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    Indian Rail

    by , 09-11-2011 at 07:41 AM (721 Views)
    11 Sep 2011

    We were on holiday in India and we had just arrived in a small town on a train. The train was horrible in the sense that there was no security and it was dirty and a little crowded. After arriving, we became more like native Indians than tourists. We were new to the area but living like locals. There were these special electric lanterns which cycled through three different levels of brightness. The dullest was barely enough to illuminate the ground in front of you, the middle level was bright enough to see and be seen but would not blind anyone and the brightest could illuminate everything to the horizon. I decided that I wanted to go for a walk and mum insured that she accompany me since this land was new and dangerous. My brother and father ended up coming along also. It was night time and we elected the middle brightness level. We left the village and climbed a hill to a low ridge along which ran the main road through the area. There were few cars on the road. Having crossed this road a field opened up before us. We knew that somewhere in the field was the railway line on which we had come in. We walked out into the field and came to the line. There was nothing on it so we crossed. We came to a second line and found a man stuck in the rails but left him there to die because we did not want to get caught up in his business. We continued and crossed three more lines. The was a train in the distance on the first but we crossed anyway as we had plenty of time. The second had a train much closer but I judged that we had plenty of time at the speed it was traveling so I crossed but my family waited for it to pass. The third was much closer again and I would have been hit and died if I had tripped but I still risked it and survived. There were many more but I do not remember specifics. All I know is that the trains were either packed full, dirty and old or completely empty, clean and new.

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    Tags: holiday, india, trains
