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    Fair, DayZ, & Spooky Restrooms

    by , 06-29-2014 at 10:19 PM (788 Views)
    I don't remember the particular order of these dreams, especially since they're mainly fragments.

    A few acquaintances of mine (that I've never seen before IRL) are sitting with me at this fair. The fair resembles Seattle's Hempfest (haha), and I can feel the warmth of the sun in the sky. We're camped next to some vendors on a blanket, and apparently we're intended to sell curly fries. I can remember the smell of the oil & ketchup. We had a some-what decent amount on a tray, but it looked too complicated to sell individually. Clever me decides to get up to the 'help-yourself' section of the fair where there's plastic sporks, butterknifes, napkins, etc. There are varying-sized trays, but I happen to pick a handful of these to distribute the curly fries.

    Our neighboring vendors whom also appear to've situated themselves on a blanket get competitive with us, stealing some of our fries to put on their American-cut fries. My partner and I appear aggravated, but that's the extent of our anger.

    Another dream was set in DayZ, some town north of Berenzino. It looked different to the ideal town, but the church was still there. Here I am, firing my mosin at either zombies or people, but I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my heart as I constantly ducked for cover. I was pretty geared up, too.

    Eventually, I stepped into another dream where the building appeared more formal. Maybe even a government building. The ceilings were tall, with some sort of (blue?) flag draping down the wall. I made my way to the women's restroom, where for some God-awful reason they appear so odd in my dreams. The stalls were low, so everyone can see a 360 of the other stalls. Somehow, I end up peeing for a while 2 minutes where during the process, about 5 Asian males enter the restroom. They, just as confused as I was, look around as if they were lost.

    At least it wasn't another high-school dream.

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    1. Narwhal's Avatar
      Ah DayZ, that game has given me some frightening zombie dreams