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    Fantastical Adventures

    5/18/18–5/30/18 (L) | Wind, Storm, Pony, 200 Years, Wii Semantic

    by , 06-03-2018 at 04:38 AM (518 Views)
    -F-Don’t remember much other than a bag of plums and a bit of smash bros.

    I traveled around Washington cascades looking for something. The weather was sunny. Later at an airport, I told a person “105, 895”. At one point, I jumped high in the sky, and landed in a blue place on a ledge. I think I found fire somewhere too.

    One day, I was in a very hilly town when the weather was sunny. I looked at the forecast for the day, and it said “exciting thunderstorm” amidst natural storms in the hourly category. Not long after, Drudge Report said there was a hurricane in the Gulf, just after a disturbance hit Florida. I looked at the radar and saw a very large cluster of strong storms coming from the north in NY state. Later, that came down to near DC. I was at a version of FCC and an exam was approaching. Thy didn’t matter much, as it was postponed due to weather. When I was inside a building, I looked out the window and saw the dark clouds outside. I went to the roof with a camcorder and Tripp’s and hit record. There was a shelf cloud and a visible precip core beyond it to the southwest. To the NW was more precip indicated by the blur. Soon enough, things happened. A friend was with me on the roof, which had weird holes in it. The wind picked up to an extreme intensity in seconds; to a sufficient degree as to push me off my feet. I stuck the tripod in a hole and held on. My friend held on, too. He had trouble. That had to be 100+ mph winds from 0 in a few seconds. As one went on, rain fell as well. Later, when the storm was mostly concluded, I found my damaged camcorder on the wet concrete floor. To my surprise, it still worked, so I removed the SD to prepare to transfer files soon. This dream was a ton of fun.
    -F-Something about holes in the ground.

    Had to study for a chem test. There were pockets of snow in the ground in Saudi Arabia in May 17. It was powder.
    [New Scene]
    If Russia became a free country, it would mean mobile phone carriers in the US would instantly move over and cause chaos.

    -I drove a “Wii Semantic”, which was like a segway. It had 2 small tired angled outward, and the controller was a wiimote. Top speed was at least 30 mph. I was in town, buying hundreds of dollars worth of gaming-related devices and games from all 3 companies. I tried to pass a car, but they sped up. At one point, I drove in one wheel, but discovered that it was the slow way.
    -I found anthro Twilight Sparkle. After making a friendship with her, I accidentally traveled 100 years into the future. Later, I made that mistake again, totaling 200 years. I found a computer in a nearby store and searched for TS before she found me in person. I was really glad to see her. The apparent cause of time travel was traveling on bridge rails for awhile. My older sister showed up once.
    [New Scene]
    There were some interesting clouds building while riding in the car in a town. There was also a small dust storm.
    [New Scene]
    I saw S1 of Doctor Who. I saw some daleks. Later, I looked at a window and saw multiple planes in the sky, and several close to a runway bumping into each other. There was at least one explosion.

    -I tried to look up where specific moments of movies were from.
    [New Scene]
    Dream journal scene where I remembered nothing of what was written.
    -I was on a plain with snake, trying to guess where moments were from in games. Each area of a map would be a different moment. Snake ran between a few. Later, my sister showed me how to glitch a truck on a freeway. Get in, collect zero units, and go. The result is a shaky, floaty vehicle in the air. I ran back to the truck I was using before the tow truck picked it up. I then proceeded to glitch it out. I could not see anything in the distance.

    I time traveled a few years into the past. I had my Wii, so I set it up with a monitor. Then it broke. Luckily, 2 people gave me $10 each, so I had the $30 to buy a new one. Also, I was in a grocery store for some reason, and had to buy some misspelled broccoli. Later, there was a boy and a girl running with a huge wagon down the hall. This was an analogy to something else that meant my objective was unlikely to be met. I then had emotions of despair and denial.

    5/26/18 (L)
    -I was in a hotel room half as big as the actual one. I was hearing a constant noise, so I used it to stabilize. Turns out that it was the air conditioner IRL.
    Time: 20-30 seconds

    -There was a grassy area off a road, and Dad and I decided to drive on it. We headed perpendicular to the road for 50ft, turned a corner around some brush, and stopped when we realized the area ahead was flooded, with grass floating on top. We made waves. So we turned around and went back, but then we were walking, and then wading through 4ft deep water.

    Neverland episode in mlp. Raritydash was reacting to it. Several minutes in, it was a very cool episode. There was a live action segment with a middle-aged guy with a thick mustache. It wasn’t Captain Hook, but he sure did look the part.

    Something about having trouble with golf.

    5/30/18 (L) L1 DILD
    -I could fly, and I thought of iron man, so I used that style. At one point, I tried switching gravity to the ceiling of the room, and I succeeded in instances. Later, I played a puzzle game and would you rather. It involved bees.
    Time: 40-60 sec

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