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    Getting Closer to Mirrors

    by , 12-12-2016 at 01:19 PM (465 Views)
    I was on my computer. I noticed that there is a strange program reading my mind, and I suspected a virus. For some reasons, I went on Gaia online and saw that my avatar looked different and was worried I got hacked, but then I realized this was my alternate account. I tried to log in to my main account but some strange AI is preventing me from doing so, or rather, it's trying to help me log in but it's doing a terrible job. My dad is here. I got a bit annoyed at the AI's incompetence and said that it sucks so much I would wonder if I'm dreaming or not. Turns out, I am dreaming. I ditched my dad and the AI and left the room, which is within some kind of condominium. The hallway is lined with mirrors, which was convenient for my lucid goal. I looked for one that I can step in, and I tried to do so, but it didn't work out. I tried for a bit but my dream was losing stability despite my efforts to stabilize it.

    I woke up briefly, recalled my dream, and then transitioned back to dreaming. I was in a food-court-like building, open to the outdoors. I lose stability again and woke up.

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    Tags: dad, mirror
    lucid , dream fragment
