Attempt 13: Meditation
, 03-13-2012 at 03:29 PM (461 Views)
Attempt 13:
This time I actually managed to stay aware for a little time longer, but I still fell asleep unconsciously, but this time I also regained awareness again. The problem this time was that the guided mp3 meditations I were listening to was on repeat so I had to move to turn it off when it got on repeat. So I will fix that and make a new attempt this night.
I did not remember any vivid dreams this night and I wasn't as aware as in the dreams as I have been the previous nights.
But on the coming attempts I am not going to focus on going into the dream, instead I am just going to aim for conscious sleep and let the dream come to me.
Now some minutes ago I actually had a breakthrough in meditation ;) I managed to stay aware for 50 minutes without falling asleep, which I usually end up doing. What I did was instead of focusing on an anchor like my eyes or my breath I focused on the awareness of my location. Close your eyes now and just think of where you are, you can somehow "sense" it. And everytime it felt like I was concentrating too much on my thoughts I focused on that.
Next time my body fall asleep and my mind is awake, I will try this meditation and maybe I will find myself being aware of a completley location! :)
Just a little motivation for you:
It took Stephen LaBerge, Robert Waggoner and most of the other lucid dreaming authors 25-30 to learn to frequentley lucid dream and to control the environment, so if you are struggling just remember that you are still doing better than what they did. And for me, it took the guy who learns from Don Juan about 2 years to focus his attention to anything he wanted in his dreams.
I am going to shorten this time span!