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    summer comp 2024 days 2+3

    by , 07-08-2024 at 11:51 AM (155 Views)
    7.6 - mob chase
    - i became lucid somewhere outside, there was a crowd of people kinda angry at me or something, first i tried to jump trough a wall into a store but it didnt work, i thought that i just dont believe enough and did it again, now i was inside (+10)(+5) and did it again to be outside, the people have surrounded me and i was kinda fighting them off (+2) mostly forgeting about my lucidity

    +10 phase trough a big solid object
    +5 three step task part one

    8.7 - clubbing with grandma
    - me, my grandma and my sister all climbed the facade of this building to get into a rooftop club for free, i have a memory (it was a memory in the dream) of watching someone else climb up and say they'll never find out since it is dark outside, i started talking to a dude on the terrace because he seemed familiar, then i saw my friends and a random dude started offering me molly, i declined but he convinced me eventually, we went to a table in the corner and i watched him do a line and he said its my turn, i realised i cant do this since my grandma could see me so i left him and started looking for my friends, i couldnt find anyone and went to this birthday party deeper in the club, i was still on edge because i didnt have a ticket and i didnt know anyone, the girls celebrating did a little parade and i found my friends eventually, they were still talking to someone and i tried to convince them to leave, it took a long time but we eventualy started leaving (it was bright outside now), i said i need to get back to the terrace because i may have forgoten something (i planned to leave there because i didnt want to go trough the front), my friend had keys from pretty much every door and we took a big detour trough many rooms including a room looking like an ikea with mirrors which lead outside, i said i dont need to go to the terrace since i have everything, i noticed i have my headphones twice so i did an rc (+1) and became lucid, remembered i need to fly so i asked for wings (+5) and flew (+5) up to this rock wall which had shoes on it, i then read a billboard advertiding bananas, my flight was not the best, but i kept trying to fly to space because it is my 3step task, then it started to rain and became windy, there was a mom with a son and they were struggling to hold onto this parachute, so i flew there and took it from them (+2) hoping it would help my flight, it didnt and i woke up soon after

    edit: i just remembered more infor from the second dream.
    - once i was outside and lucid, i kept thinking about where i am sleeping irl, the nightclub part was really long so i assumed that was real and i was considering that i just fell asleep inside, this made me worry for my wallet and phone so i eventually gave up and woke myself up on purpose
    Saizaphod and LeaoLouro like this.

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    Updated 07-08-2024 at 07:40 PM by 101041



    1. Oneirin's Avatar
      Haha in the club with grandma! Great! Hmm I should try flying to space too - would be cool way to get to other planets/dream spaces.
    2. 10cccordrazine's Avatar
      there was a mom with a son and they were struggling to hold onto this parachute, so i flew there and took it from them (+2)
    3. Dianne's Avatar
      The alience takes prority above morals, also there is no way the kid would be able to hold onto it in such strong wind
    4. 10cccordrazine's Avatar
      also there is no way the kid would be able to hold onto it in such strong wind

      But jokes asides, cool dream! I always struggle quite a bit with flying but have found partial success by using objects. My go to is normally a broom, witch-style.
      Never thought to ask for wings. Will have to try it next time!
      Dianne likes this.
    5. Dianne's Avatar
      i used to struggle with flight a lot in the begginig and wings specifically were the biggest game changer, it also helps me to touch them first so i really know they are there. (proppably the reason it went worse this time)

      Even when i managed to fly before, i never had such insanely detailed controll of my movement, wings let me do spins and change tiny details of my movement. Proppably easier for me to imagiine since i see birds fly all the time.

      Also i would steal from that kid again, no hesitation.
      LeaoLouro likes this.