Apr 23:
, 04-23-2014 at 05:28 AM (630 Views)
Date: Apr 23
Sleep Length: 7h
Techniques: DILD
Dream Summary:
(1) I'm in class, sitting next to li, I'm getting along with her extraordinarily good, her laughter looks stupid though, I can remember seeing her face which means it was fairly vivid, the teacher said she doesn't know what the bell sounds like, and I exchanged with some student (AG) sheets/candy, the sheets were from a test and he failed
(2) at home, I look at my scars on my shoulder and I'm angry coz it doesn't heal faster, I'm in front of a cupboard, changing my plasters, then I'm in the living room and my mothr tries to call the grandparents (with a wrong number). Then they're suddenly there because I was thinking of them (I guess), and when I tried to find their number in my address book they saw stuff they weren't supposed to see. then my mother showed me a "report" in front of my room. It was folded like a letter, apparently it was for raspberry syrup and it was written in black capitals. She told me this is what a report is supposed to look like. I assume the words were gibberish
(3) I was with (LR) and we went through an underpass and met a bunch of girls who were going to a party or something. we knew some of them, those I didn't know resembled other people I know (which made me think "Something isn't right", but sadly I didn't go lucid)
(4) I was kinda watching a movie but I was also somehow part of it. We were in the forest (family) and we were playing around and we got to a pond. when we went there the second time it was suddenly kinda blurred and strange and I thought it was because of a nuke or some weird bomb. I was looking for my family (thought they died, strangely emotion was indifferent/curious), I found my siblings playing on a meadow and looking through a hole in a rock, on the other side was a red light which looked like fire. The meadow was cold, the grass was bluish, it looked like an autumn day/dusk
Vividness (1-15), Awareness (1-10): 6/5
Emotions: don't remember
Tags: in class, next to li, teacher: bell, AG: exchange sheets, candy;; at home, scars, number from grandparents, report (syrup, capslock, folded like a letter);; underpass, group of girls, party, almost lucid;; movie, lake, atomic bomb