An Avengers dream
, 07-08-2021 at 02:36 AM (590 Views)
Spoiler upahead!
Last week I had a dream.. I don't remember all of it. But I remember in the dream, I was waking up kind of fuzzy or blurry? All I know is I could only see the outline of people around me and could hear their voices. And they're mostly men and not just any men but superheroes from Phrase 1-3 of MCU. Oh and I should mention they were "Suited up" as well so that basically was what I was seeing an outline of. But because of whom was there I could also tell I went back in time as well. But then the next part of the dream, I was in some kind of "Tony Stark Villa" (even though as I hinted, Tony isin my dream). The villa was kind of in the the style (but just a lot bigger and with a lot more rooms I mean when you had to fit ALL of the Avengers into it) of the "Fisher Price Original Little People A-Frame" House". Anyway, I don't know what was in the room, but I'm looking out the slidding-doors (which is what gave me the content of the A-Frame House) and the villa (or at least the part I'm in) is on a hill and it appears to be spring time (mid-spring maybe) and like not too far away from where I'm looking out and there's a sign on the hill which says something like "pregnancy ward" or something. I believe I cross the room (in the opposite direction to the sliding doors) and opened up the room's door which goes into the rest of the building. I'm not sure whom opened first, but I'm ending up staring at another Avenger (the only woman Avenger I seen in y dream) and It's Wanda (aka Scarlet Witch) across the hall.Spoiler for spoiler Avengers:Endgame:
dreams end
the A-Frame house looks like this: