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    May 6: the mysterious forgotten dream and swimming tower

    by , 05-06-2014 at 09:23 PM (856 Views)
    Note: I forgot so much about those dreams, about 80%, just because I was too lazy to write them down

    Date: May 6
    Sleep length: 7h + 1h (nap in the morning)
    Techniques: DILD and nap
    (1) There was a dubious tower in a public swimming pool. there was a bunch of people, some of them naked I think, some not. I think I was naked, and there was a friend of mine. We climbed on top of this tower and apparently there was a platform up there. We played some weird game, I remember it was a game in which I was some emperor or something like that. It was fun.onesi
    (2) this is the mysterious forgotten dream. I wrote the tags down, but as soon as I finished I stopped thinking about it and now I've forgotten it and only the tags are left. So it seems I was in class with a certain professor. And we were talking about an exam I think, and I wanted to put it off because I had a surgery and therapy (?), which makes sense because that's exactly what I did in wake life, but somehow my cell phone was involved. go figure.
    (nap) I fell asleep, had some kind of FA and dreamed I was writing my dreams down (haha), later there was a redhead girl lying in the grass, wearing a weird pajama which you can open to shit without having to take it off. I think I was gonna fake-rape her (coz she actually wanted it I guess), she was squirming on the ground but she kinda turned into a replication, a fake girl made of plastic, the plastic was orange and I oiled it up and put stuff into it... I never knew I had this many sexual dreams

    Tags: game, nude, tower, platform, swimming, lr;; class, prof b, therapy, surgery, cell phone, put off;; FA, DJ, faye, sex toy, orange

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    non-lucid , false awakening


    1. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I have those dreams sometimes, about writing down my dreams. Make sure you RC every time you wake up to make sure you catch any false awakenings!

      Maybe sex is a good dream sign then! Keep that in mind, and affirm that next time you are in a sexual situation, you will ask yourself whether it's a dream. Or you could RC whenever you think about sex, but who knows, that might be all day!