Explosive Chemical Equation/Zoo Animal Water Slide.
, 06-02-2013 at 08:39 AM (671 Views)
I was at my mum's house.
Mum, sister, grandparents and aunt were there.
It was night.
I was burning things in my room.
For some reason, there was a giant chemical equation in my room, and it was actually a physical thing.
I brought it downstairs and showed every one but they said that I shouldn't burn it because it would cause
an explosion or something.
I then took it outside to the garden and went back inside.
A while after that I heard an explosion and it turned out that one of the letters (that were in circles) had exploded.
I then walked into a town near the village I live in, but instead, it had a LOT more shops, and the hill where the shops
are were steeper.
I walked to the bottom of the street and found there were loads of theme park rides and water slides etc.
I didn't go on them yet and instead walked up the street.
I walked down again, and heard someone say that you should buy something from the music shop because he's running out
of money or having a child or something, and outside was a girl from my school (although I'm not in school anymore),
which I immediately knew was the daughter of the music shop owner.
I then decided to go on the rides, although, one of them had shut down and there was a pile of rubble in the entrance
blocking anyone from getting through, there was also police tape in front of it, but instead, it was yellow.
I then went (I think) on a water slide. The slide was huge, and REALLY tall. At the end of the slide, the nice
50-ish year old coronation street type woman told me that I would want to buy protection, and bat, or a stick, or something
at the stall/market/shop at the end of the slide, but that was pointless because you couldn't reach it till' you had
finished the ride. I then saw a girl and her father beside me on the slide, the dad was carrying a black baseball bat
looking foam thing. As we got closer to the bottom, I could see big pictures of a hippo, a crocodile and giraffe, each
picture had people in foam coloured suits trying to stop us reaching the bottom, in between the slop of the slide
and the flat bit of the end was water, so I had jump over. After doing this, the dad hit and made the people in the middle
crocodile picture disappeared so they could run through. When I tried to run through, I got about 3/4 of the way through
until the people in the hippo picture grabbed me and I flashed back to the entrances of the ride.