it kinda did. One of the last dreams was pretty complex. I had laid there a while, and eventually I felt like the dream transported me back to a previous scene of the earlier lucid dreams, which was exciting. Now that I think of it, I don't remember this being a repeat, but I felt like it was. There was someone gambling. They kept bringing up their tokens and winning a lot. But they said the person at the desk never complimented them for their wins, only put them down for their losses. I remembered R from my job in the Mid West. There was a part with D W. I had a giant thing of rice. I offered him some. He took two globs and pretended to eat them but then spit them out. It was all meant to be a joke. My memory is weirdly blanking out. There was stuff I had in my head but it's vanishing. Maybe it will come back if I lay down. (ZZZ?) Well, actually I didn't fall back asleep. I remembered one scene where I was in a room and there were women there. I had a stack of money from 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar bills. I put it out on the table to kind of show off. I might have been lucid. I remember there was a 55 dollar bill which seemed funny to me. I also remembered the skee ball table thing where the guy was getting the tokens, and feeling like I was predicting things within the dream.
I'm closing the computer around 7:30. ----------------------------------------- I woke up from these dreams and found I had turned in my sleep. This made me think I had already woken up once but when I thought more about it, I realized it must be my first time waking up. There was a lot that was OTTOTT. Earliest in the dream, I remember fighting with my Uncle C. I think he was bullying me. I remember swimming in the pool, maybe with my sister. Something about teaching her to swim or practicing going back and forth, but I couldn't remember more. I also remember something with my Dad that's vague. And a part where a woman was serving a wealthy man lemonade all day and catering to him, because he was so wealthy. I think they were married and when he was home from work, she took care of him. The lemonade was in a pitcher. I remember being in my high school. There was a meeting* and an art class. The meeting had this menu of things. One was like a religious text**, and contained a part about a character saying something like, "What about me?" I don't quite remember. The meeting had a menu that said studying this religious text was important. It also said that in order to have a relationship, it was necesary to study the religious text, with the name of it in italics. I think in the earlier part, Uncle C had to travel somewhere. Anyway, in this part, I remember being in a class room. Something with A S sitting with a paper thing. Kinda vague. I remember that we all had to draw L R's face 10 times. I had been writing on lined paper, but switched to my little note book for drawing. I had 2 packs of colored pencils which I spread on the floor to my left. I was in a regular high school class desk. I had to lean to my left to adjust them. Some pencils were just tiny tips and I had to get them out of the aisle so no one would slip. I was ready to draw L R's face really well. Then some how it changed to a computer screen, and I was locked out of the menu that led me to the drawing class. So, I had to figure that out. There were a bunch of menu options pressuring me towards that religious text. One was like an arrow pointing right. Eventually it reached a point where I was with 2 women who were talking. One, the teacher (I think) mentioned adverbs and what words go with them. I asked what to do about washing or drying my shirt. Then I was near a dryer and I had some khaki pants but it would cost 7 dollars to run the dryer. I was being angry about this. I talked to my Dad. Apparently if I got change for the 7 dollars it would only cost a dollar or so to dry them so I did that. I went to get a snack from the vending machine, and there were little packs of cookies. I remember J B and M R and J P. So I eventually did that. There was also something about not leaving one's clothes wet in the machine because it will make it yucky. After that, I remember getting to a computer lab. It was late. The computers said 12:09 A M. I was not happy that this was cutting into my sleep. I think it was J P who was next to me, and he said every few weeks it was normal to have a weird sleep schedule. That didn't quite ring true. I remember on the computer seeing a page by C in my search options. In waking life we just ended our relationship so it was weird to see something by her. It was as if the search results were mocking her, which kind of helped. They had some words inserted in other words that made a sort of hidden message. I woke up from these with a lot of energy, thinking I couldn't possibly fall back sleep. Even though I don't really remember them that well. Okay, I'm glad I got up to write them. Maybe there was some kind of bug in the pool. Oh! In the class part, there was something that said I could have an out of body experience where I met my own personality from the outside. Back to bed. ------------------------------------------- It took me forever to fall asleep, but I finally did. I did my waking life recall in my mind and then imagined some stuff while waiting, and even did some left hand writing time. Eventually, sleep came. Glad I didn't give up. I remember being in a class room. The desks were in columns and rows, like in high school. The teacher had his back turned to the class, so one of the students behind me thought it would be funny to push the desks all the way up to the front of the class. So he managed, from the back of the column of desks, to push us all up to the front, right up to the teacher's back. I forgot exactly what happened. I know the teacher had been explaining how his name was "Eduardo Doucher" and not "Edward Doucher" and not "Ed Norton" but if his last name was "Norton" it would be "Eduardo Norton". I became lucid somehow. I forgot what did it. I just remember standing there, lucid, and realizing there was no way I could stabilize the dream in time. Too bad I forgot what triggered the lucidity. It was only a few moments before I woke up. I remember hearing a drill sound, and trying to get it to turn off. There was some kind of loft thing. It occurred to me that since it was a dream, I could confront the driller, more easily than I could in waking life. But the dream ended. Well, I didn't really wake up! I found myself in my bed, in the phase. I could just tell it was the phase, and not the physical world, so I got up. There was vaccuuming or drilling this time again. First thing I had to do was remove my eye mask, which had transferred into the dream. It took some prying. Then, I could dimly see my desk. I almost thought I'd actually got up physically but I looked and my desk had nothing on top. This showed me it was a dream again because I remembered that in waking life my stuff is on my desk. On the wall behind the desk was an array of photos, 4 wide by 3 tall. But it was on the wall that goes into my sister's room, not the wall that goes to the side of the house. I read one photo and it said something about fasting, maybe, but I forgot the exact word. I was trying to keep it in mind though. I thought of repeating it out loud, but I'm not sure if I did. I tried to open a hole in the wall starting with my fist. My fist was able to press into the wall but only up to my wrist at most. It was fun but eventually I gave up on that, and walked around. Instead of just one room accross the hall, there was one accross, and one between. My sister was vaccuuming one bed. There were three beds, with soft, fleece kind of blankets. I thought it would be a good lucid thing to do to try to talk to my sister in the dream. It didn't work out though. I remember the dream ended or shifted and there was a really cute orange cat looking at me. Then the dream ended again, and I was in the phase. I thought it was physically waking up but not yet. I rolled out of body but felt a lot of resistance or gravity. It made it so I couldn't stand up or fly up out of my roof, but I could roll out of bed. Then, the gravity pinned me to the floor. This was pretty scary. I felt like it would be a time when I'd experience "bad entities". So I casted a white bubble around me. I had no vision, just all black, but imagined the bubble. I kept trying to crawl a little further, then stand. Every time I tried to stand, I got pulled to the ground again by this gravity-ish force. Then I lost the sense of a body but saw a white silhouette thing of white lines kneeling. I felt apprehension. Suddenly streams of words flew over the silhouette's head, from left to right. First it ducked them but then the stream of words got thicker and the silhouette had to fight them off. Then that part ended and I woke up physically, for sure this time. That last part was interesting. I was the silhouette and I think the stream of words was my troubling thoughts. I woke up and recalled what I could. Now, time to go back to bed! -------------------------------------------- I couldn't sleep again. now sleepy. Will try to sleep now. Weird night. --------------------------------------------- Finally got back to sleep. I might have got another hour or 2 at most. Now that I write this, it's around 8 A M. I had a pretty vivid dream. I remember being on some kind of cement walk way with railings that walked out over a body of water. I was at the end of it. But I forgot what I was doing. (Something with a sugar cereal?) I remember that I recorded some kind of dialogue with my family or my friend S S's family. It was on my phone. He seemed appalled that I had recorded it. So I turned it off before he could realize it. I hadn't recorded it for a bad reason. I remember seeing my Nana, maybe Nanny F, and other relatives. Uncle C was there, and he kept smoking a cigarette. I saw the smoke, and it was near by, but I couldn't smell it. This is my dream sign, but I didn't catch it. I got annoyed but figured it was vapor or something (which is also dangerous though). I remember these plat forms that were floating or on water. I remember Krillin from D B Z wanted to train because I was very strong. Something happened where I got up stairs and corned by Frieza and 2 big minion guys. I remember seeing Frieza's face in beast form where his head was really long. I tried to escape them and got cornered at the end of a corridor up stairs. Frieza began to charge an attack to shoot me and I saw the energy ball form. I must have become lucid because I remembered that one of my dream goals was to form an energy ball or an aura, to defend myself. I tried, but nothing happened! Like usual. But, to my surprise, my efforts nullified Frieza's energy ball. I saw it totally vanish. So that was pretty cool! I remember going back down stairs and there was a vision of a green lizard head guy I kept seeing. But he seemed to be staying put. However, there was a black lizard thing which was much bigger, that decided to come after me. I'm not sure if I maintained or lost lucidity, probably lost it. But I had the sense it was a video game. I had a Nintendo 64 controller and escaping the beast seemed just as easy as pressing the pause button. However I think it still continued to chase me. I don't remember how that ended. Maybe the Frieza part came after this, and that's how. I'm not sure. I don't know if there was something with G D or if that was in my head once I had woken up. That was all I remember even though these seemed eventful. I was so groggy from all the insomnia that it took a while to start recalling the dream. I think there was one more part I remembered at the end but its not in my head any more. ------------------------------------------- I don't know if I will sleep again because its already after 8. I might nap today and that could be a chance to get lucid. Or, I will just get REM rebound tomorrow night, or both. 2169