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    May 5: drawings

    by , 05-05-2014 at 06:09 PM (626 Views)
    Date: May 5
    Sleep Length: 7h
    Techniques: DILD
    (1) I was in a classroom with a bunch of people (about 50), I sat on a seat on a platform, about 3 meters above the floor, together with a friend of mine (v) I remember seeing the ceiling from above, as if I was inside it. We were drawing stuff. A friend of mine (jt) drew mice with blood around their mouths and I drew a naked lady and said "It's a leftover from the last international women's day"... I'm normally not sexist or anything. There was more, but I forgot the rest because I didn't write it down
    (2) I was on a journey or something, it was summer I think. Well, it was night and I sat on a table with my father and some strange people (guests, probably friends of my dad). The chairs looked like the chairs from my elementary school. For some reason I had to go outside and walk a few miles.
    (3) It was drizzling and I locked a car. very grey, so many clouds. I was in a small village I think. I forgot so much because I didn't write it down.
    Vividness/Awareness: 2/2
    emotions: indifference
    tags: classroom, v, ceiling, drawings;; vacation, guests, table, hiking;; car, drizzle

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
