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    Fantastical Adventures

    9/2/17 (L) L3 SSILD WBTB | Waterfront

    by , 09-02-2017 at 03:04 PM (857 Views)
    -1(L)-I became lucid somewhere. I did the Procedure, spent minimal stabilization time, did the procedure again, and did some more minimal stabilization. The dominating color of the scene was a dull purple. I got to Layer 3, and that’s all I remember.
    Time: 7-11 minutes
    -2-I had to hide in my old house under some cardboard and random clothes/blankets from someone else for some reason. In the same scene, I avoided buying something from a seller that didn’t deliver the first time during this nerfed-post-apocalyptic time.
    [New Scene]
    The scene was a sunny waterfront with a small plaza and an oddly-shaped, polygonal building. I asked a working man on the plaza where some food was. He said something like,
    “4 steps to the right, 5 to the back, and it’s on the left.”
    Sure enough, I found corndogs in a fridge at the location he gave. It was around the back of the building.
    DawnEye11 likes this.

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    Updated 12-27-2017 at 04:36 AM by 67050

    Tags: house, waterfront
    lucid , non-lucid


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      “4 steps to the right, 5 to the back, and it’s on the left.”
      Sure enough, I found corndogs in a fridge at the location he gave. It was around the back of the building.
      So specific but worth it.
      Jacob46719 likes this.