Summer Competition 2024 - Night 12
, 07-18-2024 at 12:29 PM (85 Views)
I have a false awakening and I'm in my room at night, in the dark. I can't fall back asleep and I get up to look out of the window. I see a comet fly by in the distance really fast and disintegrate. For some reason I'm thinking it might be the Halley comet, in my head I think I've read somewhere it would show up this year (this is not true), so I try to pick up my phone to look up when it was supposed to show up.
I look out of the window some more and see some strange object with a few lights flying in the sky in a weird pattern before going out of view and I'm thinking to myself what I should do about it but I brush it off as not being important. Eventually, something clues me in that I might be dreaming and do a reality check, becoming lucid.
Looking out the window again I wonder if I should fly out and explore. I levitate above the floor and prepare to fly out of the window, however shortly after I lose all my senses and everything is dark, I try to hold on to the dream. For some reason I start narrating the dream in my mind, thinking about how I'm descending to the "thoughts layer" and that "they" noticed my presence (I'm not sure what any of that means). I eventually wake up, shortly before my alarm goes off.