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    Instant Lucidity and Guides? (/O w 0)

    by , 05-27-2014 at 05:04 PM (1084 Views)
    I couldn't sleep last night and ended up falling asleep at 6am. But I got lucid as soon as i entered the dream. I was on my bed and decided to go outside because the house was empty and the quiet surrounding was kind of creeping me out. I got outside the house and saw the world was filled with trees and the ground was covered in bright grass and orange colored leaves. It was really pretty so i went out to explore it. But suddenly a anime guy with a gun appeared and tried to shoot me. I ran calling for help and he cornered me in a house. Eye came out and stopped the guy from killing me but he disappeared quickly. I decided to leave that place and found my dad in the street. We were walking to a party but he pointed to a sign that showed the people changed it from 12 to 1 to 3pm. But out of no where I lost my clothes and covered myself with a curtain i found. There were other girls too. They were naked and one was kissing this guy in a bathroom stall. I thought she was kissing someone i knew so i told them to stop. But when I opened the stall they disappeared. My nephew than appeared and i told him this was a dream. He was just playing around but i told him to follow me cause we were going to go on a lucid dream adventure. We ran,appeared on the stairs of my house and kept running to the door entrance but when i opened it my nephew disappeared and there was a fat girl with a white mask, small blue lights around her and in the corner of both my eyes i could see creepy black creatures smiling. The girl looked like a spirit. She started to speak to me but i couldn't hear anything she was saying. It was so low so I told her to speak up but she just kept talking and talking about something. I than got a little scared so i told her I believe in Jehovah. I think she said "oh you believe in" than kept on talking. It was annoying but i woke up after a little bit.

    In my second dream I appeared in a random place in front of a entrance to a huge basement. There was a dark skinned lady who i met in my other dream about the ointment in the basement. She seemed really nice and welcoming as she was preparing for a party in the basement. I had a feeling she was going to tell me something about someone I knew though. I asked her is this about [insert name here]. She said yes. I than asked her if he was evil and she said yes. She told me to come down because she wanted to show me something. I was scared I was going to get bad news. I walked into a room with her that took us into a hospital. I told her I was scared but she reassured me it was going to be okay. We walked into a room and there were fat people being checked by a female doctor. The lady guide told me to sit down so i did. She said If I kept talking to this guy my skin will get paler, I'll gain more weight and stress in my life.Like the people who were old and fat in the room. She even showed me a patients arm there who was really light. I told her ok and saw she had a chicken in a black plastic case. I was like Ooo~ chicken~ Than took it and bit it. But it was really nasty cause the meat was like a squishy ball of fat, so i spit it out. Than we left the room together. I saw the cookie monster a few other people there. I was going to get some chips but i decided to wash my hands first. I started to wash my hands but i woke up.

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    Tags: dream, guide, lucid
    lucid , memorable
