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    Apr 25: cafeteria

    by , 04-25-2014 at 03:40 PM (398 Views)
    Date: Apr 25
    Sleep Length: 6h
    Techniques: DILD
    Dream Summary:
    (1) I was at a place where I could eat free food. (Perfect dream, haha). It was like a cafeteria, I seemed to go there every morning and there was a bunch of people my age (like 100-200). Maybe it was kinda like a special school, idk. There were special kinds of food, like some chocolate-nut mix, weird yellow berries (Physalis I think), loads of orange juice and semi-opaque bluish jelly. the place with the hundred people was downstairs, upstairs there were about 10 people, which seemed to be more arrogant and "better" or smarter (teachers? rich nerds?). I almost always accidentally went to the "better" people at first, until I realized I'm at the wrong place and went downstairs.
    Vividness (1-15), Awareness (1-10): 1/2
    Emotions: happy about the food, pretty anti-social
    Tags: PT, morning, free food, chocolate nut, yellow berries (Physalis?), orange juice, stairs

    Note: recall after 1 hour, I moved too much

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    Updated 04-27-2014 at 08:42 AM by 68865

