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    Apr 30: creating levitating boats and trees

    by , 04-30-2014 at 04:53 PM (699 Views)
    Note: I would normally separate dream (1) into 2 dreams, but they're kinda connected, because in both dreams there was a voice which told me I can summon things by expecting them to appear

    Date: Apr 30
    Sleep length: 7.5h
    Techniques: DILD
    Dream Summary:
    (1) I was located at the middle of an ocean. There was no land around me, I basically didn't have a body in this dream, my eyes just levitated above the water. I heard a voice telling me to imagine a ship. It was the voice of a teacher. I started to see a ship. It was long, very white and clean, with some red stripes. Then the voice said I should imagine that it's levitating... and of course it started levitating then. It started to look more like a train and less like a ship. And it started to turn into 2 ships, a (still) long one, and an almost spherical one.
    Then I was at a completely different location. I was in a forest, with big trees. The reason I'm merging those 2 locations into one dream is because I still heard the voice telling me what to imagine/expect. As if the voice was trying to tell me that anything I expect starts to exist. But I was too stupid to become aware of the situation. There was a row of people, and they all started trying to create big trees. I should have created one too, but I didn't want to, I just stood up and looked at the trees the other people have created. Some trees were beautiful, others were grey and almost looked like concrete. One tree was crooked and broken. Then I found I person I hate in wake life, li. The weird thing is, I get along with her in my dreams, as if we're friends. Maybe it's a message by my subconscious that I should give her a chance before judging her. The tree she has summoned was amazing. I laid down on the ground, it was very sunny and I looked up at her tree. I think I couldn't even see the top, it was huge. There were no branches either. The last thing I remember about this dream is being rather content and seeing her smiling.
    (2) This is only a fragment, really. I've been in a desert, or maybe somewhere else, but in any case it was pretty dry and warm/hot. There was an AV star, but I didn't find her attractive. She was about 40 or so, and she was on a swing. We were talking about something, but I don't remember the topic. I guess I woke up then
    Vividness/Awareness: 2/2
    Emotions: content
    Tags: levitating ship, small ship, forest, big trees, li, teacher;; AV star, swing, desert

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    non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I didn't realise you'd posted any more dreams! I've subscribed to your DJ so I thought I'd get a notification or something...

      Anyway, great detail in your recall! And it seems like you're starting to remember longer segments of dreams, too.

      I sometimes dream about a girl who bullied me at school, and we are always really good friends in the dreams. It actually helped me to get over my hatred of her in waking life, because we've 'made peace' in my mind, and it opened me up to the possibility that there might be a nice side to her deep down.